Moving like lightning, Qu Xing Xu arrived back to their bedchamber. The people in the courtyard were extremely shocked at their arrival and the fact that they did not sense that Qu Xing Xu had arrived not until he had taken a few steps forward towards them made them uncomfortable.

The guards standing before the courtyard took one look and they immediately didn't move. They couldn't actually because of the tremendous amount of pressure that was being sent to them by the man in black robes.

As the wind and rain started to get stronger, Qu Xing Xu walked past the guards, carrying a woman in his arms. They recognized her face, and the guards were terrified.

What had happened to the Young Mistress?

And what happened earlier for their master to expose himself like this?

When they saw the blood from the young mistress, they couldn't stop their bodies from shaking in fear and quickly kneeled down on the wet ground.

"Master, this is all our fault! We weren't sensitive enough to know that something was going to happen to the Young Mistress when she came out of the courtyard!"

Qu Xing Xu narrowed his eyes at them and said, "Go to the second tower and await for your punishments.. And bring the others as well."

The guards' faces quickly paled at their master's words. Their hands tightened and their hearts were fearful of what was going to be inside the second tower.

Nevertheless, the guards stationed in the courtyard didn't say any objections to their orders and stepped into the shadows.

Qu Xing Xu no longer gave them a second glance as he strolled over to the courtyard and put Lin Xiaofei on the bed. The maids who served her didn't think of anything else when they arrived, the only thing in their minds was to look after their young miss and the wound on her arm.

"Heavens! How could this happen to the young miss?" Bai Lu was the first one to react and just as she was about to rush over to her young miss's side, Qu Xing Xu spoke.

"Bring a basin of water and gauze. I need it to clean her wounds." His tone didn't sound like he was asking anyone to turn his order down. The coldness in his voice seeped through their bodies and they couldn't do anything but to follow his order.

On the other hand, Shen Mo, who has been standing on the side still couldn't believe what he was seeing. The Young Duke that everyone was cheering for because of his military achievements, not only stood before him, he was also producing a thick killing intent around him, as if to tell anyone that they shall not come close to him or they will meet an unfortunate fate.

Without a word, Shen Mo also left the room to the young couple and left with the maids. Since he was a man, he could not stay there and watch as Qu Xing Xu cleaned Lin Xiaofei's wound.

When the maids returned, they brought a basin of warm water and a long gauze for Qu Xing Xu to use on her arm. They soon left the task of taking care of Lin Xiaofei to him.

Inside the room, Qu Xing Xu silently sat beside Lin Xiaofei. The sound of water droplets that dropped from the towel he was wringing and the sound of the young lady's soft breathing was the only thing that he could hear.

The moment Qu Xing Xu saw her faint, something inside him broke. A chain surrounding his black heart was slowly disintegrating into dust, and the only thing that was left was the desire to tear apart everything before him and make everyone who harmed Lin Xiaofei live a thousand years in hell.

Only heavens know how angry he was when he heard Bai Jia Li's plan to harm Lin Xiaofei. Unfortunately, he didn't get to control his raging heart and quickly killed her. If only he had controlled himself, Bai Jia Li would suffer quite a lot, more than the assassin who injured his woman.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

"Bai family… you really have gone far by doing this." He whispered in the dark.

The Bai family only lived until now because Qu Xing Xu thought it was a hassle taking care of trash. Their lives didn't mean anything to him and because they were a group of clowns who made his life entertaining, he let them be. But that was before Lin Xiaofei arrived and put colors to his colorless world.

And now that they decided to rise above their roles as clowns and harmed Lin Xiaofei, no one should blame him if the entire Bai family suddenly disappeared without a trace from this world.

When Lin Xiaofei woke up, she saw a familiar face before her. Her cold eyes blinked a few times before she became fully awake. She realized she was now inside the room she shared with Qu Xing Xu and wasn't in the garden anymore.

"Next time, don't do such dangerous things." Qu Xing Xu smilingly said as lay on the side of the bed, his hand propping up his head. "If someone goes after you, don't try to face them head on and don't go to a place where help might not arrive."

"But you came for me." Lin Xiaofei groggily said. Clearing her throat, she added when he saw him narrowing his eyes at her, "Next time, I'll call your name if I meet any danger then."

She was only joking with him since she didn't want to appear like a helpless young lady who doesn't know how to fight. Of course, leading that assassin last night was foolish and dangerous, but Lin Xiaofei already lived a life filled with danger in the past that she became stubborn to accept any help from anyone.

Shaking his head, Qu Xing Xu worriedly glanced at her. He reached to take her hand and said, "Please promise me that if something like this happens again, you will do just that. Call my name and wait for me to come."

A light appeared in her eyes as she smiled, "And what if you're miles away from me? Am I supposed to wait for your return that may take days or even a month?" She laughingly shook her head, "Qu Xing Xu, what you're saying is impossible. How can you arrive at the place where I am if you're far away? I might as well just wait for death to take me."

Qu Xing Xu narrowed his eyes as he went deep in thought. Lin Xiaofei's reaction was completely normal. After all, no man could quickly come from one place to another. But he was no man. He was something else. Something more sinister and evil.

He shifted on the bed and produced what looks like a necklace made of bones on his hand.

Lin Xiaofei stared curiously at the necklace made of bones and looked at him.

Qu Xing Xu said, "In any case, just promise me you'll call my name when you're in danger, or even when you miss me. I'll come to you as soon as possible."

He reached his hands out and let her wear the necklace made of bones. When he pulled back to look at the necklace hanging on her neck, he couldn't stop the smile that bled on his lips.

Now that some people have already noticed his presence, Lin Xiaofei will undoubtedly become a target.

But this time around, Qu Xing Xu no longer needed to hesitate to reveal himself.

And no one shall harm his sweet darling.

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