The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 462 The Holy Gods Plan

Chapter 462 The Holy Gods“ Plan

"True..." Lyrun chuckled and nodded. "I think he’ll agree. I’m not sure about the others, but Tralbok should be able to sway them now that Moranti is a serious threat to their lives."

"In that case, Kylon, you should still keep track of that enchantment key but you can relax a little. I may have you make an appearance with the rest of us," stated Halmut, snatching everyone’s full attention. "With the neutral gods claiming Trodar, it’s only fair that we retake our rightful spots in the mortal world. Then, it will only be a matter of time till we can snuff out Trodar and claim victory."

"Finally!" Naparn shouted, lifting his fist in praise.

"Yes! It’s about time they recognize you for your true worth, your excellency!" Torian shouted as well, raising his fist in a similar fashion.

"For his excellency!" shouted Grixor.

In unison, the gods around the table cheered, "For his excellency!"

"Thank you." Halmut nodded, feeling satisfied. "When we finally win and I ascend beyond this world, I’ll make sure to bring you all with me!"

All the holy gods cheered and smiled, some falsely and some genuinely. Perchet was the only one who kept to himself but that was to be expected of him. He rarely spoke out of turn and was extra sensitive to sound, so he was always the lone wolf that never praised Halmut beyond the initial cheer.

Halmut next put up his hands and stood. Waiting for everyone to quiet down, Halmut added, "Now, I would like to hear your opinions as to what we do next. I have my own thoughts, but I’d prefer to hear yours first. Naparn?"

Standing, Naparn replied, "I believe we should strike before the neutral gods gain more power. If we give them too much time--"

"Do you believe that they’ll defeat me, Naparn?" Halmut suddenly questioned.

"That... That’s not what I was implying." Naparn rewarded his thoughts, "I think now is the best time for us to deal with them. They’ll only be more formidable in time so I believe we should strike while we have the advantage."

"Not bad... Lyrun?"

Taking the spotlight from Naparn, Lyrun stood up. "I think it would be best to wait. Since we have our reserved forces, I don’t see why we should act in such a rush."


"Naparn! Let him speak freely!" Halmut ordered, eager to hear Lyrun’s thoughts on the matter.

Nodding, Lyrun continued, "If they’re about to raise more gods, then let’s do the same. What would be so horrible about that? Adding the remaining chaotic gods and the more powerful dragons waiting to ascend, would we get outdone so easily?"

"Very true... Then, what do you think we should do while we wait for the proper moment?" Halmut asked.

"I agree with your prior statement," Lyrun answered. "If we return to the public eye, then we’ll be welcomed just as much, if not more than the neutral gods. Our mortal forces would soon outnumber theirs and our immortal forces would grow more quickly than theirs. If we focus on the end game then we’ll be best prepared for the moment to strike. If we’re short-sighted, then we may create the opportunity of our own demise."

"Well said!" Halmut praised. "Does anyone else agree with him?"

"I second Lyrun’s thoughts as my own," stated Kylon.

Grixor nodded. "I prefer to fight, but a long battle is favorable this time."

"What do you think, Tyres?" asked Halmut.

All the gods turned to see the only true human among them. They were all anxious to hear his opinion, not only as a human but as the youngest of the holy gods.

Tyres blinked and stated, "So long as I can face new challenges to grow, then I’m fine with anything. But I think Lyrun has a point."

"Then we all agree with Lyrun, that we should grow aggressively and eventually smother Trodar to death!" shouted Halmut, praising Lyrun more and more.

Naparn was the only one who still held a slight grudge against that idea, partially because he was on the losing side of the discussion. But he couldn’t overturn Halmut’s orders or disagree with the entire faction. That would only remove even more from his influence over the other gods, something that he refused to lose as the second-strongest holy god.

"Then, let’s check in on Tralbok..." Halmut smiled as he activated the viewing table.

Searching the ideal path between Olympic Chateau and Hades Compound, they found no gods coming their way. That being said, Lyrun then retrieved his contact crystal to speak with Tralbok.

"Tralbok? Yes... Yes... Alright... I’ll pass the crystal." Pausing the conversation, Lyrun tossed the contact crystal to Halmut. "He’s got them gathered and wants to speak conditions with you."

Chuckling, Halmut spoke with the crystal in hand. "Yes, Tralbok?"

"Halmut, your excellency, I’ve gathered those of us that remain of the chaotic gods. After much deliberating, we’ve decided that it would be best to ally ourselves to you while the neutral gods are at large," Tralbok stated.

"True, but how do you plan to ally with us? I have only one condition, that you formally join the holy gods," ordered Halmut. "We’ll even allow you to join us while we return to the public. As you gain followers and pledges, you’ll be able to grow stronger."

"I’m not against those conditions," Tralbok clarified.

"Great. Then hurry here and we’ll discuss your contracts in great detail."

"Can’t we--"

"Never form an alliance with someone afraid to meet in person. There’s no telling what such a person might scheme if left unchecked," added Halmut. "Hurry here or you’ll have no part of us."

"... Very well. We’ll be leaving shortly..."

After Tralbok ended the conversation, Halmut laughed and threw the crystal back to Lyrun. "Well done again, Lyrun. You’ve handled the negotiations well up to this point. I can tell by Tralbok’s submissiveness."

"Thank you, your excellency. All for you and your glory," replied Lyrun, smiling.

"With that being said, who would like to make the first appearance?" Halmut asked. "Whoever it is, I expect your arrival to come with the conquering of a nation!"

"Then allow me..." Naparn stood, glad that at least a portion of his plan would be useful. "I’ll lead Maltor to rise up as an empire, like ancient times."

"Great! Who else?"

"Allow me." Catching everyone off guard, Tyres stood proudly. "I’ll take those puny territories back for Zuran and make the empire ours."

"Perfect!" Glad to see the gods excited, Naparn continued, "Who else?"

"I have a suggestion..." Lyrun spoke up again. "How about we test the loyalty of those soon-to-be members of the pantheon? Doesn’t Tralbok have a temple in Sandros and Oosam one in Talrania? Why not have both nations ally to invade Trodar?"

"Interesting... Keep going," Halmut insisted.

"We’ll see just how loyal they are to your excellency’s glory and they’ll be perfect for keeping Trodar busy and out of everyone else’s business. Wouldn’t they make the perfect diversion for us to overtake the rest of the world?"

"Lyrun, that’s a perfect plan. We’ll do just that!" Halmut broke out in arrogant laughter. "Once this preparatory phase has passed, then we’ll begin to pressure Trodar and squeeze the life from them. Then, finally, we’ll be able to use them as sacrifices for my final ascension."

"For his excellency!" Tyres shouted, reigniting the cheer.

"For his excellency!"

With everyone shouting praises, Halmut patiently waited for Tralbok’s arrival. Though they wouldn’t be fully willing, Halmut understood how persuasive he could be when applying the right kind of pressure.

All the gods began to take out wines, ales, brundies and all sorts of liquor.

While the other cheered and drank for either Halmut or their own personal desires for power, Lyrun cheered and kept the source of his joy a secret. He relished in the fact that his former disciple would soon ascend. It was a proud moment for him.

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