The Conquerors Path

Chapter 624 624-First Crumb Given!

Austin POV:

'Now that's all settled nicely...'

I mused as I watched at Sabrina lying on the bed, her face looking very gentle, a serene expression painting her features in the soft glow of the setting sunlight filtering through the window. The platinum strands of her hair cascaded over the pillow. Her emerald eyes, usually filled with determination, were now peacefully closed, their usual spark temporarily dimmed.

The room seemed to bow to her presence, and the air itself whispered in hushed tones, acknowledging the royal elven woman's slumber.

Sabrina's natural allure was undeniable, her features gracefully sculpted and radiating a timeless elegance. Her skin, pale as moonlight, seemed to glow with a soft luminescence, adding to the enchantment of the scene.

The gentle rise and fall of her chest, a rhythmic dance with the calm breaths she took in her sleep, added a layer of vulnerability to her regal presence. The lean contours of her body, with moderate proportions, suggested a graceful strength hidden beneath the delicate exterior. It was the kind of beauty that held both power and fragility in perfect harmony.

The air held a delicate fragrance, a subtle mix of nature and the unique scent that was distinctly hers. She looked very different from the face I met back in the past—a meeting between the two of us that lasted for a short while but one that I made sure to leave an everlasting print in Sabrina's mind. From here, I need to play my cards right if I want to make her utterly fall in love with me, greater than her love and duty to her people.

The plan and path towards that are quite complex, and it will take step-by-step guidance from my side till she is hopelessly in love. In truth, Sabrina herself will keep guiding herself to fall in love with me. Using Elerium, I have moved the first crumb to her mouth, and like a dying traveler in need of water, Sabrina will find the rest of the crumbs whenever I want her to.

And the final piece to the fantasy tale that I am weaving will be the poison now flowing within her, the functions being a bit related to her curse, and I will even be using her curse to weave the epic tale of sacrifice and hidden support of a man.

One that will bring tears to the eyes of every woman once they hear it. Heck, they will all be madly in sorrow and love once the tale is woven, and for it, step by step, things are being done. I have kept the first step, and I would have to see how this would flow out before I make my next move. After all, this is not some mind-control shit, and I can't always be sure of how Sabrina might act in the future.

But even in that case, I have kept contingencies upon contingencies.

'Though the plot went better than I thought...'

In the game, the situation within the historic world of Elerium will keep changing upon which characters we come inside the historic world with. If we came up with the other playable character of human or demon, them being different species from elves, then we would have a relatively easy story play by Elerium.

But if we came with the elven playable character, then things would have taken a shittier turn with extremely hard things being thrown the player's way to survive. That woman Elerium might not admit it, but she's a sucker for different species' love and their existence. She hates to see the same kind of love between the same species.

'Plan A it is...'

"Did Elerium say anything special to you?"

As I asked this question, my face looked seriously at Sabrina, my eyes catching through all her expressions, enough to make Sabrina know that I was keenly looking at her feelings. Though while at the same time a bit of hesitation is also filling my face.

"Other than the fact that I am cursed and am to live a horrifying life? No."

Sabrina replied with a dry tone, looking at me. Seeing so, I 'heaved' out silently as I leaned against the chair I was sitting on.

"Looks like you know it now."

I spoke, my eyes peering out the window looking at all the people moving around.

"I do."

Sabrina replied back in a calm tone as she too gazed out the window. I stayed silent enough to let the silence between us become comfortable as I asked.

"What do you plan on doing now?"

A thoughtful look took Sabrina's face at that question. She turned to look at me with a slight smile as she spoke.

"Fight for my life. Isn't that what I have always been doing?"

"True that."

I replied as I smilingly looked out the window, but Sabrina didn't relent at the opportunity as she asked.

"What did you get out of that realm?"

To this, I kept my eyes on the window as I spoke.

"Something useful."

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