The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 371 Two Guests in the Leisure Guild

Chapter 371 Two Guests in the Leisure Guild

"Right..." sighed Argyle. "And just when I thought that Jack had become too strong too quickly, I found out that he’s still not strong enough..."

"Jack knows that better than anyone, Argyle. Why else would he be so adamant on taking advantage of others when given the opportunity?" chuckled Tralon.

"I just thought he was a jerk."

"Well, he is," Tralon admitted. "But if he wasn’t a jerk, could he have gotten this far so quickly? Doesn’t it make sense for Daruun to choose a jerk as his champion?"

"You’ve got a point there," Argyle agreed as he lifted himself from his lounge chair. "I’ll get my people situated to the north end of the property. That’s where you want us, right?"

"Correct. That way you can still have a storefront with an abundance of foot traffic," replied Tralon.

As Argyle opened the door to leave, he was surprised to find the Leisure Guild’s deputy manager on the other side.

"O-oh, sorry to trouble you Master Argyle. Is the guild leader inside?" Ilgor asked.

"I’m here, come in, Ilgor." As the deputy manager entered the room, Tralon asked, "Should Argyle need to hear about this as well?"

"Um, I just came to tell you that you have guests," stated Ilgor. "Two men dressed as adventurers are asking about joining the guild, but they’re too strong for me to assess. A-also, they asked for you by name, so I thought it would be fitting to--"

"I’ll see them, Ilgor. Such strong members are worth a moment of my time." Tralon smiled as he too stood up. "If you wish, you’re welcome to join me, Argyle."

"No thanks, I’ve got other things that do. I’ll let you know when we’re moved in," replied Argyle, walking away with a wave.

"Ilgor, show me to their waiting room."

The deputy manager nodded and took Tralon to a small room with a simple table and chairs. In the old days, the room was a conference room for adventuring parties but now they were just spare waiting rooms to receive guests.

Tralon knocked on the door before he turned the handle. He walked in while introducing himself, "It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m... Ilgor, you may leave. I’ll handle everything with them personally."

"O-of course, Guild Master." Ilgor bowed and continued down the hall as Tralon locked the door behind him.

Casting silence, the old mage sat down across the two supposed adventurers. "I’m sure you already know who I am, so why don’t you introduce your new friend, Lorwynn?"

"The names Hadurt. We came to meet the neutral champion, so where’s he at?" Hadurt impatiently questioned.

Lorwynn chuckled, "What he means to ask is if we can visit Jack. Is he in right now?"

"No, I’m sorry but he’s off on guild business," answered Tralon. "As for the neutral champion, what exactly fo you mean by that?"

"Exactly that. Isn’t Jack the neutral champion?" Hadurt kept questioning the ancient guild leader. "Or am I wrong to assume that he’s the former Legend of Trodar?"

Tralon was very cautious with his words, trying to understand the situation better and discern what he could and couldn’t say.

"Excuse me." A calm voice slipped through the door as it opened and closed. Smiling warmly, another man walked over and sat beside Tralon.

"And who are you?" asked Hadurt.

"I’m the one you want to speak with. I’m not Jack, but I have been waiting for you two to arrive. How’d the battle in Federal City go, by the way?" Daruun asked.

Lorwynn leaned into the table. "It went smoother than I was expecting, but I did surprise everyone after all."

"And how’s your master doing, Lorwynn? I’m sure he’s tired of putting on a false front for Naparn and the other Holy Gods."

Dropping his smile, Lorwynn stared seriously at the man across from him. "Who are you?"

Daruun chuckled, "Will you admit who you two really are to Tralon or not? He’ll figure it out anyway, so why hide it?"

"That..." Lorwynn kept from saying more, not sure what was the best thing to do.

Hadurt started intently at Daruun, trying to see through him. "What level are you? And how are you hiding it so well?"

"I have no level. There’s no way for the system to get a read on me," replied Daruun. "If you and Lorwynn won’t mention your true identities, then I can assure you that Jack won’t help you become gods."


"I’m Hadurt, the chaotic champion chosen by Skaryn before he was sealed away. I’ve long forgotten my family name, along with their faces. All I want is power, and I agreed to come here for that purpose alone," Hadurt immediately opened up. "Now, tell me how I can become a god since you already know what I’m after! Also, explain how you could know that was my motive!"

"Easy enough. By the way, my name is Daruun. It’s a pleasure to meet both of you."

"Wha..." Swallowing what Hadurt assumed would be his reply, Hadurt took a moment to process Daruun’s introduction.

Lorwynn was wide-eyed and speechless as well. His jaw hung open as he tried to fathom finding a main god within the confines of a mortal guild. The image was too strange to him that it was hard to believe.

"You’re joking... right?" asked Hadurt. "You’re really the God of Fate? The god ruling over the Neutral Gods?"

"I wouldn’t call what I do ruling, Hadurt. The way I see it, I’ve simply accepted them under my wing as my sons and daughters. I understand that’s hard for you to grasp, coming from the chaotic gods who constantly bicker and fight for more strength, but that’s the truth," stated Daruun. "In a way, you could even call the Neutral Gods the younger brothers and sisters of Halmut and Skaryn."

"What do you mean?" asked Lorwynn.

Daruun smiled. "Like those you call the Neutral Gods, I also helped Skaryn and Halmut ascend to godhood."

Silence filled the room. Not even a heartbeat could be heard from any of the three men sitting at the table.

"I never claimed to rule over gods or create my own faction. I simply thought helping them in the past was the right thing to do at the time, but I’ve come to see the error of my ways," continued Daruun. "From then on, I made sure to be absolutely sure whenever I made a move. Due to my lack of judgment in the past, I allowed those two to eventually war and divide the world. That’s how you two got dragged into this mess, so allow me to apologize."

"You... helped Skaryn become a god?" a few words managed to escape Hadurt mouth. "Doesn’t that mean--"

"Yes, I’m technically more powerful than both Halmut and Skaryn. That’s why they play by my rules, otherwise, I’ll be allowed to handle things personally," Daruun answered.

"What do you mean by--"

"Lorwynn, don’t ask for unnecessary information and waste our time together. You don’t need to know my rules, as that’s between myself and the two people who claimed you both as champions," stated Daruun. "What you’re after is the ability to become gods, something that your own pantheons have refused to you time and time again. Would you like to know why?"

Both Lorwynn and Hadurt nodded, letting Daruun control the conversation while Tralon sat back and listened closely.

"Tralon, pay attention because this also applies to you," added Daruun. "First, you two need to understand the consequences of your extended life. Like Tralon, you’ve each partaken of some means to extend your mortal lifespan. One of the reasons that your pantheons refuse to help you become gods is because they know it’s a waste. Any mortal that extends their life like you three have done will lose their immortal potential, making it a waste to select you as a demigod."

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