The Conquerors Path

Chapter 638 638-The Healing Sector

As I said, the whole of this sector is a very harmonious one, well at least during the normal times. During the times of Healing War, yup you heard it, a Healing War, the whole place turns competitive, a very powerful competition to see whose healing capabilities, or whose healing style is the best.

During those times, it's a very heavy situation here. Though it's a fun competition for the rest, to the ones competing, it's their chance to get their name to the world, a good one to make their name in the history of the academy. And at that time, the ones to suffer and gain at the same time are the lower-ranked students.

The lower-ranked students, the ones barely hanging on here, hoping to somehow graduate, to them, it's a time of pain and gain, for these healers would then look for the best ones to practice their healing on, to get better as fast as possible. And the best way to get better at healing is to keep repeating the practicals.

And due to that, the poor lower-ranked students would be the ones to take it on. It's not at all forced, and there are other ways to get help, but the students are the best recipe to do that with. Thus everything will get for the better yet worse for those at the bottom.

'Though that's not currently my problem.'

As I thought of this and just walked onto the road, Clara walked up to me, she was different from her maid dress, now wearing one more prone to graceful movements yet hinting at her status as a healer.

Clara's presence was like a breath of fresh air. Her long black hair, elegantly tied into a ponytail, swayed with every graceful step she took. Bright brown eyes, gleaming with intelligence and kindness, captivated anyone who dared to meet her gaze. But it wasn't just her physical beauty that made Clara stand out – it was the subtle, adorable addition that stole the spotlight.

Two small horns protruded from her head, a unique feature that, rather than diminishing her allure, added a distinct charm. Far from intimidating, the horns gave Clara an endearing quality, reminiscent of a small, delicate creature that inspired a protective instinct in those who encountered her. Despite her beauty, there was an innocence and vulnerability that emanated from her.

Clara's petite frame, standing at 1.6 meters, further contributed to the perception of youthfulness. As she approached, her healer's attire accentuated her slender form without compromising her mobility. The subtle green hues of her clothing resonated with the natural essence of healing, symbolizing growth, renewal, and the nurturing of life.

The robe was tailored to fit her slender frame, accentuating her figure without compromising comfort. Delicate embroidery adorned the edges of the sleeves and hem, showcasing intricate patterns that conveyed a sense of sophistication. The embroidery, in shades of gold and silver, shimmered subtly as Clara moved, adding a touch of refinement to her overall appearance.

A sash of a slightly darker shade of green cinched at her waist. Underneath the robe, Clara wore a simple yet comfortable tunic and trousers in coordinating colors.

While thinking so I spoke.

"This time I want you to walk with me."

I responded, these words bringing a lighter smile to Clara as she stood beside me and the two of us started to head out, moving through the much-decorated area, while I asked.

"Why did you stand beside me when you knew what I wanted?"

"I just wanted to hear you say it."

Clara replied in a light tone, her little possessive side making me smile as my eyes started to take in the area.

The Healing Sector of the academy unfolded as a harmonious blend of ethereal structures and bustling activity, with soft, rounded edges and intricate carvings that depicted scenes of rejuvenation and life.

The structures were adorned with vines and flowers, living elements seamlessly integrated into the design. Magical wards and symbols, glowing softly, adorned the walls. The overall ambiance exuded a serene yet invigorating energy, creating an atmosphere conducive to healing practices.

As I strolled through the area, I encountered a diverse array of students and practitioners, each belonging to a different species, and representing a myriad of cultures. 

The students, engrossed in their studies and practices, showcased a kaleidoscope of colorful robes and attire. The clothing, beyond its aesthetic appeal, often carried symbolic significance, representing the healing tradition each individual followed. Some wore garments infused with light motifs, while others donned attire that mirrored the darker hues of their healing practices.

Magical creatures and familiars could be seen accompanying the healers, serving as both companions and assistants in their work. Ethereal beings of light hovered beside some, aiding in the casting of spells, while more earthly creatures roamed freely, offering a soothing presence to those in need.

In the open courtyards, gardens bloomed with a myriad of medicinal herbs and flowers. The arrangement was purposeful. The gentle fragrance of healing herbs wafted through the air, contributing to the overall sense of well-being.

The central plaza of the Healing Sector was a hub of activity, featuring a grand fountain at its core. The water within sparkled with healing energy,. Around the fountain, students engaged in lively discussions, sharing insights and techniques with one another.

Small cafés and resting areas dotted the landscape, providing spaces for contemplation and relaxation. The students, in their moments of respite, shared stories, and laughter, and sometimes even engaged in impromptu healing demonstrations. 

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