The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 440 The Power of a Fully-Evolved Hell-Flame Fox

Chapter 440 The Power of a Fully-Evolved Hell-Flame Fox

Standing on the city wall, Kaldor, Hurmot, and Vixus watched the fight between Tralbok and Eedaj in awe. Witnessing a battle between gods was beyond a once-in-a-lifetime chance, so they relished in the view while Dragov and Dradich finished off the last of the army.

When they spotted Tralbok running away, at first they thought it a good sign. That was until they saw Argyle carrying Jack toward Lorwynn.

Realizing that Tralbok was after Jack, they felt their hearts clench.

Their interference would be equal to a fly pestering a man. They wouldn’t reach Jack sooner than the nimble god and would die with a flick of Tralbok’s finger. With no way to help, watched Eedaj doing everything possible to keep Tralbok at bay.

It had become clear that Eedaj was unable to control this new godly addition to the battle. If anything, it only made the men on the wall feel worse.

Tralbok was blinded momentarily but he suddenly removed the entire orb of darkness, creating a window of opportunity to throw an attack at Jack.

But when the orb of darkness reappeared, those on the wall were left with their jaws agape.

Beating loudly, their hearts struggled to wait for the reveal of Jack’s fate.

Then, that new god rose above the orb of darkness, seemingly unscathed. It pulled the men’s heartstrings tighter.

The other mid-level and barely-high-level members of the guild watched as well, not wanting to believe their eyes. After everything that the Leisure Guild and Jack showed off, those new guild members rushed to the Leisure Guild hoping to gain a higher position as the first batch of high-level recruits. There weren’t too many of them, but their presence was greatly appreciated in the battle and overall. Yet now, they watched as a god hunted down their cause for joining the guild.

It didn’t take long for that god to change targets, rushing toward a man they had never met before. That man had proven to be astoundingly powerful earlier but those new recruits and the current leaders of the Leisure Guild didn’t believe that Lorwynn could survive the god’s pursuit.

However, Lorwynn put up a great fight. He dashed through the air, making Tralbok fight for the opportunity to kill him. When Lorwynn was eventually captured, everyone was shocked to see Lorwynn target himself with such a powerful lightning spell, all to hurt the god.

They didn’t hear his final words, but everyone watching gained a great deal of respect for the mortal man who attempted to harm a god, even in the face of death.

As Lorwynn fell and was caught, they noticed the wyrm rushing back at full speed with the corpse on his back.

Vixus shouted to the many new guild members, "Anyone with resurrection spells, step forward! You’ll receive special favor within the guild for your services."

Only three people stepped forward. There was a woman and a man that were almost lv. 60 and there was a hooded man with a single arm and a hidden level. But that hooded man didn’t turn to Vixus like the others. Instead, he kept his eyes glued to the battlefield, occasionally glancing at the west gate where two beasts were currently evolving.

The man and women were given their assignment, rushing toward Hurmot with everything they had.

At the same time, The crowd on the city wall saw that merciless god redirect himself at a new target. As the god was quite far away, it wasn’t hard for the crowd to realize where he was heading.

They saw the defenseless fox howling as that god rushed toward it. Some felt tempted to rush and interfere, but utterly doubted their abilities to do so.

Just then, everyone heard a loud crack. Searching for the source of the sound, the crowd spotted fresh cracks in the city wall where that hooded figure once stood. They were speechless as they saw that hooded figure rocket through the air at a speed that rivaled the god!

When that merciless god evaded all of Eedaj’s attacks while preparing his own strike, that hooded figure also prepared an attack as he never stopped his mad dash for the fox. However, both the hooded figure’s attack and Tralbok’s attack were thrown at the fox.

The wind blade of Tralbok’s was deadly and meant to instantly kill the helpless fox. But the other attack landed first.

It was a small black sphere. To the crowd, it looked insignificant and easily overlooked. Yet they were again struck dumb when the black sphere landed at the fox’s feet. Aggressively, the sphere exploded and engulfed the fox’s huge flame body in pitch-black flames. Easily outgrowing the fox, the fire eventually came into contact with the wind blade, which was also consumed by the hungry black flames.

At the sight of those black flames, Tralbok halted his charge. He stood in the air maybe fifty meters away from the roaring ball of flame. His face was no longer arrogant or mischievous.

Tralbok watched as that hooded man landed an arm’s reach from the black flames, completely unaffected by them or the unimaginable heat they gave off. Even the nearby stone walls were heating up from just being in the vicinity, yet that hooded man carefully walked along the flames until he stood between Tralbok and the fox inside the black fire.


"Don’t..." The hooded man shouted with a clenched jaw, furiously interrupting anything that Tralbok attempted to say. His own emotions were so high that the hooded man struggled to say a single sentence. "Don’t... Touch... My... SON!"

Unable to hold himself back, the hood burst into flames as the man grew in size.

Everyone watching felt their hearts pounding, almost bursting from shock, Tralbok included.

That mysterious figure grew and grew, eventually surpassing the size of Bowzer and the flames that covered him. The figure’s form was shifting, changing from that of a man to a quadruped, only he had three legs and not four. Taking a form similar to Bowzer’s flame body, that figure roared, shaking the hearts of everyone in the entire city.

Thanks to the size of the flame body, nearly the whole city could see it. The sight dragged the citizens to the deepest depths of fear and disbelief. As if out of the citizen’s darkest nightmares and childhood fears, a hundred-meter tall Hell-flame Fox with pitch-black flames towered over the west gate to the city.

"Kori..." Tralbok finally spoke up again, feeling the Fox God’s deadly, heated gaze. "Why are you--"

"Don’t touch my son!" Kori shouted again. "I won’t lose him again!"

Taking that in, Tralbok realized that he had committed a grave error that was impossible to calculate prior. He opened his mouth again to attempt to reason with the Fox God, but Kori’s shout interrupted him again.

"Eedaj! Leave or you’ll burn to death..."

Controlling his anger, the hulking flame body started to shrink down. The flames didn’t die down but they shrunk to the original size of the man. But despite the change in size, his intimidating presence wasn’t weakened in the slightest.

"Kori, I had no idea that he was your son," admitted Tralbok. "Had I known, then--"

"Tralbok, our factions were enemies before this ever happened... I doubt you’d show him mercy when given an easy chance to kill him," Kori stated, holding tight to reason as a means to control his rage.

Tralbok bowed his head to Kori. "Then, allow me to leave now. I see no reason why--"

"You’ve already proven to be my son’s enemy... More than enough reason to show you no mercy..."

"Kori, please, right now the holy gods have gained a new enemy as well. Why don’t you take your son and return to--"

"Defend yourself and die!"

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