The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 412 Thyrons Request, Denied!

Chapter 412 Thyron“s Request, Denied!

"Jack!" Thyron shouted and looked to the platform, "Please, allow me to take these three into custody. They’ll be tried as criminals of treason and will face death, that I can assure you."

"Of course!" replied Jack, "Feel free to take Halmon in, but these two will face trial according to the guidelines of the Leisure Guild, which existed before the council was even formed. For their crimes against us, we’ll personally hold their trial."

"Please, Jack, allow me to handle this. The people of Trodar deserve ultimate justice for facing such a misgiving, and they deserve to know that these criminals suffered until death," reasoned Thyron, beginning to sway the crowd to his side.

"True, but I can already tell you that we’ve crippled both Bikkem and Quallace. Their strength shouldn’t even be lv. 10 now. And though they are guilty by the laws of Trodar, they are also guilty by the laws of the Leisure Guild. They’ll be tried by us and they’ll receive their just punishment," stated Jack, not backing at all.

"Jack, I insist that--"

"My mind has been set and it won’t be changed!" Jack shouted. "The people of Trodar deserve justice, not corruption. And though you’ve proven yourself innocent as the lightning didn’t strike you, Thyron, what’s there to say about the other councilmen? I’ll be visiting the council soon to discuss the possibility of more traitors standing among the council. That’s why I’ll be joining the council this time, to help make sure it’s running as we intended long ago! Isn’t that what the people want?!"

Finally siding with Jack, the people cheered for the man who revealed the truth behind the council and was still pushing for further investigation.

Noticing that the crowd couldn’t be swayed again, Thyron smiled and clicked his tongue. "I agree that such questioning should happen, but that--"

"Then I, Jack, the guild master of the Leisure Guild, ask you, Thyron, the current spokesman of the Trodan Council, to join us for a Leisure-Council Conference in the town square!" Jack shouted, confusing the crowd and silencing Thyron. "Do you accept this summons?"

Thyron exhaled and clicked his tongue again. "As the spokesman of the council, I have no right to infringe upon such a summons."

"Then it’s settled. We’ll send you the written summons in the next few days," stated Jack. "I look forward to seeking justice for all of Trodar to see. Also... make sure every councilman is present. If they reject the summons, this time we’ll hunt them down as guilty for the act of treason."

"Jack, that’s--"

"Why else would they flee from the summons, Thyron?" Jack asked, making sure the crowd could hear them. "Unless they’re trying to avoid being discovered as syndicate members, why else would they run. Tell me, Thyron."

"I’m not sure, Jack," answered Thyron. "But there are always a few that aren’t able to--"

"I’ve already said my piece!" shouted Jack.

Ignoring Thyron from that moment on, Jack turned and led his men back toward the main entrance of the Leisure Guild. Kaldor, Kims, and Tralon released Halmon after Kaldor and Kims beat him and Thyron took hold of the captive.

Thyron could only watch as Jack led the members of the Leisure Guild, amazed by how strong the Leisure Guild had suddenly grown. It was far outside of any of his calculations.

As they reentered the Leisure Guild, Jack bowed to all the men behind him. "Thank you for assisting me. I’m glad we managed to catch a third rat."

"Think nothing of it, Jack. We’re all a part of the guild, so it’s only natural," Hurmot replied as he, Argyle, and Kaldor left to resume their usual duties.

Vixus and Tralons also left, having plenty to do thanks to yet another influx of new members needing to be tried before entry into the guild. It was inevitable that the guild would face such aggressive growth, but it was overwhelming until they could train more managers to work alongside Dirk.

Kims was the only one left with Jack. He looked at the cage, asking, "What do we do with these two?"

"You can take Bikkem back to his cell. I’ll escort Quallace back to his."

"How dare you, Jack! How dare you--"

Bikkem tried to slander Jack still, infuriated to have been revealed and humiliated so terribly. But A swift punch to his jaw shattered Bikkem’s ability to speak any more.

Both captives were taken out of the cage and led toward the prison. Once there, Jack and Kims split up to direct each of the captives to their respective cell. Then, after Kims and Bikkem were out of earshot, Quallace asked, "So... I get to live now, right?"

"Of course, that was the deal." Jack smiled and unlocked the isolation chamber in front of him. "He’s waiting for you inside. Your cooperation will earn your freedom."

"And... what about after I’m free? Won’t they just--"

"We’ll discreetly send you somewhere far away. That way you can’t be tracked by the syndicate and you’ll be able to at least live freely. You’ll receive the death sentence, according to our records, but that’s only to keep you from being hunted. As for you not getting caught after that, legally change your name and live a normal life. The more ostentatious you act after this, the more likely you’ll get caught," Jack stated, putting Quallace at ease.

Letting loose a sigh of relief, Quallace finally smiled. "Thanks! I’ll let you know everything!"

"Good, because if you don’t tell us everything you know or you lie, then you’ll be tortured instead of freed," Jack replied nonchalantly. "With the Mind God, we’ll verify that you were honest and that you told us everything to the best of your knowledge. Don’t forget that, okay?"

"Right!" Unashamed of accepting that double-crossing deal, Quallace happily walked into the chamber and sat down across from Eedaj.

Jack locked the door and sat beside Eedaj, beginning the questioning, "Now that we’ve done what you asked, tell me, how was Thyron not affected by the black lightning?"

"That I don’t know, but I can tell you that over half of the council are members of the syndicate," answered Quallace. "I can even give you names."

"That’s good... Then what does the syndicate intend to do with Trodar?" asked Jack.

Quallace replied, "Easy, like every nation, they try to have a sway in how things run. The syndicate wants to control everything while remaining in the shadows. They’re the reason all the councilmen want the Leisure Guild gone and are how most of us have business connections and more wealth than we can account for."

"How is Thyron connected to all of this?"

"He’s the one calling the shots inside of Trodar. He’s also the one who introduced me to the syndicate and offered me a handsome sum for joining," answered Quallace.

"Yet he wasn’t affected by the lightning..." Jack took a moment to think, glancing at Eedaj. When Eedaj nodded, Jack sighed. "Alright, then why is the syndicate so interested in the Leisure Guild?"

"They wanted to control it at first, but with Tralon remaining as guild master for so long, that was incredibly difficult. We only managed to sneak in one spy and it’s only for information," Quallace stated. "So, because of Tralon’s presence, they shifted the plan to buying out the Leisure Guild and attempting to get ahold of the storehouse. That’s why we were so eager to jump on the opportunity of you opening the storehouse."

Nodding, Jack asked, "Okay... Why are you wanting to remain here and not with Thyron, your ally?"

"Well... That’s because I don’t know what he’ll do to me..." admitted Quallace. "There’s no telling what he would do. He could try to free me secretly, but I doubt that after my level was crippled... He’ll just kill me to seal any loose ends."

Eedaj nodded and Jack leaned onto the table with a smile. "Now, about those names..."

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