The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 329 A Convincing Argumen

Chapter 329 A Convincing Argumen

"So, is our discussion over or not?"

"Jack... Who are you?"

Not expecting that question, Jack burst into laughter for a few seconds. It took a moment for him to calm down. "Hurmot, you can’t afford to know that."

"What do you mean I can’t afford to know it? The Celestial Crane is--"

"You can’t afford it because you’re too cheap," stated Jack. "If you’re not willing to even meet the terms for the cranes or to join us in the storehouse, how could you willingly pay up to know more about me?"

"I..." Unsure how to reply, Hurmot thought for a moment. "Jack, are you one of the original members of the Leisure Guild?"

"Are you willing to let me take something from your restricted storage, regardless of whether you like it or not?" Jack chuckled. "I told you, you won’t let yourself afford such knowledge, so I have no reason to answer."

"... Then how much would it cost to learn the truth of your origins?"

"You need to join the Trodan Council."

"But that’s impossible, I already told you that."

"And that’s why you can’t afford the truth."

While Jack was shrugging the conversation off like it was nothing, Hurmot was fuming mad. He had met many unreasonable people before, but Jack took the cake and ate it too. Jack was on another level of selfishness, not daring to give up anything in his exchanges.

"Jack... I’m sure that I can offer you two treasures that catch your eye," stated Hurmot, standing by his offer.

"I’m sure a few of your treasures would, but I doubt you’d willingly part with them. Wouldn’t you have me fully explain why I want an item before you give me permission? Then you’ll get selfish and not agree because you’ll be unwilling to part with something you didn’t realize was so valuable.."

"Jack, please tell me. How come you’re so unwilling to accept my offer?"

Jack replied, "It’s a good offer, I’ll admit that. But it’s only good. It’s not enticing. You’ll never get me to budge the way you are now. How can you entice a man that is wealthier than you, Hurmot?"

Hurmot was about to reply but felt it was better to not reply angrily. For all he knew, Jack really was wealthier, and Jack opening the storehouse vault alone might make the Leisure Guild as wealthy as the three major auction guilds combined if rumors were proved true. It was the first time that Hurmot had tried to do business with someone wealthier than himself, making Hurmot better understand Jack’s stubborn selfishness a bit better.

"Why are you so expensive?"

"That’s the minimum price, Hurmot. Take it or leave it. So, are you going to accept any of my three offers or am I taking these cranes back to the Leisure Guild?"

When no answer came, Jack sighed. "It was nice talking to you, Hurmot."

Jack ended the connection and tossed the contact crystal back to Argyle. "I guess these cranes are coming with me to the Leisure Guild."

’Excuse me, Jack," the lead crane spoke up. ’What will be happening to us? It seems like you and your acquaintance weren’t able to see eye to eye."

"You’ll still be leaving here, but now you’re all coming with me to my guild instead."

’Guild? Is that some sort of gathering or conglomerate?’

Jack nodded. ’Exactly. It’s where most of us are from. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. You’ll be used to help messengers and run errands for our guild. We’ll make sure you’re fed and sheltered, so long as you offer yourselves as members of the guild, gaining an equal standing with other human members. Are you willing?"

’So, rather than be pampered icons with that acquaintance of yours, we’ll be members of your guild on equal terms of both responsibility and benefit?’ The lv. 66 crane looked to the others, who all nodded. ’Then we accept, Jack.’

As the cranes all bowed to Jack, becoming the newest members of the guild, Vixus laughed along with Kims.

They both understood that their party’s strength was enough to overpower the cranes and force their cooperation, yet Jack chose to make them equals, something they hadn’t considered.

"Jack... Kims and I have been wondering--"

"You’ve been wondering who I am, right?" Jack already knew where they were going. "With my little speech for the Minokawas and Hurmot questioning me, how could I not know that you’re both curious?"

"Very true." Vixus nodded.

Kims then spoke up, "How did you become a demigod?"

Those words startled the cranes, who looked to Jack with a new reverence and respect.

"Quiet. How about we talk about this elsewhere?" Jack insisted. "I don’t want to let everything in the dungeon know that about me. We’ll save such questions for the eleventh floor, okay?"

"Alright." Kims bowed his head with a smile. "So long as I get to travel and focus on growing stronger, then I’ll be happy no matter what. That’s why I joined the council in the first place, yet I was anchored by it instead."

"Well, I still want you on the council, but you’ll be allowed to travel all you want without the other councilmen bothering you now. Their business is within the city while yours is in the wilderness. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Both of them chuckled as the party then left for the circle. It was quickly found but they had to make a few decisions before they departed for the next floor.

"Does anyone have an extra bestial storage?" Vixus asked. "My spare ring was completely filled by the condor alone, and I’ve yet to select my other two beasts."

"I’ve got one left after filling mine with the condor, but I may need that for my other beasts as well," replied Argyle. "Sorry."

"I’ve got a few, Vixus." Tralon activated his storage and retrieved an ornate, golden ring carrying the insignia of the Leisure Guild. "This one is a lv. 65 mythic-tier bestial storage. It should fit at least three of those condors."

"Mythic-tier?!" Argyle’s business senses were tingling. "You had that all this time and you never sold it to me?!"

"I’ve got more than you know, Argyle," chuckled the aging mage. "Now, Vixus, this ring has a condition. It can only be used by a member of the Leisure Guild. So, should you ever leave the guild or betray us and I strike your name from the record, it’ll be useless to you."

"That’s... different. Was that a common condition for items in ancient times?" Vixus asked.

Jack answered, "More common then you’d think. It costs less make them and it gives more incentive to guild members to remain loyal to their sponsors."

With his curiosity sated, Vixus smiled and accepted the ring. "You should’ve mentioned benefits like these when you were trying to convince me in the first place. I almost turned you down back there, you know?"

"What’s the use of offering you this stuff if you’re only in it for treasure? The guild needs supporters, not leaches taking everything for themselves," reasoned Jack. "Once we open the vault, then you’ll find plenty of treasures like that. Honestly, that’s how most of the items are. Why else would I call it a storehouse and not a treasury."

Argyle then looked to Jack, dumbstruck.

"Don’t look at me like you never would’ve come had you known that. There are still plenty of regular treasures among the guild items," stated Jack. "Also, even if you had chosen one of the guild items as your treasure, then it all you would have to do is join the Leisure Guild to use it."


"If I remember correctly, there were many former members that had created guilds of their own," Tralon cut in. "That’s how most of the guilds in Trodar were back in the day. They were considered branch guilds, guilds considered as allies of the Leisure Guild."

Eyeing Tralon, Argyle clicked his tongue. "How can I be a member of a different guild when I’m a guild leader elsewhere?"

"That’s how the Leisure Guild always worked. Did you know the Leisure Guild was run by a council at the beginning? At first, the Trodain Council and the Leisure Council were one and the same," explained Jack. "Once Trodar began to thrive and gain its own identity, then the two split while most of the members would participate in both councils. That’s why we named it the Leisure Guild. People were allowed to act at their leisure, doing what they want when they want. Isn’t that perfect for you, Argyle?"

"I’m not just going to agree and join someone else’s guild..." Argyle replied, not hiding that he was pondering something.

Jack laughed, "You’d be welcome to join, Argyle! As my father-in-law, I’ll give you special treatment and spare you of all responsibilities. Then you only need to call in during urgent meetings or help during emergencies."

’Let’s you and I discuss that later.’


Those two quick messages got Jack to smile wider and Argyle to sigh.

"Now, shouldn’t we get going? We’ve got four more floors to clear before we reach the boss floor and open the vault."

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