Chapter 302: Encounter

Azure Dragon noticed the danger at the same time and quickly jumped away.


Where the three of them had been, something landed and exploded.

Pushed a few meters away, Colorless fell on the floor and rolled to a standing position. She turned to check what it was while her heart was still pounding. It turned out to be the body of an adult man.

It didn’t have a head, and its flesh was grayish pale and bloated, covered in rust-like mold spots.

As soon as it landed, it burst and splattered thick viscous dark-brown blood like a sausage with cheese filling.


Another headless body with mold spots fell, splattering the same eerie blood next to the first body. This one looked like an adult woman.

Bam, bam bam!

Bam bam bam!

One after another, headless bodies fell from the dome ceiling, exploding upon collision.

Azure Dragon, War Tiger, and Colorless backed away while looking up, breaking into goosebumps. They saw the ‘cocoons’ at the center of the ceiling peeled off, and the countless bodies that had been stuck together fell in quick succession.

During the next half a minute, a macabre rain of cadavers ravaged the center of the palace hall.

Bam, bam, bam, bam.

More and more bodies fell and exploded.

In an instant, a pile of bodies had formed in the center of the palace hall, the viscous dark-brown blood spreading in all directions.

The three of them retreated again, shock overtaking their expressions.

“Azure Dragon!” War Tiger shouted.

Azure Dragon said decisively, “Get out of here!”


Another infant cry hit.

The three of them should be running away, yet their rational minds instantly crumbled. They couldn’t move their feet and ended up stuck where they were.


The wail intensified, growing in volume and falling into disarray.

At that moment, there was nothing the three of them could do. All they could think of was to scream at the top of their lungs and break down into tears, or even drop to their knees to beg for mercy.

Suddenly, the crying stopped.

The complete silence lasted three seconds.

During those three seconds, they looked up at the pile of bodies not far from them, face pale.

It wasn’t that they wanted to look at it, but that a strange, irresistible power was forcing them to.

It was as if the grim reaper was holding their chin and keeping their eyes open with their skeletal fingers, forcing them to keep watching.

Countless headless bodies shuddered, and the thick, brown blood stopped spreading. In fact, the pool of blood was retracting as if time was being reversed.

With the blood as glue, the bodies assembled without rhyme or reason, forming a monstrous abomination in three seconds.

It had an enormous head, a bloated body, and crawled on its limbs.

Covered in rust-like mold, it had a giant, vertical red eye at the center of its skull, which shifted around before lowering slightly, the dark crimson irises reflecting the faces of despair of the three paralyzed humans.

The abomination opened its large bloody maw at them. Writhing bodies could be seen at the back of its throat.


The wail came from inside the abomination, projecting an eerie presence that disoriented and corrupted.

Azure Dragon bled from his nostrils and the corner of his mouth before he collapsed without a sound, losing consciousness.

Having high Willpower, Colorless didn’t immediately break down, but at the same time, she was subject to greater pain and disorientation more keenly.


Holding onto her head and covering her ears, she dropped to her knees in pain, feeling like she was torn asunder.


Holding onto the last strand of his consciousness, War Tiger raised his hands and slapped his own ears with great force.

The powerful impact shattered his eardrums in an instant, and he bled from his cochleas. Without his hearing, War Tiger felt the clutch around him lessening even though he could still sense the multidimensional corruption from the evil cry.

To make an analogy, he had been trapped in a marsh with no way to even move, and the more he struggled, the faster he would sink.

Now, though, it felt more like a couple ghosts were haunting him. Although he still couldn’t quite move freely, he could at least put up a fight.

Calming himself, War Tiger drew a long, slim dao from his back.

The Black Gold blade was light silver, a stark contrast with the black hilt, at the bottom of which was a brand of a green dog’s fangs.

In the past, he only ever used the weapon when it was a life-and-death situation between him and his enemies.

War Tiger’s face was deathly pale, yet he was grinning, his eyes blazing with a terrible madness.

Killing Expert.

At full force!


There was an explosion of air bursting. Then War Tiger shot toward the abomination of cadavers at supernatural speed, diving between its legs.


Air seemed to go still for half a second, and the abomination’s two left legs were cut off at the thighs, splattering dark blood like a blown-up jelly.


The abomination lost its balance, and its wails became disjointed.

Finally, Colorless was granted a short reprieve right when she was on the verge of breaking down.

The abomination’s two cut legs fluttered around on the ground like fish out of water before each quickly growing four bloody, slim legs, turning into two independent abominations. One rushed toward War Tiger, while the other targeted Colorless.


War Tiger rushed at the smaller abomination like a high-speed bullet again.

Without even slowing down, he cut the abomination in half with his blade before charging toward the main body.

Then with a precise dive, he cut the abomination’s other two legs.

He returned to Colorless’ side.

His down jacket had long been broken by his unusual range of motions, and it was entirely coated in thick corrupted blood.

He pulled off the jacket, revealing his well-built muscles and countless scars left by bladed weapons under the black tank top.

With his eardrums shattered, War Tiger couldn’t hear his own voices. He thus sounded a little strange as he said, “I can’t hear you. Give me a gesture if you can still fight.”

Face pale, Colorless made an OK gesture at him.

“I’ll leave the three small ones to you.” With a twist of his wrist, War Tiger’s Green Dog Demon Blade vibrated. “Let’s go!”


Colorless felt an explosion of air currents on her side. War Tiger had already charged toward the legless abomination like a phantom.

Meanwhile, the three smaller ones transformed from the legs War Tiger had sliced off lunged at Colorless.


The crying continued, but weakened.

Colorless drew a dagger from her waist and stabbed it into her thigh, the pain further pulling her mind out of the chaos and disorder.

She forced herself to concentrate by pinching her lower face.

Her eyes widened and quickly became bloodshot, and her red hair flew into the air and danced around madly, each strand moving like the head of a red snake.


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