"Yeah, you are a good girl"

I said as I patted her hair with light touches, treating the greatest mage as a little child, she seems to enjoy it as she started to giggle like a little child.

'Just what's at play here?'

My gaze turned cold for a moment after which I smiled at Aria, two times a 'deviation' involving me took place and both times I seemed to have profited, one getting me a whole city and a woman of power while the second time I got another powerful woman, the greatest mage to walk the lands.

'In a glance, I seemed to have won but is that truly the case?'

While keeping my question in my mind I turned to the 'little girl' with the power to destroy kingdoms and Empires, power comes with responsibilities and the one in front of me has no such idea of responsibilities, from what I could gather she seems to have the mind of a 7 or 8-year-old girl, calling me daddy.

"My little princess, how are you feeling?"

I asked with an indulging smile.

"I am fine, daddy!"

She said with a childish smile on her beautiful face, seeing so I chuckled and patted her head, which she seems to enjoy, though my thoughts were completely different from what I was showing on the outside.

'Legendary Hero or not, you will have to pay a price for trying to use me'

I cupped Aria's chin as I looked at her, my eyes starting to shine in several stars as I looked deeply into her soul, seeing through the things hidden deep within her.

'Just as I thought she ain't that stupid, is she'

A smile tugged my lips as I saw through the things kept deep within her, the divinity that blessed her, her latent talents hidden deep in her soul, and the securities she placed within her, I could see that it was impossible to place any slave seal on her, it's also not possible to try to place any mind control or to take control of her.

'But you made a great mistake, thinking that I can't do anything'

It would seem that whatever the deviation it is, it didn't give her any details about me to Aria and she is confident in her powers and surely took all the precautions she could, not knowing that I could do much more than she could imagine.

"So my little princess what do you remember?"

I asked, by now the two of us landed on the ground while Aria kept sticking to me, I send back Farah to my body if I didn't I am sure that a war will begin, one that won't be pretty to watch, plus with Aria here she is able to control the place here so that I don't get hurt.

"I only remember seeing daddy!"

Aria said as she snuggled deeper into me, her face the very definition of happiness and satisfaction, hearing this I placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"Then what can my little princess do?"

"What do you mean daddy?"

She asked as she tilted her head in confusion, seeing so I pointed at the largely created ice sculpture.

"Make it disappear"

Just as I finished speaking Aria looked towards the ice creation she frowned at it and just as she did that lump of ice disappeared as if it was never there I could even feel a small spatial shift in the area.

'No incantation and a surface level command of mana though mind, terrifying'

The mana itself seemed to move according to her command, something which is a gift to the Dragons, no other species was capable of such command yet she could do it, though it wasn't surprising as she was raised and taken care of by dragons, its a story of legends that very living mage looks up to.

"Did I do good?"

She asked as she turned towards me, to which I smiled and patted her head making her squeal in happiness but from my point of view things ain't as good as it looks, in my hands I hold a bomb with the power of untold proportions and while controlling her might be easy it is also deadly, after all, she has the mind of a child, which means her actions at the time would be unpredictable.


"Daddy, is something wrong?"

She asked me with a worried frown seeing me sigh to which I just shook my head and smiled.

"It's nothing but my little princess can you turn into a cat?"

I asked, knowing her she must have reached the peak of transmutation magic, one that no one will be able to easily see through.

"Of course!"

Aria shouted as she turned into a golden-haired cat with green eyes, as she did so she jumped into my shoulder and snuggled in happily.

"So warm~"

She muttered as she lay there, seeing I stood up and patted her body while doing so I made use of my destruction aura to easily pierce through a small part of her defense that was already placed, after doing so, I gave the snugging little cat a treat.

"Here taste this"

Aria didn't hesitate and a few seconds later she started to feel drowsy and soon she was in a nice enjoyable sleep, seeing so I took her from my shoulder while taking out an orb that sucked her in, placing her in a suspended space.

'Looks like I will be needing to really take that children's class'

Musing myself in those thoughts I flapped my wings as I disappeared from where I was, reaching up high in the sky as I looked down on all the problems that go on. Finally, I focused on the main thing I need to deal with.

'It's time I settle that'

My body vanished from my current position as I kept flying through the sky going towards my next target or in this case my sister, I have already let her stew for the appropriate time, now I better take what is deserved and let her be a bit free.

Within a minute I was flying over a very elegant-looking abandoned city, with rubbles spread around everywhere, I could also see several students moving around, several students of different factions rallied together, moving with a target to protect and provide.

'Looks like everything matched'

By now everyone had gotten news about the killing taking place here, they would all be idiots if they didn't get news of the slaughter taking place, looking down I could see everyone gathered here, Olivia, Carmel, Ella, Isabella, Angelina, Marlene, Catherine, Nell, Ron, Raze the cat prince and the other holder of the ring, a prince of another kingdom, his name Bale.

Sabrina wasn't here but if my reports are right then Emily must have met up with her and she along with her faction would arrive here by tomorrow, the other elven ring holder isn't here, and must be making his diabolic plan to take this whole settlement down.

'Manh, gathering them in was an effort'

It's no surprise that they were here together as I played the middleman between all of them, pulling the string such that they would all end up here, lost, targeted, and with extreme friction.

Extreme mistrust ran deep within the gathering, no one could trust each other, yet they have to stay around each other if they wish to survive, anxiety, fear of the unknown, and death were lurking around them, making the atmosphere completely unbearable.

The vampires under Rin barking down at the werewolves of Angelina, the different elves' friction grew higher, the land and sea Beastmens on the rise.

The whole situation is a dynamite waiting to be lit and burst.

'There you are'

My eyes landed on the hero running between the different factions to make things alright, I could see that he made new friends.

'Let the play begin'

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