The CEO’s Perfect Mistake

Chapter 53 - Be His Girlfriend Again

Megan's POV

The week passed too quickly, and I felt so glad when Saturday came. I felt relieved that Lauren wasn't present the entire day again that we had cleaned her house. But there is a part of me that I can't stop thinking about her being with Ashton because I know they are together. After all, I heard one of the maids announced that Lauren was with her friends at the polo club. And I know wherever Lauren is, her friends would follow her around including Ashton, and his buddies. I tried my best to stop myself from thinking Ashton because I knew I would only get hurt in the end.

Ashton asked me if I was jealous of Lauren the last time we met, and I wanted to tell him yes, I do, but I don't want him to laugh at me. And I can't deny that I am so excited about our meeting tomorrow. I know I have many assignments and activities that I need to answer. Still, since I worked at Lauren's place today from eight o'clock in the morning until midnight, I only have time tomorrow to answer my homework.

"So, you will meet Ashton tomorrow again?" Alice asked while we were in the garden cultivating the flowers. The housekeeper was the one who assigned us for our job for the day, and I felt delighted we had to tend their garden since I love flowers too.

"Yeah, that is the plan. I don't have a choice, Alice, even if I don't want to see him, I need to meet my partner for this project, and I couldn't believe until now he has become my partner in our Literature class, can you imagine of all people I was partnered with Ashton." I said as I released a sigh.

"If I know, Megan, you are excited to be with him, right?" She asked, and I don't keep secrets from my best friend, so I nodded my head.

"Yeah, of course, and do you have any idea how hard it was for me to meet him because I still like him," I replied.

"If I were you if Ashton would ask you to become his girlfriend again, don't hesitate to take him back, Megan, because it is still the same; you avoided Ashton, for what? You still looked so miserable to me after you broke up with him. At least when you were a couple, I could see the sparks in your eyes. The best thing you can do is cross the bridge when you get there." Alice said, and she continued pulling out the weeds.

"And I know you are worried about, Dexter, but I don't think you need to make Ashton and yourself miserable when you can still enjoy your high school life being together." She added, and I smiled.

"Okay, I will follow your advice, Alice," I said, and she stopped what she was doing, and she looked at me with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Are you sure? That would be the best decision you can ever make in your entire life, Megan. If you do that, I will be proud of you; sometimes, it felt exhilarating to take a risk, Megan." She responded.

"I know," I replied, and I couldn't stop thinking about Ashton.

It was dinner time when I received a text from Ashton telling me that he would pick me up early the following morning. He asked me to bring some extra clothes, and I wondered where he would take me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling from ear to ear that I forgot to reply right away, and when I was about to send my text, I could see Ashton's name flashing on my screen, and I couldn't contain the rapid beating of my heart as I answered his call.

"Hello, Meg, did you received my text?" He asked, and I could tell the excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, I am sorry, I got busy, and I wasn't able to reply right away," I responded.

"It is okay, I understand, and all I want to ask is, are you free the entire day tomorrow?" He inquired, and I nodded my head even if he couldn't see me.

"Hey, Megan, are you still there?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I am just shocked why do I need to bring clothes, and why do we need to leave early?" I asked since I couldn't stop myself from feeling so curious.

"Relax, I know you will love where we are going, Megan; besides, I want to spend more time with you because I am missing you like crazy, Meg. And I hope you will come with me even if as a friend. I can't force you to," I didn't let Ashton finish his sentence because I felt so excited and didn't want him to change his mind.

"Yes, I love to come with you, and I miss you too," I said, and I could feel the knots on my stomach.

"Really? Oh, that is great, Megan, you make me feel so happy, and I thought you don't want to see me anymore." He said, and I could feel his excitement through his voice.

"It was the opposite, Ashton. I want to spend more time alone with you every day, even if I know we should stop seeing each other." I said, and this time I no longer filtered myself on what to say towards Ashton because I didn't want to be miserable again, and I realized my best friend was right. I need to give myself a break. I deserve to be happy and be with Ashton.

"Thank you, Megan, you make me feel so delighted, and I think I can't sleep tonight thinking about our date tomorrow." He said.

"So, it would be a date? We need to discuss our project together." I replied, smiling like an idiot, and I could tell Alice was so excited to know about our plan tomorrow.

"Yes, I want to have a date with you while we discuss our project; besides, I know we don't need to talk over about it anymore since we have the same ideas, and I realized great minds think alike, that is why I can tell we are both attracted with each other ." He said, and I felt my face turned red.

"Are you flirting with me, Ashton?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Yes, I am, and I want you back, Megan, but I don't want to talk about it over the phone. See you tomorrow, Megan." He said, and I know I was blushing even if Ashton wasn't talking in front of me.

"Goodbye, Meg. See you tomorrow." He said and ended the call after I said goodbye to him, and I couldn't stop myself from dancing after I talked with Aston as I put the phone on my chest.

"Wow, you don't need to tell me what is going on, Megan, but I can tell right away; Ashton asked you on a date," Alice said, and I gave her a sweet smile.

I asked Alice to keep it a secret because I didn't want Dexter to know about it yet. I know my brother already told me that it was all up to me to decide what I wanted with Ashton. And I think he will understand because I tried staying away from my ex-boyfriend, but right now, I can never do it because I find it so hard to forget Ashton Pritzgold.

I work for the rest of my shift with a beautiful smile on my face because I can't stop thinking about my date with Ashton. Even until I reach home, I am still glowing with happiness.

"Wow, it has been a while now that I see you look this happy and enthusiastic. Can you share it with me?" Ava said the moment I got inside our bedroom.

"I will have a date with Ashton tomorrow," I said, and my sister covered her mouth with a pillow as she screamed, and then she jumped on her feet.

"I am so happy for you, Megan." She said.

"Can you cover for me?" I asked her, and she nodded her head.

"Don't worry, Meg, I will tell Dexter you were with Alice, and you have another part-time job somewhere." My sister responded.

"Thank you, Ava," I replied.

"Your secrets are safe with me, Megan." She said, and we laughed together, and I felt so happy to confide with my sister.

After taking a shower, I lay in my bed, but I knew that I would find it so hard to fall asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about my date with Ashton tomorrow. And I wondered where he would take me, and since it was a surprise, I felt so intrigued. And the suspense is killing me.

The following morning I said goodbye to my mom with a beautiful smile on my face, and she smiled at me when she saw Ashton's car outside our house.

"Are you sure you are not going on a date, sweetie?" My mom asked, and I shook my head.

"Mom, we only need to finish our project together, and then he will take me to work," I replied, and I hate lying. Still, I didn't want mom to tell Dexter about Ashton and me because I wanted to be the one to tell my brother about it, and I know he would feel sad about my decision, but Dexter will understand.

I ran towards Ashton, and he looked so gorgeous waiting for me outside his car, and his intense gaze made me have mixed emotions.. Still, I can tell it was a combination of nervousness and anticipation of what might happen with our date today, but one thing I am confident I am going to make Ashton my boyfriend again, whatever it takes.

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