Ashton's POV

"Please, Dad, leave Megan's family alone. I am begging you. And let Megan's parents have their jobs back, and I will do everything you want me to do." I begged my dad, and I could see the amusement on his face as he stood up from his swivel chair. I know this is the first time I have come into his office unannounced. I know my father always came home late, and ever since I learned Megan's parents lost their jobs, I felt so guilty that I am the reason Megan's entire family is having a hard time right now, and I couldn't wait another day to speak with my dad.

I can't forget the sadness on my girlfriend's face, and I couldn't stop blaming myself because she was suffering. And I don't want her to be miserable for a long time, and I better take the pain.

"Okay, as I expected, you will do the right thing, son. And I felt so glad that you didn't disappoint me." He said.

"How can you guarantee that they will have their jobs back?" I asked in a stern voice, and my father laughed at me.

"Relax, Ashton, and you don't need to feel stressed about it since I have a word of honor tomorrow; you can call the companies where Megan's parents were working." He said as he handed me a piece of paper, and I could read the companies' names with contact numbers. I couldn't believe he handled this matter on his hands where he is always busy with the family business, and I couldn't believe how much my dad wanted me to stay away from Megan, and then I saw my dad picked up his mobile phone on the table, and he made a short call.

"Mr. Smith, please hold my request to fire one of your employees, Mr. Dexter Corteza." He said, and I couldn't stop the trembling of my hands as I realized if I hadn't come to his office, Megan's brother would lose his job as well. And then he ended the call after he said his thanks, and he looked at me with a broad smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Ashton, I will compensate Megan's parents for the days they didn't have work. And now they can enjoy working again with a guaranteed salary increase." He said, and I was controlling myself not to talk back with him, and there was no way I would give him what he wanted. I will never work for him. Once I become a professional football player, I will stop communicating with him; for now, I need to do everything I can to protect Megan and her family. 

"Thanks, dad." I said, and I faked a smile before I walked out of his office. 

I wanted to leave once and for all because wherever I go, and whatever I do hers in Astikoz City, I can't stop thinking about Megan, and I know early practice would help me lessen the pain and sadness that I felt. But I can't go yet, since my entire family planned to send me to WEN University, and they are all excited for me, especially my brothers.

"What do you think you are doing, Ashton?" Zach said as he barged into my room uninvited, and I was still lying on my bed since it was still early in the morning, and I didn't have enough sleep ever since I started ignoring Megan's calls and text messages.

"Why do you suddenly stop communicating with Megan?" He asked, and I could feel the anger through his voice as I stood up in bed, and I faced my best friend.

"Why? Don't I have the choice to do something like that if I don't want to see her anymore?" I asked, and he smacked me in the face, and this time due to my frustrations, I punched him back hard on the face, and we fought each other until we both couldn't take another blow anymore, and we ended up lying on the floor with blood on our faces and knuckles. And I could feel the pain on my face, on my limbs, and my stomach, and I couldn't believe I would have another fight with Zachary.

"I told you not to make her fall in love with you if you will only shatter her heart in the end." He said.

"I am still in love with her, Zach, and you know that," I replied as I tried to catch my breath.

"Oh, yeah, if you do, you could have at least done the right thing. Have the guts to break up with Megan, Ashton, because you are breaking her heart into pieces every fucking second of every day." He replied.

"No, I can't do it. I know the moment I see Megan, I can't stop myself from kissing and hugging her, and this is the only thing I know I can do at the moment until I go to WEN University. I wanted her to hate me, so she can let go of me easily." I said, and he stood up from the floor while looking at me with anger on his face.

"You are a coward, Ashton." He said while he was walking towards the door, he slammed it with a force that made my body jerk.

"Yeah, I am," I said to myself as I tried to get up, but I felt so weak, and I knew it was not of the physical pain that I felt but because of the aching of my heart. Letting go of Megan was the hardest thing I have ever done, and I hate my father for doing this to us. I hope she will still be free the moment she graduates from college because I know I cannot get closer to her unless she has already achieved her dreams, but I will try my best to find a way to have her in my life.

"What happened to your face, Ashton?" Lennon asked the moment he saw the bruises on my face.

"Zachary." I replied.

"It is because of Megan again, right?" He asked, and I nodded, and I could see his amusement 

"I know he has a thing for Megan, and you should be thankful that is the only thing you've got from him." My brother added.

"I know." I said as I half-laughed.

"Why do you stay here in your room for so many days now? You can play basketball with us. It is summer, and you are leaving soon; why are you sulking here when everyone is having fun?" Lennon asked, and I let out a heavy sigh as I walked closer to the window of my room, and I didn't even want to talk with my siblings, and most of the time, I skipped eating meals.

"You can still meet her if you want; you are not grounded, it means you are free to get out and be with her; why do you try to fight your feelings for Megan?" He asked, and I turned around and faced him.

"It is so easy for you to say, Lennon, because your girlfriend belonged to the elite society, and our father accepted Sherry without questions. Do you think I will stay here in this house and endure the pain if I only have a choice? I need to protect her from our father." I declared, and I could see the concern on my brother's face.

"Megan is worried about her family, and if I am not going to stop myself from meeting her, Dad will ruin her future as well by canceling her scholarship. Her parents already lost their jobs because of me, and her brother is our father's next target if I didn't come to his office and beg him to leave her family alone." I added.

"And you are so lucky that you fell in love with someone acceptable in our father's eyes." I said, and I could feel the bitterness in my own words.

The days that followed became harder for me because I was missing Megan like crazy, and I hated myself when Lennon informed me that Megan had come into our house with Alice. Of course, I had already told the guard that she was not welcome into our home, even if my heart was bleeding.

"Ashton, I heard what happened between you and Megan. I felt so glad you came to your senses." I was startled when I heard Lauren's voice that I got up from my bed immediately.

"What are you doing here, Lauren?" I asked, and I couldn't hide the irritation that I felt as I looked at her, and I couldn't tell Lauren that I am still in love with Megan because I can't trust her, she can be my father's spy, and I guess I need to make her believe that I no longer care about Megan.

"Who told you about what happened?" I asked, and she smiled at me as she walked closer to me.

"It is not a secret anymore, everyone is talking about it, and the girls became happier when they found out you stopped picking up Megan at the restaurant where she currently works. You don't have any idea those girls only came to that restaurant to spy on your girlfriend." She said, and I knew right away, she was the mastermind. She asked her minions to spy on Megan and me.

"Please leave, Lau. I am still sleeping." I said, and she shook her head.

"I won't leave since I wanted to accompany you, Ashton, and if you wish, I can lay beside you, and we can have some fun." She said, and I know I have to treat her like I don't hate her.

"Maybe some other time, Lauren. I am not in the mood at the moment." I replied, and she seductively smiled at me.

I didn't have a choice but to get up and ask Lauren to come with me to the living room because I didn't want her to be in my room, and I think I needed to lock my door from now on. 

My world stood still when I found Megan and Alice together with Zachary in our leaving room, and I couldn't deny I wanted to run to her side and take her into my arms. I could see her eye bags, and I know, like me, she doesn't have enough sleep, and she looked so miserable, and I hated myself for doing all this to Megan, but she would become more miserable if her entire family suffered.

"Ashton, I came here because I have a very important thing to tell you, but it seems you are having a good time. I was such a fool for thinking that your father was the reason you stopped communicating with me. And now, everything is clear to me," Megan said as she looked at me in the eyes, and I need to look angry with her so she will hate me, and even if she tried to hide her tears from me, I know Megan was crying.

"Yes, you are right, Meg. I am having the best time of my life, now that you are no longer part of it. And please leave." I said, and I could see her entire body shake, and I could feel the pain in my heart. I felt glad Zachary hit me again because I hated myself for hurting Megan this way, and I wanted to come closer to my girl and hug her and never let her go as Zachary continued to beat me. It feels exhilarating that Zach is doing his best to teach me a lesson by punching my face and body, and I took Zach's every hit without fighting back at him.. I was hoping Megan would be strong enough to move on and live her life without me.

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