"You are destined to die outside the city, stop wasting our time and come here." Ivar said as the other 3 supernovas laughed in mockery.

Isko looked at them in bewilderment. How did Bloodfang own 4 Foundation Establishment experts, who backed them, these questions came into his mind.

Amidst the question, there was a thought. His eyes widened as he gazed towards the city, he wanted to stop Ziha but the Bloody Hyenas were already inside. "...We are deceived!!" He uttered.

"Yes, I believe we are." Tiskina replied and continued. "Our safety should be our priority."

"Bishnigam is certain to fall in the hands of Bloodfang, we won't be able to escape from our enemies as well. Two males are at the 7th level of the Foundation Establishment stage while the girls are at the 6th.

Both of us are at the peak of the 6th level, we can not stop them nor can we run. But..." Isko looked at Aqsa and Maria with a side-eye and extended his words. "We can at least kill one of them."

"Hmm... I am worried about Ziha" Tiskina said something irrelevant to their situation.

"Me too, let the god decide his fate"

<Inside the Bishnigam City>

Ziha was astounded as well. He could see the four experts surrounding his fellow generals, he wanted to jump out and fight. But deep down in his heart, he knew how strong the enemies are and that he won't be given a quarter by them.

He was looking at them when he felt an attack coming, his body jerked subconsciously to block the incoming attack.

He looked at the assaulter, a young man with cold eyes floating in mid-air. Dozens of arrows made of air spun, and the tip of the arrow acted like a vortex, spinning fast enough to drill a hole in the finest steel.


Two arrows were released, they came at astonishing speed, tearing the air apart.


Two swift swings with the sword and the arrows stopped.


Another series of arrows came, double in numbers than before. The four arrows were stopped as well, but before Ziha could take a breath 8 more arrows came. "Where the fuck this sorcerer came from?"

The barrage of arrows was hard to defend for Ziha, he looked at his sides and found Bloody Hyenas. "Hey you, distract this sorcerer. So I can kill him, Warborn will remember your sacrifice."

"I'll go" someone jumped from Bloody Hyenas with a sword in hand.

"You fool, why you are coming here!? I said to distract the sorcerer, not me." Ziha shouted in anger.

"But I want to distract you," said the man.

The man wildly swung his sword down as he was about to land near Ziha.


The attacker met the defender


The sword of Ziha collided with the man's sword.

The hand of Ziha shook out of impact. "Another Foundation Establishment stage cultivator?"

The man spoke. "I am Hubdar Sharpclaw, one of 9 Supernovas of Bloodfang Kingdom"

The baffled Ziha was already injured by Bilal's arrows, this blow shattered his will to fight. He knew his only chance is to bargain. "How much Bloodfang has offered you, I will give you twice, no.. thrice the prize, including the status of general in the Warborn Kingdom."

"We are not hired by Bloodfang, we are born in it. Bloodfang is our motherland and you are traitors whose names are written with blood in our history books." Hubdar answered.

"What, You are born in Bloodfang? Did you become a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator in resourceless Bloodfang? How rubbish!" Ziha scoffed.

Hubdar's eyebrows twitched, qi rosed inside his body and let out a powerful wave. 6 orbs rotated behind the back of supernova, he revealed his spirit, a daunting wolf with razor-like nails and fangs.

Ziha fell on his buttocks. "6th... 6th-grade martial spirit."

<Outside the city>

Isko was battling against Rockey, while Tiskina was busy defending the blows of Ivar.

They were waiting for a chance, and the chance came quicker than expected. Ivar held his greatsword and walloped Tiskina, the lady general flew towards Aqsa Malani.

"Isko now!" Tiskina cried.

Isko humphed and released his spirit, 4 orbs rotated on his back as he pushed Rockey away by releasing his spirit. "Kill her," he said.

They both were planning to get near Aqsa, during the fight they slowly moved as they blocked attacks.

Both unleashed their spirits, Tiskina also had 4th-grade martial spirit, a strange tree. While Isko had a mosquito-looking martial spirit.

"So you were aiming for me?" Aqsa sighed.

"Azure Sword!" A long purplish blue sword emerged from Isko's qi.

"Lifeless Aggress" a strange qi, shapeless and gloomy waved its way towards Aqsa Malani.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

The girl calmly looked at the incoming duo attack, a disgusting expression formed on his cute face. "Why does everyone think I am the weakest one?" She was upset without a doubt.

Her qi went outpour, it rose sky high, and it had a thick appearance. A gigantic rockey mountain was shown, and 6 orbs went around in circles behind her back.

Isko and Tiskina looked at her with their mouth agape.

The two attacks reached the female supernova.

She uttered two words. "Spear Alp" a spear of mountain size befell on a couple of generals.

Their skills were destroyed by Spear Alp, Tiskina couldn't dodge and succumb to death on spot. However, Isko managed to dodge the attack somehow but he didn't make it out safely. Both of his legs were gone, and his mouth was filled with blood

"How... did you *cough* get a special grade *cough* skill?" Isko's body was numb, too much of his blood was lost. He coughed blood as he spoke.

Aqsa pulled him by his hair and spoke looking straight into his eyes "That's not important right now, the important thing is the knowledge that I am the sturdiest supernova out of all. And you mongrels considered me as the weakest one, even Rockey and Ivar failed to break my defence.

Didn't you see the gigantic mountain, it was my 6th-grade martial spirit called Hulking Eminence. Before you two, there was another general who died at my hands. Do you still think I am weak? Huh! Answer me?"

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "Aqsa..." Ivar interrupted.

"What!?" She retorted.

"Uhh... I think he is dead."

Aqsa looked at the face of the general again. "Oh... yes, he died. Motherfucker didn't answer my question."

"Brother Rockey! Let's not practice with sister Aqsa anymore." Ivar said to Roch Whitefang.

Rockey gulped and replied, "I was thinking the same thing, that girl went from being cute to criminal real quick."

<Inside the Bishnigam>

Ziha was looking at the two supernovas in astonishment.

"It's time, everyone, to move out." A voice came from the Bloody Hyenas.

And all the bloody hyenas threw their armours and tore their uniforms, inside of which was their official dress. The uniform of Bloodfang military. The voice belonged to the prince of Bloodfang Kingdom.

"You were not bloody hyenas?" Ziha's mind went blank.

Ezra answered the question "We are Bloody Hyenas, what are you talking about? It's just that we are a new batch, new members and new prince." He gave a wicked grin.

"Kill him and send the signal." Ezra gave his orders.

"I'll handle him." Hubdar Sharpclaw said to Bilal Coldbone.

"As you wish, I'll send the signal," Bilal said as he left.

Hubdar looked at Ziha and then changed his sight towards the sword he was holding. Hubdar threw his sword towards Ziha who happened to lose his sword in the middle of shocks.

Ziha was less witted than the rest of the generals, that was the reason Isko and Tiskina were worried about him.

"Why are you giving me your sword?" Ziha asked.

"Pick it up and fight me" The supernova replied.

Ziha stared at the empty hands of Hubdar and thought it could be a trap. "Where is your sword?" Ziha shot his words

"I don't use a sword, that's not my weapon." Said Hubdar as he showed his hands, he was wearing a pair of gauntlets. He moved his fingers and sharp claws emerged from them.

"This could be my chance to escape" Ziha pondered, he knew that Hubdar was stronger in cultivation but what other option he had except this?

Ziha held the sword tightly and dashed forward, Hubdar marched ahead as well.


The metallic sound of the sword clashing against gauntlets was gratifying, whenever the edge of the sword hit the claws of Hubdar, numerous sparkles were forced to be produced.

Ziha made some distance and slashed horizontally, Hubdar tried to block it. "Huh?" It was a feint attack.

The real attack from behind was a vertical slash.


Hubdar made an X with his arms, the sword struck the centre and was blocked. Hubdar held the sword and kicked Ziha on his chest, the old general flew a few feet away and rubbed his chest as he balanced his footing.

"Thanks for the duel," Hubdar said as he went to end Ziha's life.


The sound of drums was heard by everyone.

"Huh, what is this?" Hubdar pondered.

"Ha-hahaha, his majesty, it's his majesty. The drums of werehyenas, King of Warborn Kingdom has arrived to take our revenge." Ziha proudly said as he laughed in satisfaction.

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