The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 659 Each Other’s Presence


Waking up with yet another hangover was the last thing Aurelia ever wanted to experience in her life. However, despite her ever growing hatred for alcohol, it would seem that she was simply doomed to constantly drink the damn thing if only to fit in.

[G-Great,] she thought with a wince. [And of course, I have no recollection as to what happened after the next few glasses.]

[I told you you should stop,] Aura sighed. [And yet you went ahead anyway, telling me that you weren't drunk.]

[At that point, you should know that I'm too far gone.]

Shaking her head, she blinked away what little pain she could muster as she sat up on the bed. Almost immediately, she could tell that something was wrong with how different her dress was now from what she remembered it to be last night.

[I can only assume that something happened between us?] she grumbled.

[That indeed happened,] Aura reported, her wolf's resigned tone almost making Aurelia dread what came next. [Thankfully, it's not the worst thing that could happen in your mind.]

[What is it then?] she warily asked.


Aurelia sat stock still as Aura recounted the events of last night. Thankfully, she was currently alone in bed as Calypso had clearly woken up earlier than her. Then again, the sun was already up, which also meant that she was already running behind her own self-imposed schedule.

Still, that realization paled in comparison to what she just heard from her wolf.

[...And that's the end of it,] Aura sighed. [In truth, I don't know how you'll salvage this.]

Indeed, the burning shame within her was only just enough to smother the fires of passion still burning within her loins. Why that was still there, she didn't know. But what she did know was that the image of her being delirious and moronic while getting Calypso off was going to hang over her pride forever.

[I-I can't…] she weakly thought, her thoughts trembling as she processed the information. [I can't show myself to him like this! Not now!]

[Then why not do just that?] Aura advised. [We can think of something else to do. Granted, we did ask him to help us learn what we're capable of.]

Oh, right… Still, they could probably put that off for now in favor of coming up with some way to salvage her pride from the disaster that was last night.

'I'll think of something,' she inwardly thought. 'Maybe not now, but I'll fix this…'


Unfortunately for her, she quickly realized that avoiding him was pretty much impossible due to their new roles within the Midnight Pack. In one way or another, they'll come face to face once again. And sure enough, the moment Aurelia went down to the dining room for breakfast, Calypso was right there waiting for her with food already set on their respective plates.

"Had a good rest?" Calypso innocently asked. 

"In a sense," she neutrally replied, her tone leveled as she took in his features. Sure enough, he looked absolutely smug with that perpetual smile on his face. "I thank you for your service last night. I'm sure that I wasn't a pretty sight to see."

"On the contrary, you were the most beautiful thing I've seen last night," Calypso cheekily remarked. "Although, I'd like for you to refrain from drinking from now on."

Aurelia raised an eyebrow at his words. She would've thought that he'd only encourage her to do so just so that he could continue to exploit that weakness of hers.

"I would assume that you'd like seeing me drunk," she probed.

"I do, but not that drunk," Calypso seriously replied. "Lia, you were incoherent. And that's not what I know you for."

She couldn't help but blush as she took meaning to what was hidden behind his words. He meant that he liked her for her intelligence, something that was clearly lacking in her whenever she was drunk. Hmm…

"I'll keep that in mind," she answered. 

"Do so," he repeated. "I don't want you getting too uncomfortable."

Once more, the blush on her face intensified, her heart skipping a beat upon hearing the worry in his tone. 

[He's actually afraid of hearing you ramble on like that again,] Aura inferred. [Seeing you acting like a fool unnerved him that much.]

Against her own better judgment, Aurelia couldn't help but think up ways to use this newfound information to her advantage. Although, while she knew that she could keep him on her toes if she pretended to be an idiot for a day or so, doing so would inflict so much damage to her self-esteem that it was just not worth it to do so despite the advantage that it'd afford her.

"You should eat," Calypso suggested, shaking her away from her thoughts. "I'm sure you're hungry."

"I'll do just that then," she nodded. "Thank you, Calypso."

Wordlessly, the two began to eat, her mate eating alongside her as he watched her. In fact, he was watching her a bit too eagerly. 

[He must be waiting for your response,] Aura supplied.

[Which means he must've been the one to cook our food,] Aurelia finished. [I can use this.]

"It's delicious," she complimented, her words measured as she waited for his reaction.

"I'm glad you think so," he smugly smirked. "Cooked it all myself, you know?"

"I can tell," she smirked. "Any other person would've gagged at how savory it is."

She couldn't help but chuckle as she watched Calypso's expression fall right before her. Not that she was lying, of course. She liked her food salty and savory. 

"I guess I still have a ways to go," he sighed.

"Hey now, I'm not lying," she scoffed. "I like my food savory."

As if to emphasize her words, she took in another spoonful of her meal, carefully chewing as if to show that she was enjoying her food.


"I suppose you do then," he smiled. "I'll make sure to make your food as savory as possible."

This time, Aurelia gave him an authentic smile in appreciation. She did enjoy his presence, and the fact that he wasn't bringing up what happened between them last night did much to help him endear himself to him.

'He's considerate,' she inwardly chuckled. 'I'll give him that much.' 

"Anyway, do you need any medicine?" he asked.

"I'll manage," she casually waved him off.

"That's good," he nodded in relief. "We can start your training then."

Aurelia blinked before she remembered their deal. "I'll look forward to it."

Their breakfast then went on as planned. They didn't speak with one another, but the silence between them was a comfortable one as they simply enjoyed each other's presence.

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