Megan's POV

Even if I wanted to be with my boyfriend, I know he needs to be with his friends as well, and I am just glad that my friends are with me. I let my hot boyfriend join his teammates so he could talk with them about their game. And I was having fun with my friends as well, and I am just glad that the girls didn't bother me at all, but out of the corner of my eye, I can see them stealing glances at me.

I can't deny that there is a part of me that feels so worried about what they might do to me because every time they look at me, they will whisper at each other. While the band was playing my favorite song, I couldn't stop myself from singing along with them. Only Alice, Ashton, and Oscar knew I loved music, and when I started dating Ashton, I made a composition. I just finished it recently, even if I am busy with my studies, works, and spending my time thinking about my hot boyfriend.

"Wow, it seems you are now enjoying your title," Alice said, and I furrowed my eyebrow.

"What title?" I asked, confused.

"Of course, Ashton's girl." She responded, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling, and my face blushed as I stole a glance at my boyfriend, and my heart skipped a beat when I caught him staring at me.

"Yes, I am," I said as I returned my attention to them.

"It seems like your boyfriend wanted to devour you, Megan, he can't take his eyes away from you, and even if he was talking with his friends, he kept on turning his head to you. I never expected that there would be a time that the hottest guy in our school would be so lovesick to a girl, and it is to someone so close to me." Oscar said, and I shook my head while I picked up a cheese stick on the table.

"Thank you, Megan. If not for you, I know I wouldn't be here. I will not experience this kind of fun. I have been dreaming of being invited to one of their parties, and it never happened because you know I am a nobody to them. But now that you became Ashton's girl, I am going to make myself ready; who knows, I will find my soulmate to one of their victory parties." Oscar declared, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. He looked so adorable checking out the boys from the football team.

"Do you have a new crush now that Ashton became my boyfriend?" I asked him, and he shook his head.

"I am sorry, Megan, I am still in love with your boyfriend, but you don't need to worry anything because I know I can never be in his heart because he only has eyes for you, and I think he should join us in our table because he was staring at you the whole time." He said, and I couldn't stop blushing, and when I darted my eyes to Ashton's table, my friend was right. He was still looking into my face again, and his intense gaze made me feel so hot all over my body.

The party continued, and I realized I was enjoying myself, maybe because I could feel I belonged to his world for once. No one insulted me and spoke hurtful things to me, and no one dared to come and talk with me from Lauren's friends, yet I still feel uneasy because I know Lauren can be so evil. I don't want to judge Lauren, but she never treated me fairly. She looked very beautiful, yet her wickedness equals her beauty. 

My body froze when I heard the vocalist of the band, Gael, call my name. I am one of Gael's fans because the way he sings makes me forget my worries. And I couldn't believe I would get a chance to see his band perform live. Zachary must pay them a good amount of money, and I realized these kids here are unbelievable. They spend money like there is no tomorrow. Well, I can't blame them since they didn't know how to be poor like us.

"Oh, no! Lauren sets you up, Meg. I saw her hand a piece of paper to Gael, and she talked with him. She is doing this to embarrass you. Show them

what you've got, girl, and let us see who will win this time." Oscar said, and I am not used to singing in front of many people, how much more with the wealthiest kids in our school and with my boyfriend's teammates and my favorite band.

"How could Lauren do this to me?" I softly asked.

"Lauren will always be Lauren, and I guess Oscar was right. It is about time you show your real talent to them, and let us see who will feel more humiliated. Go, Megan." Alice replied, and I could hear everyone calling my name, especially Lauren's friends, but I could tell they were mocking me. And before I chickened out, I stood up from my seat and walked to the stage with my head high.

I know I have to do this so that Lauren and her friends will stop bothering me. It wouldn't be enough for me to sing without playing the guitar, and that is why I asked to borrow an acoustic guitar from

Gael made his bandmates and the audience laugh. The way the vocalist looked at me made me blush, and I realized he was more handsome up close. But I could tell right away that nothing could compare to the feelings I felt every time I am looking at Ashton's compelling eyes, and maybe because it was because of the intense feelings I have for my boyfriend.

The moment I faced the crowd, I couldn't control

the rapid pounding of my heart. And as I looked around, I could tell that most of them were waiting for me to back down and to say to them that I don't know how to sing because I am confident that is what they wanted especially, Lauren. She wanted me to be humiliated and laughed at, but this time I will prove her wrong; not all the time can she embarrass me. 

I don't want to sing the song I composed for my boyfriend, but I think this is the best time to let him know I made a song for him. It is very special for me because I created this piece after he became my boyfriend, and it took me a long time to finish it because of what happened between us, especially the time I learned about Dexter and Isabelle.

When I started strumming the guitar, I couldn't stop my eyes from closing, and when I began to sing, it felt invigorating that I could feel every lyric of my song, and when I looked at Ashton, I smiled, and I knew the way he stared at me that he knew it was for him. I only looked at him until I finished singing, and I felt proud of myself that, at last, I was able to sing in front of a crowd. The boys stood up from their chairs, and I felt so happy that they gave me a standing ovation, some of the girls stood up, and they also clapped their hands.

Only Lauren's friends gave me hard stares, and I saw them leave the party after my performance. My boyfriend met me even before I could go back to my table, and he kissed me in front of everyone, and I could no longer hear what the band's vocalist said the moment I was in Ashton's arms. All I could hear was the cheers, and I felt so happy that they loved my performance. Ashton took me back to my table while he held my hand, and I felt so excited to be with my friends again.

"Wow! Megan, we are so proud of you! You were amazing out there." Oscar said the moment I sat down on my chair.

"Yes, Megan, you gave me goosebumps. I felt so proud that you were my best friend. Your song was amazing. The lyrics were wonderful." Alice seconded.

"Thank you, guys," I replied with a wide grin on my face.

The party continued, and Ashton didn't leave my side anymore, and he was holding my hand the entire time. And when the last batch of Zach's friends left, we started cleaning the whole place. And I couldn't stop myself from glancing at Ashton from time to time. He looked so hot as he dismantled the foldable tables and chairs. And then he helped Oscar bring them to the mansion's stock room while Alice and I cleaned the entire area, and we got all the trash bags on the ground at the back part of the house and threw them on the trash bins.

When we finished cleaning, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and when Zachary handed in his payment, I refused to accept the envelope since Alice and I agreed to help out for free.

"Zach, thank you for inviting us to your party, we want to help, and we enjoyed the party, and you don't need to pay us," I said, and his face fell.

"Megan, I know. how precious your time is, and I know you have so many things to do at your house, but you chose to come and attend my party." Zachary insisted.

"For once, I want to be a normal teenager, and thank you for making my dream come true tonight, and if next time you have a party, you can count on us. We will help you clean the mess." I said as I smiled at him.

"Well, thank you, Meg, Alice, and Oscar, you made my party more enjoyable." He said.

"Can we have a date tomorrow?" Ashton asked me when he pulled over in front of our house after sending my friends to their homes.

"Aren't you tired of me yet?" I asked sweetly, and he shook his head.

"It will never happen, Megan. I want to spend all my time with you; having you as my girlfriend makes me feel so alive and happy.." He responded, and I felt like I was floating in the air as Ashton cupped my face, and he leaned down and kissed my hungry mouth.

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