Ashton's POV

I love spending time with Megan, but we both have company to run, and I felt so excited to drive the love of my life to her office, and as I was driving her car; I couldn't stop myself from stealing glances at her, and I wanted to pull over on the side of the road and take her sweet mouth, but we don't want to be late because we both have early meetings to attend, and just thinking about Megan being the CEO of her company made me feel so proud of her.

And when we arrived at the parking area of her building, I could no longer control myself, and I kissed Megan right away after I assisted her in climbing out from the passenger's seat. I claimed her mouth without thinking reporters were waiting for her to come to her office. It was too late for me to protect her because they had already captured our pictures kissing each other, and for the first time, I let go of my fears, and I wanted to show the entire world that I am with the woman I love.

But I am aware that I needed to consider Megan's feelings, and I know that she doesn't want her private life to be known to the public, especially our son. I know she tried to hide her identity, but as of the moment, I could no longer give her that privacy because they surrounded us. I pulled out my suit jacket and covered her head while my arm was around her waist, and my other arm protected her head.

I dragged Megan with me as I made my way to the main entrance of her building, and they were all following us; they were throwing below the belt questions that I know will make my girlfriend upset later on, and even if I had been a celebrity for a long time now, I am not still used to be bombarded with questions on the spot.

I appeared as guests on many shows, but I seldom give impromptu interviews, But some questions made me stop on my tracks. I wanted them all to know the truth right away, even if I knew it would cause me too much trouble the moment my father would see the news on the television.

Still, I felt so hurt when they accused me of stealing Megan from Gael when the truth is I am the only man she loved her entire life. I am so fucking proud of it, and I could feel the trembling of my legs as I informed all of them I am Axel's father, and I let everyone know how much I love Megan Corteza.

I could see the shock on their faces and all of them gasped at my revelation; I never said I loved Claire to all the interviews I had before, and she was my fiancee at that time, but I am so tired of hiding the truth for so many years. I could tell it was about time to let the whole world know I was in love with Megan, and I didn't care if I would lose the company, and I knew I could find a way to support Megan and my son.

I needed to speak with Brent later about why he loosened up the security, but as of the moment, I felt glad my security team arrived and dispersed the crowd. I was able to bring Megan to safety inside her building. I could see the shock and fear on her lovely face, and I kissed her again to make her forget what just had happened. I didn't want to say goodbye to Megan, but I didn't want to look like a schoolboy, and I needed to go to work, and I sent her off to the elevator.

And I could see how her face blushed as I said goodbye to her, and I was watching her figure getting smaller as the glass elevator moved upward. I walked out to the exit with a happy face, even if I knew Megan would be affected by what just happened at the parking lot. Still, I couldn't stop myself from feeling so thrilled that everyone will know I am in love with Megan and I am so damn proud about it, and I could feel my phone keeps on ringing, and I am sure they are my friends from my football team or my siblings who are eager to hear what happened.

My secretary was waiting for me in my office when I got inside, and she was reading my hectic schedule for the day and the next day. Yet, I was not listening to her at all, I tried at first, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Megan that I didn't even remember who is my first client in the morning. I told her to let the client wait for me in the board room, and I was shocked to find Claire wearing a sexy fitted dress that hugged her body perfectly, and I didn't expect to see her early morning.

"Claire," I said in more than a whisper, and it would be too late to change the expression on my face.

"Why it feels like you have seen a ghost, Ashton, don't tell me you didn't know you will be meeting me this morning. I was hurt that you moved my appointment with you yesterday; it was last minute." Claire said as she watched me with her angry eyes, and I could see the hurt beneath her anger.

"If you wanted to be successful in business, you should act professionally, Ashton, and avoid doing something like that; you advise your client that you will change the schedule of your meeting on the day of the meeting, it would be a big no in business, and I am sure you were absent yesterday because you spend time with your girlfriend." She declared.

"My personal life has nothing to do with you, Claire, and I don't even know why so you need to speak with me when we don't need to talk about anything," I said coldly, and she gave me a wide smile.

"Are you sure about that, Ashton?" She asked while she ran her tongue seductively on her lower lip, but no matter how Claire will seduce me. I only wanted to kiss one woman, and I could never take away her face from my mind, and I could see the mischievous grin on Claire's face, and I suddenly felt nervous that she did something that could make Megan hide from me again.

"Cut the crap, Claire, I am a busy man, and I want this meeting to end right now; if you do not speak, what do you want with me. Stop talking with me in riddles because I don't have the time." I said as I could feel the irritation on my nerves.

"Relax, Ashton, and I know you needed me now; your father told me you will end up marrying me this year, and I don't care about those gossip about you and Megan because the news between us will always make everyone hungry for more." She declared.

"We both know the people in Majuscule and all over the country, especially in Astikoz, will always love our love story because I am the most eligible bachelorette in the entire country, and so many bachelors are dying for my attention, but I only have eyes for you, Pritzgold." She declared, and my beautiful and happy morning turned so sour as I looked at her in disbelief, and I felt my entire body weakened.

"You will lose your chance to run this company anymore if you do not have me; you don't need to marry me, Ashton; I am willing to be the mother of the heir of your father's company." She said as she smiled broadly at me, and I felt so angry that she knew about my father's condition.

"Yes, Ashton, your father loves me so much that he already told me about it before you and your siblings know about it, you need to give your father a child before this year ends, or else Lennon will become the new CEO if he can give your dad an heir, I could have Lennon, but I want you, and you know how much I love to have you in my bed, Ashton, and I missed our nights together." She added while I curled my fists on my sides as I looked at her.

"I am sorry, Claire, but you will never have me in your bed ever again; making you as my fiancee was a mistake, and I will never make the same mistake ever again," I said, and my words made her angrier.

"Don't push my limit, Ashton; you have been hurting my feelings lately, and I think you have forgotten who you are dealing with, and let us see how you are going to protect Megan from my wrath." She said as she stood up from her seat.

"Claire, please don't do this," I begged.

"Then, you have to choose me, Ashton, and you will have a perfect life ahead of you; you don't need to worry about losing your inheritance if you remain hard-headed, then I will make my move, and I can ruin Megan's reputation, Ashton, you know how powerful our family is, all you have to do is dump her and be with me." She answered, and I shook my head.

"It will never happen, Claire, and I will never allow you to hurt the woman I love," I responded in a stern tone.

"Then all you need to do is watch me shatter Megan's heart." She said while she was looking daggers at me and walked out from the boardroom without taking a second glance, and I jerked on my seat after she closed the door with a loud bang.

I was looking into space as I thought about the possibility of how she could hurt Megan, and I got up from my seat. I took heavy steps going back to my office as I realized I needed to keep Megan safe not only from the Media but also from Claire, whom I know can cause more trouble.. I could tell my ex would try to do everything she could to make my life a living hell, but at least I will always find heaven in Megan's arms.

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