Ashton's POV

"What are you doing here, Ashton?" Zachary asked me the moment I arrived at his doorstep. And I can see the surprised look on his face because he knew that I had already left for Majuscule, even if we fought, and Zach had beaten me up, I know nothing changed with our friendship because I know we will always be best friends no matter what happens. After all, he is the only one who has the guts to tell it on my face that I was wrong.

"I need your help, Zach. I wanted to talk with Megan, and I know that she trusted you the most, so please call her, I have been calling her number, but I can't contact her mobile number," I said, and he opened the door wide for me so I could get inside his house.

"I am sorry, Ashton, but I can't contact her phone either; maybe she changed her number because she doesn't want you to talk to her anymore." He said.

"Of course, I expected her to do that, and then we don't have a choice but to meet her sister, Ava," I said, and I dialed Ava's number. I could feel the anger of her younger sister the moment she answered my call. I am just glad she agreed to meet us in the pizza house near her house, and I felt so happy that I am back in Astikoz, and I hope my family will never know I was here because I will feel guilty that after what they have done for me, I came back without telling them.

"What do you want, Ashton?" Ava said the moment we get near to her, and I am just glad she chose to sit on the far end table because I don't want anyone to overhead our conversation.

"Can we at least order some pizza first? I am starving." Zachary said, and I know he was only trying his best to kill the tension between Ava and me, and I could tell right away that Megan's sister was very angry with me. We ordered pizza and chicken, and then we ate, and I felt glad Ava was eating her food in silence. And as I ate my pizza, I couldn't stop the hammering of my heart.

"I will give you ten minutes to speak, Ashton. Tell me, why did you do it to my sister?" She asked in a stern tone after she finished her food, and I guess the pizza didn't change her mood after all.

"I wanted to see your sister, Ava. I know I made a big mistake, I should tell her everything, and she has all the right to know what is going on with my life. I stopped communicating with her, not because I didn't love her anymore. It was the opposite, and I need to stop being his boyfriend so she can have a better future." I said.

"You ruined her future, Ashton." Ava hissed, and I don't know what she was talking about, and I was wondering if my father had done something with her scholarship already? I know Megan didn't apply to my father's scholarship program. She got her full scholarship because of her outstanding academic records, but my father has many connections, and I know Megan could lose her scholarship if my father intervened.

"I know that is why I stopped seeing her, and I accept I was a coward, and now I came back for her," I said.

"It was already late, Ashton; the school sent a letter informing our family my sister lost her scholarship. Are you happy now?" She asked angrily, and I closed my eyes as I tried to calm myself. I couldn't believe what I had done, my father still did it, and I was curling my fists on my lap as I tried to control my anger, and I could feel my face turn so red because of my anger.

"Please help me, Ava. I wanted to see your sister, and I wanted to ask forgiveness to Megan." I said.

"I am sorry, Ashton, but I am afraid you are already too late." She said, and I looked at her horrified.

"What do you mean? What happened to Megan?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"We don't know, all I know after she came to your house, she left the following day, and we don't know where she is at the moment. My parents felt so guilty that Megan left without saying goodbye to all of us. No letter, no explanation, and all I could think were no other than you. You are the only reason my sister left in Astikoz without a trace, and I am just hoping she is fine, and our only consolation was Alice is with her. It means my sister is not alone, and I know you are the reason why my sister left." Ava declared, and I felt so cold, and I didn't know what to say anymore as I realized I was too late.

"Can you come with us to Alice's house?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"I regret to inform you, but Alice's family doesn't know where she is either, and I could tell that my sister and her best friend are trying to hide away from someone, and I think that someone is you, and that is why I hate you, Ashton. You hurt Megan terribly, and I know you are going to regret what you have done for the rest of your life." She said and stood up and left us on the table. I stared into space while Zach ran after her, and I knew I was such an idiot.

I stayed at Zach's place for the entire week, and we searched the whole of Astikoz city, hoping I would find her, but I couldn't find Megan at all. How I wish I ran after her that day she came into our house. Now I didn't know where to find her. I tried to look for her on social media, and I could tell right away she had deactivated her account, and I became more frustrated that I called some friends to help me, but they had the same answer they hadn't seen Megan or Alice in Astikoz. I didn't have a choice but to go back to Majuscule, and this time my best friend came and stayed with me in our house, and I felt so glad Zach was with me, or else I would be crazy.

The summer ended, and the first semester began, and I devoted my time playing football, and I concentrated on my studies, and I became more studios, a lot of girls wanted to get closer with me, but I kept my distance. I know entering into another relationship will cause me trouble because I only have one girl in my heart that I cherish, and I hate my life now. And it is almost ten months since I have last seen Megan.

I stop using my social media accounts, and I stop listening to music because I can't stop my heart from remembering Megan. I almost laugh every time I hear Zach listening to his music since he will quickly turn off the stereo on my account. One evening I got into his room, and I was dumbfounded to find him listening to a familiar voice, and I could tell right away it was Gael's voice. Zach was lying in his bed, and I could tell he dozed off in the middle of making his report.

"I am sorry!" Zach said right away when he woke up while I was sitting on his sofa, looking so lost.

"It is okay; play it again," I said in more than a whisper, and I realized I was listening to Megan's song for me, and it hit me on the gut. Megan sold her music to Gael, and I hate myself even more.

"When did this song come out?" I asked, and I couldn't hide the pain in my heart. How could Megan sell her music to Gael? And I know why she did it because she wanted to forget me, and I know I was such a fool for hurting her, and right now, all I want to do is see her and ask Megan's forgiveness, but I can't be with Megan because I know my father will know right away if I try to go to her. And I need to be patient if I want to spend my life with her. Four years is not long enough for me to wait because I can wait for her through eternity, and I have to endure the pain and loneliness of not seeing her.

"I think, five months ago," Zach said, and I realized I was such an idiot. I got out of Zachary's room, and I proceeded to my room with a heavy heart, and for the first time, I used the internet for pleasure after ten months. I searched Gael's profile, and I realized he separated from his bandmates, and he went solo, and he released a new album five months ago. I discovered his songs are all Megan's compositions, and I wonder why she sold them to him when she told me so many times she would never share her music with anyone.

It hurt me so much when I realized Megan had already given up her love for me. It made me realize I needed to graduate and play pro in football so I could be with her. I promised to do everything I could to have her back. Whatever it takes, I know I have to wait for another three years. Still, I don't have a choice but to remain strong and make her my everyday inspiration even if she already tried to forget me by selling her music.

But I still believe Megan's love for me is more profound than the pain and hatred she felt in her heart, and I know the time will come that she will totally forgive and love me again. And we can be together again, and I can't wait for that day to come. For now, all I need to do is to be patient and wait for the right time because I know I can't win her yet because I have nothing to offer her.

I didn't want to work on my father's company since I wanted to have my own company after retiring from football.. I am excited to spend my life with Megan, even if I am hurting now, but I know the wait will all be worth it, and I continue to listen to Gael's song until I fall asleep with tears in my eyes.

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