The Cursed Prince

Chapter 936: Rowenas Uncle

Chapter 936: Rowena's Uncle

Raphael looked over at Rowena and simply sat down by a table as he accepted the hawk bird that came from the God of Aviary.

The rest of his companions were already looking for him and insisting that he leave with them, but he refused to do so.

"I've included a letter, but I hope you can relay that I will not be returning anytime soon. If they wish to return to Cretea, then they may."

Raphael picked up the parchment and tied it around the bird's leg. "Also tell it privately to your god that I do not wish for any of them to follow me or attempt to visit me."

Raphael could already imagine that one of them, maybe Nymia might insist on personally coming here to convince him to leave but he wasn't going to be swayed.

However, before the first hawk sent by the God of Aviary came… another bird came hurtling in. There was an urgent squawk in his tone, but before Raphael could do anything, he paused.

"Mmm... Julian?" Rowena's voice called out at last. She had finally woken up.

Rowena woke up and she sat up worriedly. The first person that she saw was Raphael and she immediately asked.

"Where's Julian?" she asked. "Is he awake now?"

Raphael looked at her and realized that she was once again stuck in a delusional state of believing that Julian was still alive. Rowena didn't even seem to care that Raphael was in her room. She simply got up and made her way out of the room.

Her footsteps echoed hollowly in the hallway as she passed through corridors and then finally saw someone sitting in the dining hall.

"Julian!" Rowena's voice caught in her throat as she ran towards the hall.

Prince Liam's eyes widened and a look of relief crossed over his face. "Rowena, you're finally awake. That's good. Are you hungry? Take a seat first and have some—"

"Where is Julian?" Rowena asked him.


"He's what? Where is he? He must be awake by now hasn't he? Did you throw him into the dungeons? You must have, didn't you?" Rowena snapped at the prince.

Ever since Prince Liam showed interest in her, the man must have wanted to separate Rowena from Julian—that was why Julian got hurt in the first place.

"What? No!" Prince Liam shook his head vehemently. He looked at her and slowly said, "Julian is… your friend is… I'm making arrangements for his ceremony—"

Rowena grabbed the nearest knife on the table, stepped smoothly toward Prince Liam, and pressed the blade against his throat. "No. You can't do that."

Prince Liam looked over her, there was a look in her eyes that made him realize that it was a lost cause to indicate otherwise.

He then let out a sigh. "I suppose… I can't do it."

"Why else would you d

o it?" Rowena hissed at him and pressed the knife more to his throat. Before she could hurt Prince Liam, a familiar voice boomed through the dining hall and froze her on the spot.

"I believe it's not becoming of a princess to threaten her host with a knife, Rowena. I thought your tutors taught you better than that."

Rowena's hear skipped a beat.

That was...


"Impossible," Raphael said as he read the note.

If it weren't for the other bird flying all over his face and demanding the letter to be read—he would have chased after Rowena immediately.

Unfortunately, the letter contained an important note.

"Sighting of King Draco here? He was on another continent away so how would he even come here or even discover that Rowena is here?"

And yet when the letter arrived, it was already too late. Raphael felt the presence of a magical being and recognized it.

"One of the Elven Princes," he said, then immediately stormed out of the room. "Rowena!'

He chased after her but then it was already too late. Two men stood at the entrance of the dining hall, a portal just closing behind them.

One of them was dressed in a mortal human king's clothes, a sword strapped to his side and a golden crown over his head.

King Draco.

Raphael couldn't forget the cold expression on Rowena's father's voice. He hated the man to the core.

The other was an elven prince, dressed in fine robes that were of a magical and superior quality. He looked like he was in his late twenties, but Raphael knew this elf was probably around 200 years old, though still quite young for an elf standard. There was a wreath of leaves and flowers over his head.

The Elven Prince had golden hair similar to that of his sister's and more importantly of his beloved niece. For a moment, the Elven Prince was too enraptured by the sight of his relative and didn't notice Raphael right away.


Rowena froze and looked over her shoulder, the knife loosening over Liam's throat and then dropping into the ground.

She hadn't seen her father in over two years, almost three years, but she recognized him at once.

The man was still the same as ever, and even the way he spoke to her held the same amount of lecturing in his tone.

"W-who are they?" Prince Liam couldn't help but choke out as he touched his throat.

"That man is…" Rowena started.

"Forgive me, it's been quite a long time—it must have been a shock to see your father after all this time," King Draco said. "We haven't been able to make amends either."

"Amends?" Rowena asked. &nbs


"I would like to introduce to you, your uncle—the brother of your mother— his name is Jadeith."

The Elven Prince, who was introduced as Jadeith, stepped forward and approached Rowena, uncertainly he looked at her, and then he smiled soothingly. He could clearly see the similarity between his youngest sister and Rowena. This young woman was really his niece.

"It's so good to meet you at last, child," he spoke in a melodious voice, crisp and soothing like a cool breeze in spring.

"I don't understand…" Rowena said. She pursed her lips at Draco and spoke in an accusing tone. "You never told me about my mother, let alone my uncle. What do you want?!"

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