Contrary to what Baracus was expecting Hao Xuan let out a hearty laugh as soon as the videos came to an end.

"Unworthy of my attention?? How dare YOU!! Heroic tale?? What was so heroic about that fucking tale? This one...the truth is far more 'heroic' in my eyes!"

He spat at the ground in disgust, "They did everything I asked for, and how were they rewarded? With slow and painful deaths, killing their own children and lovers while desperately hoping that I would save SOME of them before it was too late."

When his thoughts reached this point something clicked inside Hao Xuan's head and a wave of pleas came shooting into his ears. This was not his imagination.

Baracus was playing back some of the audio logs of the Orcs pleading for a way out in their last days.

'Master...can you hear me? Are you even real or were you made up like the humans said?'

'Why did you abandon us?! We gave up EVERYTHING for you and- I...I can't go on like baby...I just killed my baby...'

'I get it now...this is hell. We are already dead and this is our punishment for believing in a false god! DAMN YOU!'

And amidst the cacophony of angry curses a gentle voice cut through. It was so distinctively familiar to Hao Xuan that he immediately remembered his face.

'Master...I don't think you can make it in time,' Arthur's aged voice reverberated within Hao Xuan's ears as if he was standing beside him, 'I have tried to live up to your expectations, to what I thought you would want me to be. I have lived a long and fulfilling life. Hell, I even have a- had a would have liked him.'

'He was a great soldier and an even better leader...although a bit lacking in faith. He always joked that we made you up because no humans like you could exist. I wish you could have met him in person. He had such a bright smile, the kind that would make you smile in return you know? He was a little angry at you by the end but I told him it's not your really isn't.'

'This will be my last entry. We have nothing keeping us here anymore. Our last hope is to try and awaken Lady Nidhora but I fear it may be too late- no, I know it is....I have failed you master, can you ever forgive me? We were so close but things just fell apart one by one....maybe next time you know? Hahaha'

Hao Xuan could see an old Arthur walking away from him. A full white beard, hunched back and even using a walking stick. This actually was a creation of his own mind. When he tried to grab him the old figure was washed away by a gust of wind.

His extended hand balled up into a fist as all the sadness and despair turned into rage and fury.

"Look, their entire race has perished because of the choices I made and he still doesn't blame me! The promise I made to the old king is broken and the vow I made to the rest is as useless as the ground I stand on. And it's all because I thought it would be okay to leave them here. They were calling for me, praying that I would return like the God they made me out to be. But WHAT happened?!"

His fangs grew to the point that they began to peek through the closed mouth while his tone became heavier.


[Bood Pressure Exceeding Standard Range]

"SHUT UP!" Hao Xuan roared, creating a shockwave with his powerful voice. His eyes began to change next. The more he lost control the more the lycan bloodline took over.

"I try and try to keep it all down but every waking moment is more miserable than the last! TELL ME! Why are they trying to get to the control room?!"


"Because of the central matrix. It was an experimental design that utilized the unseen energies from beyond the veil without relying on the resources of this world. The 'Altron' unit thought it could help solve their problems but-"

"" Hao Xuan muttered word by word through gritted teeth.

"There was an unprecedented side effect when the matrix was activated. Aside from the extra-planer energy it also pulled in all mortal souls that were trying to leave the world shard."

Hao Xuan thought he had misheard Baracus so he asked again, "Are you...telling me that the souls of every single person that died in this world after the central matrix was activated are trapped inside of it?"

"Affirmative. They must be able to sense it even after the expiration of their mortal forms."

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