The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 516 Churstin Conference Commences

Chapter 516 Churstin Conference Commences

The following three days passed by easily. Too easily for the likes of the now-termed "Leisure Gods".

On the second day, they met briefly to discuss why Halmut had yet to act out in regards to Naparn’s death. It didn’t last for long but they all agreed that Halmut was up to something. At the very least, they knew that Halmut would be more cautious than ever after the loss of his strongest subordinate.

Everything else was simply routine for them. They each handled their own business while the Leisure Guild began constructing several temples across Gilga. But they weren’t the only ones.

All of Kartonia had heard rumors of Halmut’s return with the former holy gods, accepting their new name as the new "Legendary Gods". Along with those rumors were hints of temples beginning construction within Federal City.

With such news, many nations went out of their way to rebuild or fix the former temples and shrines that once existed to honor those returning gods. Though most of the respective gods hadn’t appeared in their territories yet, each nation was eager to receive their former protectors with great glory.

Churstin was one of the few that hadn’t fixed their former temple. They understood that doing so would prove allegiance to the leisure gods and outcast them from the more globally-respected legendary gods.

On the fourth day, the giant, open-aired amphitheater had already been finished. Anyone and everyone that was able to attend locally had either found a seat or were in line to get one.

The vast stage in the center had a few rows of tables and luxurious chairs. Three distinct sides were noticeable and one was noticeably less luxurious than the other two. Oddly enough, it was Churstin’s table that was the least luxurious as they didn’t wish to offend a god on either of the other sides.

As the sun rose through the sky, noon soon passed. Now, each seat was taken and the remaining people in line took out blankets or chairs to gather outside the amphitheater.

But no one came out just yet. Only after the noonday sun began its descent did a loud gong sound out.

All eyes fell to the stage below. Finally, they witnessed a handful of people step out. That group was dress well yet comfortably. They took their time to reach their table, draped in the green and gold Churstin Flag.

Everyone began searching for the next group to come out but found no one. Then, some began to shout while pointing to the sky.

There was a small blip in the distance. However, only seconds after the blip was spotted, it became a fifty-meter purple dragon that took everyone’s breath away. The wind caused by Moranti’s sudden halt almost pushed the crowd out of their seats. His simple entrance was awe-inspiring and heart rattling, especially for the king of Churstin below.

Moranti then assumed his human form and the three men on Moranti’s back floated down to the ground along with Moranti.

As the four men assumed their seats, the king of Churstin stood with a friendly smile. "Thank you for coming. We’re excited to meet with so many deities. Your presence is a blessing to have here in Churstin."

They all nodded and smiled. Moranti, Eedaj, and Choron said nothing, allowing Vixus to take the lead. Each of them found their seats easily, looking over the new Trodan flag. The design was simple, as if it was created on the spot without much thought. Faint purple with silver trim, the flag had the Leisure Guild’s insignia at the center, a silver helmet with an array of diverse weapons spread out in a circle around the helmet. It wasn’t the most eye-catching emblem but it had a great history and was recognizable across the continent.

No one said anything more. The king and his fellow representatives of Churstin resumed their seats while they all waited for the arrival of the third and final party.

Almost an hour later, Moranti finally looked up to the sky and rolled his eyes, as did Eedaj.

A few seconds later, a giant pillar of light fell upon the amphitheater. The entire audience basked in its light while embracing its unconditional warmth wholeheartedly.

"Sorry I’m late..." Halmut’s voice echoed as the clouds parted further to reveal his unfathomably large draconic form.

The king of Churstin wanted to graciously accept Halmut’s tardiness but Mornati shouted, "Hurry down you show off! If this was about who’s ego is the largest, I wouldn’t have dared to show up!"

Halmut didn’t respond to the God of Space, ignoring the comment while assuming his human form and descending to greet the mortal king wearing an awkward expression. "Thank you for inviting me and considering our protection over what they have to offer. I’ll be representing all of my fellow legendary gods today."

"What? They won’t fit in the amphitheater next to your big head?"

Turning to Moranti, Halmut shook his head and smiled. "Though I’m late, at least I’m not wasting my breath spewing nonsense. Will you let us begin this discussion or are you more childish than I assumed?"

"Don’t doubt my childishness! If a man can’t laugh at himself then he’s not a man at all. He’s just a big-headed egomaniac on the verge of self-destruction," Mornati added with a smile. "But I don’t have to tell you that. You’re the prime example, after all."

"P-please, let’s get down to business!" the king spoke up, not wanting either side to break out in a fight. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. I’m Brobit Kramul and I have the privilege of being the current king of Churstin. It’s an absolute pleasure to meet with you all here today. First, please allow me to apologize to the Leisure Guild for inviting another party into our discussion. I--"

"If I were in your shoes then I would’ve done the same thing. It only proves that you want what’s best for your kingdom and are looking into both viable options clearly," Vixus stated, wearing a warm smile. "That’s an ideology that I can appreciate, so know that we hold no grudge over the matter."

"Thank you, Master Vixus!" King Brobit bowed his head, grateful to know that. "Second, allow me to apologize to you, Halmut. How do you wish that I address your excellency?"

"That greeting will do fine," Halmut smiled as well, waving the king’s discomfort away.

"Just call me Moranti! This is Eedaj and that’s Choron. No need for honorifics with us. Got it, Brobit?"

"Y-yes, your-- Yes, Moranti." The king was humbled to be on a first-name basis with deities, especially one of Moranti’s caliber.

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