The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 475 Jin Confronts Tyres

Chapter 475 Jin Confronts Tyres

Tyres watched casually as the two dragons under his command barreled into the unsuspecting camp. As the second Flood Dragon nose-dived into the king’s tent, Tyres sighed.

"Finally! Are you ready to admit defeat?"

Turning around, Tyres showed a stern face to his one-time friend and companion. "Jin, why are you always so eager to die?"

"Why are you always so eager to hide?" Jin retorted, unfazed by the Sword God’s remark.

"I won the last duel, so it’s you searching for death.

"No, you and Torian won that fight, but I won the duel!" shouted Jin.

Shrugging, Tyres rolled his eyes, "Either way, I won in the end. You’re the one obsessed with death, not me."

"Coward!" Jin retrieved two katanas, arming himself and preparing for their imminent duel.

"Before we get to fighting, you should warn your reinforcements to come out now. Otherwise, there won’t be a duel or any time to save you," Tyres added with a cold smile.

Right on cue, another silhouette rocketed through the sky toward the two gods. It was beyond large or huge. The silhouette matched Lunara’s hydra form in length and it’s two expansive pairs of wings made up for the lack of additional heads. It came to a halt in the air, steadily flapping its powerful wings to maintain flight and look down on the small human gods before it.

"It’s not Torian this time? Will Kylon be fast enough to save you when you get in trouble?" Jin mocked his opponent.

"Jin, I admire your tenacity and discipline. Why must you face us and perish?" Kylon asked.

"I have standards too, just as you do Kylon. Don’t lower yourself by teaming up with him. Your noble reputation will be ruined," stated Jin.

"I understand your concern, but please know that I do this out of orders, not of my own will. I have the highest respect for you, Jin, much more than I have for many of my fellow holy gods. It’s too bad we find ourselves on opposing sides."

Sighing, Tyres added, "I heard that..."

"I don’t care," stated Kylon. "As a god with a level advantage, you’re too cowardly to face your old friend head-on while he, without advantages, has gained the better of you each time in the past, even escaping death when a second god aids you in attempting to kill him. As a warrior, he’s one of the best. If his level were even three levels higher, he’d be able to fight toe-to-toe with any of us more powerful gods as possible equals."

"I appreciate the high praise!" Jin bowed formally to his supposed enemy. "Why are you a part of the holy gods again? I always forget how such a respectable person is under the crafty, treacherous leadership of Halmut."

"Say what you must but Halmut has helped me in the past and I intend to repay that debt, even if I must act against my honor during occasions like this," Kylon commented.

"Then allow me to intervene." A fourth silhouette soared towards the group of gods, a smaller, humanoid silhouette.

"Eedaj... You’re the one who came to help him?" Kylon asked.

With a nod, Eedaj replied, "Correct. How about both of us back off and allow them to handle their own business? I don’t see a need in attacking you if you see no need in attacking me."

"Very well. I support that decision."

Both the colossal dragon and the short elf flew further than a kilometer away.

"Are you sure you’re okay with losing your security?" Jin asked. "Once I swing my blades, I’ll stop for no one, mortal or immortal."

Dual longswords appeared in Tyre’s hands. The Sword God inhaled and exhaled as he sharpened his gaze. "Come! I’ll show you why I earned the title Sword God and not you!"


"Are you so confident in Jin’s abilities that you’ll allow him to face Tyres after knowing Jin’s at a level disadvantage?" Kylon had already reverted to her human form and nonchalantly stood in the air beside Eedaj.

Shrugging, Eedaj answered, "Even if I wanted to, Jin would never let me. And though Tyres has leveled up since their last match while Jin hasn’t, Jin has sharpened his skills all the more. He’s one that seeks mastery and not pure, brute strength that comes with leveling. I’m not sure if you dragons fully understand that, not without seeking to master a trade outside of battle."

"That makes a lot of sense..." Kylon nodded. "Just know that should you intervene, I’ll be forced to attack you, Eedaj."

"Thank you for the warning," The Mind God chuckled while focusing his attention elsewhere.

He was proud to see Karronteel take on the stronger of the two dragons and even teleport it into the charging army, slowing the invasion and hurting the Zuran forces while alleviating the Reinolt camp of some worries. But that left the Karronteel at a great disadvantage while there was still a second, albeit weaker dragon for the others to handle. With three unfair matches happening at the same time, four if you include Eedaj’s momentary standstill with the lv. 94 Kylon beside him, Eedaj contacted some help.

’Moranti, the situation has changed here. Kylon is keeping me from helping and two flood dragons are attacking the camp.’

’I can’t go myself. I’m busy here.’

Shocked to hear that, Eedaj asked, ’How so?’

’Tralbok and Torian decided to stop by and pay me a visit,’ Moranti answered, shattering Eedaj’s expectations. The God of Space continued, ’But I can open a rift to the same spot I did before and send someone through it.’

’Then do that, but open the rift a few meters from Maynard’s current position. That’s where they need it. Also, can Rikko--’

’Rikko’s also busy but I can send Guuro.’

’Why is Rikko busy?’ Eedaj asked.

’Sterfen cooked up a scheme and Rikko couldn’t say no. He’s on standby right now, waiting for his chance to act.’

’Alright... Then send Guuro through as well.’

’I’ll send help for the dragons first. Then I’ll convince Guuro to get off his fat butt and through the rift,’ Moranti added before ending the conversation.

Kylon remained silent as she thought Eedaj was also silently watching everything play out.

But no. Eedaj was now focusing on the duo heading toward the dragon inside the camp. He sensed their worry and contacted them immediately, answering their question and briefly joining their conversation telepathically, ’It’s lv. 82. I would step in but I’m occupied with an even larger dragon at the moment. Instead, look behind you.’

As Hadurt stepped through the rift, Eedaj sighed in relief. He then informed both Hadurt and Karronteel of the change in the situation.

’Karronteel, Hadurt has arrived. Can you teleport and swap opponents with him?’


’That dragon you’re facing is lv. 86, Karronteel. It’ll be a terribly tough opponent for either you or Hadurt and I’m not denying your ability to face such an opponent. However, Hadurt will have a better chance of killing it while you may last longer in a fight against it.’

’Fine... Then I’ll kill the lv. 82!’

’You heard that, right--’

’Switch now or I’ll kill them both!’ Hadurt shouted, not containing his excitement in the slightest.

’Prepare a downward strike. Tell me when you’re ready,’ Karronteel abruptly stated, catching Eedaj off guard.

The Mind God and Kylon, the Storm Goddess, watched as Karronteel took to the sky and performed a nose dive directly for the massive Flood Dragon. Yet, just before the Spectral Dragon dove headfirst into the Flood Dragon’s watery breath attack, Karronteel vanished and was replaced by a human wearing black armor in a flash of purple light.

Hadurt, with his demonization active and his halberd arching downward, carved through the breath attack and landed a clean blow to the lv. 86 Flood Dragon’s face. At the same time, Karronteel’s nose dive connected with the lv. 83 Flood Dragon within the camp, tearing his claws into the Flood Dragon’s neck.

Both Flood Dragons roared and billowed in fury at the sudden change of opponents.

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