The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 377 Jack, The Legend of Trodar

Chapter 377 Jack, The Legend of Trodar


As the crowds’ cheers swelled to the highest yet, Jack struggled to get his mind past the thought of prematurely announcing himself.

’The gods already learned you were active starting today, and bringing Eedaj back into public view would force them to investigate deeper,’ Daruun’s voice crept into Jack’s troubled mind. ’Would you rather have the gods snooping around you to learn your identity or tell them outright?’

Clinging to that fresh seed of confidence that Daruun had just planted in Jack’s mind, Jack raised his arms before the crowd. It took a moment for the crowd’s excitement to still and allow Jack the opportunity to speak.

With everyone’s undivided attention, Jack stood proud atop the wall. "Trodans... It’s good to be back."

The crowd went nuts again, reveling on the stories of old and how they might come to pass yet again. And thanks to yesterday’s incident in Federal City, the entire world was left wondering what could happen next and if any place in the world could be safe. Now, Trodar had an answer to that and they couldn’t be prouder.

"Also, allow me to introduce one more man," Daruun resumed his speaking, pausing to let the crowd’s attention return to him. "As the God of Fate, I have too many responsibilities to dwell here. Though Jack is linked to me and will receive my guidance, I can’t personally offer that to you all. But this man can."

Motioning to his left, Daruun saw everyone’s eye follow the direction of his hands and stated, "This is Eedaj, another long-forgotten god of ancient Trodar. For those of you that remember the fairytales of Trodar, he’s also known as the Mind God."

While the crowd started to whisper and remember the Mind God, Daruun continued, "Also, this man is the leader of a rare breed of elves that was lost a long time ago. However, Jack has discovered the surviving tribe and brought them here to offer even more protection for the city and greater growth of your economy."

On cue, a large group of short, grey-skinned people emerged from within the property of the Leisure Guild. Both the crowds and those from the crane were startled by the appearance of more than two hundred greis elves.

"Now, you may know of Jack’s great achievements from the past, but know this. Before revealing himself to you all, Jack has been busy claiming newer, greater achievements." Daruun shifted the attention from the two gods back to the human, something that only Jack could pull off.

"After his revival, Jack has been busy visiting of forgotten gods of Trodar. Though we were forced to flee during the Godly War of the past, Jack has made sure that such a thing will never happen again!" continued Daruun, acting as the greatest hypeman Jack could wish for. "Not only does Jack have connections with myself and Eedaj, but Jack is also the proud adopted son of another forgotten god, the great God of Secrecy."

"That would be me!"

Out of nowhere, the crowd heard a new voice shout out from atop the wall. Their eyes scrambled to find a new man standing to the right of Jack, which baffled everyone.

Jack was startled to see Sterfen arrive beside him, but he felt glad to have him join such a momentous event.

Sterfen shouted, "Trodans, I’m Sterfen, the ancient God of Secrecy. I’ve personally witnessed Jack’s amazing abilities and have done just as Daruun stated. I’m proud to say that Jack is now my son, and a candidate to one day become a god himself."

Overdosed on excitement, the crowd was jittery and wondering what could possibly top what had already been said.

"I’m also proud to tell you this," added Sterfen. "My son Jack managed to do more than we can describe in words, but I can assure you that the Leisure Guild is once again fully prepared to defend this great city and help it once again become the great megacity that was famed throughout Kartonia.

"To do that, he’s done the impossible. Jack has become best friends with one of the legendary beasts that you fear most, a fox that can climb back from the pits of hell. Everyone, please step back so you can see it with your own eyes."

Clearing a crowd like this was normally impossible, but everyone was already imagining the same fearsome beast and no one wanted to be left near it.

Once a clearing of over two hundred meters was left in front of the gate below, Sterfen smiled to Jack, who nodded to Bowzer.

Understanding that it was his time to shine, the large fox jumped down to the floor below. He attracted everyone’s gaze, some filled with fear and hesitation while others watch with excitement and curiosity.

Howling, Bowzer’s white flame coat reappeared and grew rapidly. The crowd could only watch as a beast straight out of nightmares was proven to exist right before their eyes. Bowzer’s giant size and threatening flames silenced the crowd, leaving them with anxiety.

"Don’t be afraid!" Sterfen shouted. "This fox goes by the name Bowzer and he’s Jack’s mutual companion. Together, they’ve been preparing to reach new heights beyond every other hero to ever want across Kartonia."

As Bowzer’s flaming form started to shrink and rescind back to his normal form, Sterfen added, "Also, to make sure that Eedaj remains in this city as the first returning guardian god, my son will be marrying his daughter later tonight."

With their expectation obliterated yet again, the crowd felt like they were dreaming. Everything felt too good to be true, yet there was also evidence. Why else would such a magnificent crane appear so casually? How could they explain Daruun’s entrance that shook the city momentarily? And what about the Hell-flame Fox that seemed under Jack’s control? There was plenty of doubt, but there was enough evidence to convince the common people.

"Sadly," Sterfen continued, "At this moment in time, I can’t remain in Trodar with all of you. But I will always offer my strength and support when it’s needed. But you will have my son, Jack, the Legend of Trodar as well as Eedaj, the Mind God to take care of you as ambassadors of the Leisure Guild."

"Now go!" Daruun shouted, this time in a booming voice that shook everyone. "We must prepare for this great wedding which will be held within the Leisure Guild. There will be limited seating for the public, but I’ll also allow everyone willing to wait outside of this gate to see it when the wedding begins. Thank you for your time."

Before the crowd could applaud or attempt to ask any of the millions of circulating questions, Daruun clapped his palms and created a flash of light that blinded the entire crowd. When the flash was gone, all of the gods and the people from the crane had disappeared. Even the Behemoth Crane was gone, startling everyone and reinforcing the gods’ claims of being divine.

Tralon, the guild members, and the greis elves were already walking back into the guild.

The guild members were blown away by the announcement. Their guild leader had said that a great occasion was about to take place, something that would mean the absolute rival of the guild. And though the guild members doubted a complete revival, they were corrected thoroughly by the reveal of Jack’s identity, as well as the many other announcements made to the public.

Those greis elves were still in shock. They had long believed themselves to be a race of advanced goblins, but it felt so good to be called elves for some reason. And when they saw Daliea and Eedaj standing atop the wall, their hearts were shaken and overwhelmed with joy. Their doubts about having listened to Jack vanished right then and there. Nothing could’ve felt better or more fulfilling than that new knowledge about their origin and the fact that a member of their race was a god.

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