Today they got a lot of things to buy. Except those medicine for Ling Jinghan, they also had to go to the a smithy to buy a hoe, a shovel, a kitchen knife and other kitchen utensils and farm tools. And vinegar, soy sauce, salt and food, there wasn’t much at home, so they also had to go to the grocery store, and other daily necessities, like clothes, shoes for Ling Jingxuan himself and his two children. They had come to an agreement on those things and big bun also agreed. But when it came to things like clothes and shoes, that bun performed differently.

"What? 30 copper coins? So expensive! Are you a robber?"

Three standing in the clothing shop, as big bun a listen heard that a suit of clothes for summer cost thirty copper coins, his little face instantly went red and his little hand tightly grasped the old purse, which made the waiter serving them, the shopkeeper and the guests all cast their eyes at them and Ling Jingxuan suddenly wanted to cry. My son! Are you trying to keep those copper coins to give birth to little copper coins?

"Ahem… Xiaowen, 30 copper coins is not expensive. Look! You wear those as long as we pay"

While speaking, Ling Jingxuan meaningfully swept those people around who came to their sense, gossiping at them. Ling Wen's little face turned ever redder this time, but... Glancing at that suit of thin and small clothes which would cost thirty copper coins, he still wouldn’t let go of his hand.

"Well, if the young guest thinks the ready-made clothes are too expensive, he might as well look at the cloth here. This kind of cotton cloth costs only ten copper coins a foot. According to your figures, a food and half would be enough for a suit.”

As sophisticated as the shopkeeper was, he quickly picked up a bolt of green cotton cloth. Ling Wen’s eyes lit up immediately. As he was about to open his mouth, Ling Jingxuan hurriedly cut in, "Xiaowen, no. Daddy can't make clothe. We better buy ready-made clothes.”

Let him use a needle? Oh come on! In his previous life and this life, he had only used suture needles for surgery and silver needles for acupuncture.

"But the cloth is cheap. A foot and a half can make a suit."

Ling Wen was still not willing to give up, staring at the fabric, unwilling to look away. Those ready-made would cost so much! They could make two suits of clothes with that money!

“Xiaowen, listen to me. I know that is much cheaper. But it’s not clothes after all. Daddy doesn't know how to make clothes, so we have to ask grandma to do it for us. It's busy farming season now. Can you bear to let her do the farm work the whole day while making clothes at night for us? Besides, I'm going to send you to a private school in a few days. You must have some better clothes then."

Anyway, he is not going to let him buy a bunch of cloth home.

"Well... ok.”

After having a staring contest with his daddy for a while, Ling Wen looked around at the people who had been watching them. Big bun finally nodded his head, teeth grinding. It was true he was stingy, but he cared about his grandparents more. Of course he wouldn’t increase their burden.

Ling Jingxuan couldn’t help but exaggeratedly heave a sigh of relief, he stood up and said to the shopkeeper, "According to our figures, two suits for me, four for the children, and the shoes, and a bolt of white cotton cloth.”

The only advantage of buying ancient clothes is they don’t have to try them on. All a bit bigger than normal size, this went with Ling Jingxuan’s preference.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Sure, please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper was delighted to hear this. He turned around and ordered the waiter to prepare. The big bun pulled Ling Jingxuan's lower hem of his clothes, looking sullen, "You said one suit each! Why buy so many? And that white cotton cloth. What is that used for?"

Big bun also had his pride. Ling Jingxuan bent over and whispered by his ear, his small and red mouth pouted high. One could imagine how dissatisfied he is at the time.

"We have to change and wash, right? We're going to have to buy them sooner or later. Why don't we buy altogether? That white cotton cloth is used to seal those jam jars. Xiaowen, we can't save this kind of money."

No matter how picky his big son is, Ling Jingxuan always has a hundred countermeasures to convince him. If he couldn’t even deal with a five years old kid, he had really lived all those years in vain.

Hearing his daddy, even if Ling Wen still held the complaints, he still agreed, little mouth pouted, trying to command himself not to think about the money they would spend next as far as possible. But as he turned around, it seemed that something hit his mind. He carefully took a glance at Ling Jingxuan, and tentatively said, "That man also has no clothes to wear. Should we buy him a suit?"

Then he instantly regretted it and wished he had bitten off his tongue. Why should he be so stupid? What if daddy…

His words caught Ling Jingxuan in a daze, then as he saw his son’s regretful look, he couldn’t help laughing while rubbing his head. That was the nature of blood. Even though he hates that man, he still cares about him, right?

"Sir, sorry to keep you waiting. The clothes for adults are fifty copper coins each suit, so two hundred copper coins for four suits, the clothes for kids are thirty copper coins each, so it’s one hundred and twenty copper coins for four suits, and the white cotton cloth is three hundred copper coins for a bolt. Those shoes are complimentary. It’s six hundred and twenty copper coins in total.”

The last of the last, Ling Jingxuan still bought two suits of clothes for that man. When paying, one could imagine the painful expression on Big Bun’s face. By contrast, small bun performed much more naive, only looking forward to wear new clothes. Ling Jingxuan asked the shopkeeper to send the large package to the fish market, while he grabbed the two buns and left the clothes shop.

"Stop counting. We earn money, we spend it. There’s some money you can’t save, you know."

Seeing big bun kept counting the left one tael of silver and four hundred copper coins in the purse, Ling Jingxuan helplessly shook his head. He already picked the cheapest things. By the way, the ancients are really interesting, pure cotton clothes are the cheapest, while the silk brocade is expensive which would be easily laddering. By contrast, he would rather wear cotton clothes, which could absorb sweat and breathable, much more comfortable.

"I know, I just care about money saving."

After putting the money back, Ling Wen clutched the money bag while stuffily. Seeing this, Ling Jingxuan shouldn’t say more. There are some things that need time, so he shouldn’t be too demanding, or his bun would become dried bun.

Then the father and two sons wandered around the smithy, the grocery store. Apparently they got enough money on them, no matter what Ling JingXuan said, big bun no longer wouldn’t listen to him anymore. They all picked the cheapest ones when buying things. On the way to the drug store, looking at the satisfying smile on big bun’s face, Ling JingXuan clenched his fists secretly and swore in the heart that one day he would raise them into super meat stuffed buns, then dandy rich second generation!

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