The reaction of the savages and cannibals was not too intense.

No one questioned Gai on the spot. He thought it was a good beginning.

At the same time, it also made him feel much better, and he was confident to continue.

"The second last word is to make me the only patriarch of the two tribes after the merge!"

As soon as these words came out, it was quite normal just now. The elite troops organized, who were constantly talking about Ming and Zack, all widened their eyes and looked at Gai in front of them.

They didn't seem to understand what Gai was talking about before.

"Are you kidding me? Let this guy become the only patriarch of the two tribes."

This was a cannibal. He was the first to express his dissatisfaction and anger, and even had an idea to come up and compete with Gai.

"What the hell are you talking about? What's so good about you? Our young patriarch hasn't spoken yet!"

"That's right! In a word, we agreed to merge the two tribes and there was only one clan leader! And he must be a savage."

Some savages expressed their thoughts at this time.

Immediately, some cannibals had an angry quarrel.

The battle between the two sides suddenly became complicated.

There was a look that they finally had a fight on Gai's face.

Yes, he was looking forward to the fight between the elite troops of Ming and Zack.

It would be better if someone questioned him and jumped out.

In this way, he could use his trump card to kill those scoundrels at one time!

"I thought they could keep silent all the time, but that's it?"

Gai chuckled to himself.

He seemed to have begun to foresee his future.

That were his second last words, which made all the young patriarchs and Shamans crazy at this time!

"Then they will go crazy and attack me! I'll say something nice and then kill all of them! Use my strength to conquer these losers! Let them know what a stronger man is!"

"At that time, I can rely on this performance to come up with the idea of conquering them again. At that time, I can rule the two tribes!"

"Hahaha! I'm a genius!"

He couldn't help laughing in his heart. He was as arrogant as a general who had won.

Then Gai looked fiercely at the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack!

Especially when he saw Shamans and the young patriarchs!

His eyes were full of aggressiveness, full of desire to break out.

However, to his surprise, even if his attitude was full of arrogance, his face was disdainful, and his eyes were full of provocation.

Even so, the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack didn't feel anything wrong.

"What the hell is going on?"

Even Shamans and the young patriarchs didn't dare to look at him.

"Are the power of the last words much greater than I thought? If I subdue them, then I can take over the two tribes more easily?"please visit

At this time, he only felt that his head was swollen, because happiness came too suddenly.

All of a sudden, he felt a sense of happiness.

Even the mockery of the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack had disappeared.

"Now that you cooperate with me, what else can I say? I'll thank you all first!"

"In the future, we have to rely on everyone's help! We have to make greater contributions to the merging of our two tribes!"

Gai's voice became loud and full of desire, which made him completely unaware of the strange expressions on the faces of the young patriarchs and Shamans.

"There seems to be something wrong with this guy's brain!"

"That's right. We didn't say anything. Isn't it obvious that we don't support him to be the leader of two tribes at all? How can he think that we acquiesce in his idea?"

No one could understand what Gai was thinking.

But no one dared to refute Gai!

This caused an embarrassing situation!

That was, after Gai announced that he would be the future leader of the two tribes, the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack saw that their leader did not have any reaction, and an idea came to their minds.

"Oh my God! Does my boss think that he is a perfect candidate for patriarch? That's not right! No way!"

"Why did this happen to us? Is it a witness of history? Am I a witness?"

"I can't understand! Why did this happen to us?"

"There are too many things that I can't understand! It's as if I don't understand why our leaders all fell into silence at this time, and our race members also don't know what they are going through now. Unexpectedly, no one will resist or question Gai!"

In a word, these cannibals and savages were completely confused by Gai's action and their leader's neglect!

This led to the fact that everyone would think that it was true that Ming and Zack had already appointed the heir. Otherwise, how could he make all the leaders silent just now?

"Come with me!"

Gai thought he had conquered the elite troops. Then he said valiantly.

"Well, everyone, be quiet. Don't talk nonsense anymore. I don't want to kill you all. Oh, no, I mean! I will be angry!"

He almost said something wrong because he was too proud!

But fortunately, he corrected himself in the end.

At the same time, he had also made up his mind. Since Ming and Zack both died, after he became the patriarch.

Then the first thing he had to do was obvious!

"Master Allen, you're doomed!"

His eyes were blazing with vengeance. He wanted to kill Allen now!

"Then the first thing I need to do is to summon all the cannibals and savages of the two tribes to look for the weaknesses of Master Allen! As long as I find his weaknesses! At that time... Maybe I can try not to kill Master Allen, but subdue him!"

Thinking of this, he almost burst into laughter.

It was the elite troops organized by Ming and Zack behind him. Because their leaders were silent, they were filled with reverence for Gai's identity.

Therefore, even if Gai was stupid, they would turn a blind eye to it! They pretended that nothing had happened.

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