The CEO’s Perfect Mistake

Chapter 115 - Stop My Craziness

Megan's POV

"Mom! Please wake up!" I heard my son's sweet voice as I groaned, and I tried my best to open my eyes; and I saw my son beside me, and I wondered why he woke up so early. I needed to ask Clara why she let Axel sleep a little longer.

"Good morning, handsome!" I said, and he kissed me on my cheeks, and my heart swelled with happiness. Every time I felt lonely, like when I couldn't help myself from crying because I remembered Ashton, I would only look at Axel, and my loneliness will be gone. I wonder until when I have to suffer from loving his father.

"Good morning, mom! Why are you still in bed? It is our field trip to the zoo today!" He said, and I got up immediately, and I was turning around my room, and I didn't know what to do.

"Mom, you have to relax, okay? We still have one hour to spare since the bus will leave at exactly 7:30 from the school ground." He said, and I smiled at him. 

"Can we meet your teacher at the zoo?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, Mom, we need to ride the bus; I promise Kim that we will be riding on the bus together!" He said excitedly, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Who is Kim again?" I ask as I pretended I didn't know about her friend.

"Mom, how can you forget about her? Kimberly is my best friend." He said, and I beamed at him.

"Of course, I am sorry, son; mom is getting forgetful these days, maybe because I am old," I said, and he shook his head.

"No, mom, you are still young. Do you know guys say you are beautiful?" He said, and his words took me off guard.

"What? When did you hurt that?" I asked.

"Anywhere, sometimes when we are in the grocery store or the mall." He replied.

"Why I haven't heard them?" I asked.

"Because they whispered in my ears when you are not looking." He said, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing as I got inside the bathroom.

I felt guilty that I had forgotten about his field trip, he had been bugging me about it, and I promised to go with him. I smiled as I thought my son was growing fast, and not only that, he was getting taller every day, and I could say he got his height from his father because he is the tallest in his class.

I smiled when I found him sitting on the edge of the bed, and I knew he was a good boy, and I didn't have a problem raising him, and I couldn't stop myself from crying every time I saw him alone because I couldn't stop myself from thinking about his twin sister. It breaks my heart to think I lost my little girl, I only held her in my arms for a while, and I hated myself that I couldn't save my little girl.

"Mom, are you crying again?" Axel asked, and I dried my tears before I looked at him.

"No, baby, mom is not crying," I said as I got dressed fast. I only wear jeans and a comfortable blouse. I blow-dried my hair and tied it in a ponytail. I got my sneakers from the shoe rack, and I smiled when I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Shall we?" I asked my little boy, and I could see the happiness on his face, and I knew I had to buy him a football ball before his birthday next week.

"Daddy!" Axel ran to Gael the moment he saw him.

"Gael, what are you doing here? I thought you would have your concert tonight in Astikoz; how come you are here?" I asked in disbelief, and he walked closer to me while he carried Axel in his arms.

"I wanted to surprise my godchild because I know once I tell you, you will never keep your mouth shut." He said as he smiled at me, and then Gael put down my son, and he ran towards his nanny going outside, while Gael put his arm around my shoulders.

"Thank you, Gael, for coming. I know you have been part of Axel's life, and you don't need to do it anymore. I don't want us to be a burden to you." I said, and he put his finger on my mouth.

"Megan, don't ever say that. I promised to take good care of you that night you came into my hotel room, and I am happy to be part of your lives." He said.

"I love Axel like my own son, and you become my family, Megan. You came into my life when I was at my lowest, and I was about to lose my career that day if you didn't show up. You were my angel, and I think Axel was my lucky charm ever since I became his godfather every time I release a single, it will become a number one hit." He added as we got out of the house, and I realized Alice had left already when I could no longer see her car.

"Gael, you have a beautiful voice and a very handsome face, that is why people adore you, and not only that, you are a good person inside out, and it is a waste that until now you are still single," I said.

"I chose to be single, Megan. I don't think there would be a girl out there who will understand my nature of work, I will always be busy, and I don't have enough time to date." He said.

"You always find time for us, Gael," I replied.

"Because you are my family. I became an orphan at an early age, so I don't have a family I can call until you came into my life." He said, and I squeezed his hand.

"Same here. I left my family in Astikoz because I wanted to have my son. I couldn't imagine giving my child away. And the moment I left that city, I knew I no longer had a family, and you have taken good care of me ever since. I will forever be grateful for your kindness Gael." I said, and we both laughed when Axel shouted that we would be late. I think I was in the shower, and that is why I hadn't noticed Gael's helicopter approaching.

"Gael took the key from my hand, and he sat on the driver's seat while I put my son at the back of the car, and Axel insisted on buckling his seatbelt, and I settled to the front seat with a broad smile on my face.

We almost missed the bus we were assigned to ride, and I was waving my hands to stop them, and we all got out of the car hastily. We ran towards the bus while Axel's classmates were having fun watching us, and they all cheered when we got inside the bus and took our seats at the back. Since we were running, we were catching our breath as we sat down on our seats, and I could tell my son looked so excited.

"Are you his father?" One of the mothers asked Gael when we climbed out of the bus, and he nodded his head.

"But they said on the news you are single, you are Gael, right?" She continued to ask, and I didn't want Gael to be put on the spot. For how many times he did this. He will always say yes if ever someone will ask him if he is Axel's dad every time we are together, and that is why many showbiz articles said he is married and have a child. I asked Axel to join Kimberly and her mom before speaking with the woman.

"Sorry, it is a misunderstanding, he is my friend and godfather of my child, so it makes him technically his second father," I said, and the woman nodded her head and left us.

"You have to stop doing that, or that kind of information could ruin your career," I said at him, and he laughed.

"I don't care besides, for me, Axel will always be my son, and I love it every time he calls me daddy; it feels like music to my ear." He said, and it warms my heart.

"Thank you so much, Gael, for giving us more than what we need. You shelter us, and you almost give your name to Axel when I gave birth to him, but it would be unfair to you. I don't want to be greedy, and you know that." I said, and he ruffled my hair.

"Of course, Ms. Corteza, that is why you never say yes even if I begged you to be his father on his birth certificate." He said.

"I know, Meg, you are a good mother, and I know even if you hated Axel's father, you are still hoping one day he will come back to you, and you will be happy again, and as your friend, I hope he will come back one day, Meg, so I can see your genuine smile once again." He said, and I couldn't stop myself from blushing as I half-laughed.

"That is a ridiculous idea coming from you, Gael. I can never forgive Ashton, and he will never know about my son." I retorted.

"Whatever, Megan, but you can never fool me," Gael said with sadness in his voice, and he walked towards Axel while I was left stunned. How could he say that on my face? I tried to ignore Gael's words and join them because there was no way I would be affected because of Ashton again.. He is getting married, and I should stop my craziness, and I think the only thing I can do right now is to find someone I can date, so my friends will stop thinking that I am still hung up with Ashton Pritzgold.

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