Ashton's POV

It was Friday, and the moment I woke up, I couldn't stop the smile that spread on my face because I was meeting my girlfriend at school, and most of all, what made me so excited was that we were going to my grandfather's estate tonight. After what happened between Megan and me at my favorite spot in Astikoz hills, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I realized we became closer to each other. I felt so glad she trusted me since I could tell that night she was on the verge of begging me to take her.

I feel so happy that I don't need to hide my relationship with Megan anymore, and we are now always together during breaks and lunchtime. I picked her up at her house every morning, and sometimes, if we didn't have football practice in the afternoon, I would send her to the fish shop, and I felt glad Anthony was cool having me around at the pet shop the entire time Megan was working.

Well, I usually end up buying fish every time I go there. Ava and Cole would be so delighted because I bought fish for Megan's sister and my brother as well, and one day we realized they were getting closer. I could tell their closeness was different, and when I asked Cole about it, he only told me he likes Ava like a best friend since he doesn't feel anything more than friendship to Ava, and when at first we thought Ava was crushing my brother we found out she likes Cole's best friend. Megan and I felt relieved because we couldn't imagine if they would also take the same path we were taking.

It could tell everyone on campus is now used to seeing Megan and me holding hands in the hallways or every time we are together. During activities at the school auditorium, I would sit beside my girl, and most of my teammates complained that I didn't have time for them anymore, but my girl always told me to join them, but I chose to be with her. 

We were on our way to our class when she excused herself and told me she would go to the ladies restroom, and I wanted to come with her, but suddenly some of my teammates called my name, and she insisted I should talk with them and she will go to the restroom alone. After talking with my friends I went to our classroom, but I couldn't find my girl. It has been for a while, and I wondered what took her so long.

"Al, have you seen, Megan?" I asked Megan's best friend.

"Nope, the last time I saw her, she was with you in the hallway," Alice responded, and I suddenly felt worried, and when I saw Zach getting inside the room, I could tell right away he wanted to tell me something.

"I think you girl is in trouble. Lauren and her friends cornered her at the ladies' restroom." He said in more than a whisper, and before I could even move my legs, Alice was already at the door. I ran outside in a hurry while Zach was following behind me, and I wanted to ask how he knew, but I didn't have time. I needed to save my girlfriend, and I felt glad Alice went ahead of me since she is a girl, and it would be awkward if I got inside the girl's restroom right away.

Before we could get inside, I could hear Lauren's voice, and she was shouting at Megan. Alice got inside first while I followed behind her, and I was so angry when I saw the girls holding Megan in the hands while Lauren slapped and pulled her hair; I could tell even if Lauren's friends had my girlfriend's arms, Megan still kicked Lauren hard.

Alice pushed the girls while I shouted to them. And her best friend immediately removed the cloth tied around her wrists, and the minions of Lauren's moved away to the other side while only Lauren remained standing on Megan's side.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself for doing this to my girlfriend? What is wrong with you?" I asked while I took my girlfriend into my arms, and I was looking at Lauren's eyes, and I could tell she was trembling when she realized I saw it all.

"Ashton, she hit me first." She said with a trembling voice, and I could see the tears that welled up in her eyes, and I could tell it was all for the show.

"Lauren! When are you going to stop all this craziness of yours? You are hurting Megan for what reason?" I asked in an angry tone.

"I already told you, if you are going to hurt Megan again, let us forget that we know each other," I said as I brought Megan to the door.

"Ashton! Please don't do this to me. I will tell your dad about Megan, and I will tell him your girlfriend is a slut and very poor!" She shouted, and I stopped in my tracks; and I could feel my face was so red with anger, and I turned around to face Lauren and teach her a lesson, but Megan held my arm and stopped me.

"Ashton, she is not worth it. I know who I am, and no matter how she will drag me down, knowing you love me is enough to make me feel secure. Trust me, and I am okay." She whispered, and I took her hand, and we walked out from the girl's restroom holding hands, and I felt glad Megan didn't push me away. I was afraid if she would stop talking with me again because of Lauren. 

The moment the bell rang that signaled our last period was over, I got out of our classroom hastily because I wanted to reach Megan's classroom before she could get out, and she weakly smiled at me when she saw me waiting outside.

"Wow! Impressive!" She said, and she linked her arm with me, and I felt so happy because she didn't know I ran so hard to meet her since I was afraid she would bail on me, but it seemed what happened at the ladies restroom didn't affect her at all.

The moment we arrived at her house, Megan got her things, and I felt glad she prepared everything last night; and I smiled when I saw the guitar I gave her on her other hand. We said goodbye to her entire family, including Dexter, who happened to change his day off. 

"Have fun, guys, and Ashton, please drive safely, son." Megan's father said while her mother came to us and hugged us both.

"Happy birthday, in advance, dear." Mrs. Corteza said, and I smiled at her.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Corteza," I replied, and I got Megan's things from her hand, and the rest of her family sent us to my car, and we waved our hands before we left her driveway.

"Thank you," I said as I looked at her sideways.

"For what?" Megan asked, confused.

"For not running away from me this time, after what happened this afternoon, and I want to apologize that you were hurt physically and emotionally because of me, Meg. I want to protect you, but I failed miserably. I thought Lauren would be true to her promise to me, but I was wrong, and I was such a fool for believing in her words." I said.

"Hey, don't apologize to me; you have done nothing wrong, Ashton, Lauren is obsessed with you, and I could tell she will do everything she can to separate us. I made a promise to you that I would never walk away from you anymore, so here I am. I admit she hurt my face, and I am just glad my parents didn't notice the bruise and the swelling, thanks to Alice's magic hands." She said, and even if she was hurt, I could tell my girlfriend was still in high spirits. 

"Without my best friend's concealer, I am sure I will be in big trouble, and I am certain I wouldn't be sitting next to you right now if they found out I fought someone in school, actually not someone, since they were so many of them." She added.

"Do you know that I am proud of you?" I said, and she looked at me sideways.

"Why?" Megan asked, and I could tell she was curious to know why I was proud of her.

"You were able to kick Lauren hard on her stomach even if her friends were holding your arms, and they even tied your wrists. I couldn't believe them. I already reported them to the guidance counselor, and hopefully, by Monday, Mrs. Tom will call their attention." I said.

"I don't think that is a good idea, Ashton, and I think they will do something more sinister to me once they receive some punishment," Megan replied.

"I was the one who made the complaint, not you. Don't worry, Meg; they will never bother you again after that incident. I will make sure Lauren knows her place. I warned her, but she never listened to me. She still hurt you even if I begged her." I said, and I squeezed her hand. 

My grandparents met us on the driveway, and I was shocked that they were waiting for us to have dinner together, and I couldn't believe they didn't eat ahead of us. I could tell grandma Sarah and grandpa Henry was so happy to have us. 

After dinner, the four of us settled in the living room, and my grandma asked Megan to sing her a song; Megan was so excited to perform while I was playing chess with my grandfather. It was a wonderful feeling to listen to Megan sings, and my grandmother felt so delighted when my girlfriend sang her favorite songs. My grandmother cried when my grandpa asked Megan to play the guitar. At the same time, grandpa Henry sang the music of Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling In Love With You," and I know it was my grandpa's song when he first met my grandmother.. I couldn't stop clapping my hands when my grandfather ended the song, and I am so proud of my girlfriend for making my grandparents so happy, and I realized I also couldn't help myself from falling for her hard.

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