"Young master?" Su Tang's voice snapped Lin Xiaofei out of her thoughts.

With her hand slowly loosening its hold around the hairpin, Lin Xiaofei eased her eyes and lessen the murderous aura around her.

She almost made a mistake and risk all her efforts to plan out her revenge on him just because she saw him here. She should have known that she would soon meet him here since Chu Chu stayed there to keep Yu Fangzhu from suspecting Chu Chu or her.

Instead of responding to Yu Fangzhu's question, Lin Xiaofei didn't open her mouth and only looked at him.

Suddenly, Yu Fangzhu chuckled and said, "Forgive me if I was being rude when we just first met."

"If you know it then, why don't you scram. Instead of blocking my way and asking me who I am." Lin Xiaofei finally answered but it wasn't to the expectation of Yu Fangzhu.

Her voice was smooth but the words that spilled out of her mouth were extremely harsh and disrespectful that Yu Fangzhu's eyes couldn't help but widen at her.

The young man before him heard the manager call him with respect but instead of showing the same amount of respect for him, the young man dared to open his mouth and tell him to scram.

The smile on Yu Fangzhu's lips wavered for a moment before he resumed his usual bright smile that could make any woman fall on her knees and any man to follow him to battle.

However, Lin Xiaofei knew that he was seething in anger and annoyance. As someone who stayed with him as his concubine and accompanied him during the times he needed help, Lin Xiaofei knew him too well that she could see the subtle changes of his expressions.

When the manager heard Lin Xiaofei telling the prince to scram, she almost groveled on the floor in fear that the prince would get angry. Thankfully, Yu Fangzhu didn't get angry at all and only smiled even after the disrespect that the young lad showed to him.

But she couldn't understand why would the young man say that? Could it be that he couldn't recognize Yu Fangzhu?

"What are you talking about, young lord." The manager said. "Don't you recognize the man in front of us? That is the Fourth Prince of the Zheng Empire."

"So?" Came her answer accompanied by a short mocking laugh. "Just because he's a prince, he can steal what is mine?"

Her words carry a lot of meanings but only Lin Xiaofei knew what it was.

"Steal?" Yu Fangzhu said in disbelief. "Young lord, aren't you accusing me when we just met today. I think you got the wrong person."

Curling her lips into a devious smile, she replied, "Really? Now, I wonder who stole the time of the young lady I fancy?"

Yu Fangzhu was still clueless at what the young man before him was talking about. Then, when he heard him mentioning that a young lady was involved, Yu Fangzhu was enlightened.

"Ah… you're the one who bought Chu Chu?" Yu Fangzhu said in a laughing tone.

However, Lin Xiaofei was too lazy to laugh with him and she surely didn't like to be around this man who she wished she could butcher and feed to the dogs.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

What's more, he dared to use his filthy, rotten mouth to utter her friend's name.

Understanding flashed in his eyes. "Forgive me if I took your lady's time. I only wish to speak a few words with her."

Seeing the glare that the young man was sent to him, Yu Fangzhu finally got an answer to his question. Earlier, he sensed the murderous aura coming out from the young man beside the manager and was wondering why would a stranger feel this way upon seeing him.

It wasn't the first time that he felt this kind of aura from anyone but the amount and how frightening it was got him to look at the young man for a second time.

So, it seems that he wasn't glaring at him because the young man wanted to kill him. It was because he visited and took the time of Chu Chu.

At this time, a fat man emerged from the room where Yu Fangzhu came out. He looked hideous even though he wore fine clothing that was worth a few thousands of silvers.

The fat man walked to them. He smiled at Yu Fangzhu and said, "I'm done."

Yu Fangzhu's eyes sparkled and then, he turned to the young man who stared at him with wide eyes, "It is nice to meet you. However, I must go now as I have other important things to do."

Lin Xiaofei watched him leave and descended the stairs with the fat man. Her heart quivered with worry and concern for Chu Chu.

When Yu Fangzhu wasn't in her sight, Lin Xiaofei's sprang forward and dashed towards the room where Chu Chu was.

Her fingers shook as she reached for the door but she forced it to open the door quickly.

With a loud banging noise, she opened the door and her eyes focused on the figure of a woman who was sitting on the floor.

The feeling of dread and hatred suddenly made it hard for Lin Xiaofei to breathe. She closed the door behind her and rushed forward to look at Chu Chu.

"Chu Ch--…" Lin Xiaofei's voice cracked as she reached her friend and was stunned at what she saw.

Chu Chu was still dressed and didn't look like she was harassed by Yu Fangzhu or the fat man who came with him. No bruises and no indication that they did something to her.

Aside from one thing.

The nail in Chu Chu's thumb was pulled out and blood continuously dripped on the floor.

Lin Xiaofei looked back and forth from the thumb that was covered with torn flesh and blood to her friend's pale face.

Raising her head to look at Lin Xiaofei, Chu Chu put on a small smile on her lips and said, "You have come."

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