Chapter 322 The Sky Floor

While Jack and Tralon were exchanging smiles with the newest members of the Leisure Guild, Argyle sighed, "Great, but can we get a move on? Now that we’ve got luggage to carry, we can’t waste any more time."

’Right, let’s go!’ Bowzer shouted in excited.

"Argyle’s right, let’s hurry up and get going to the next floor," Jack agreed. "And with two more able bodies, then we’ll have no trouble clearing the next four floors with ease."

"I’ll clear the way. It’ll let me get used to battling with one arm and I need all the EXP I can get." Kims giddily ran toward the exit of the fifth floor.

Argyle raced after Kims while Tralon chatted with Vixus and Jack threw the two crippled councilmen onto Bowzer’s back. With the updated team of six powerful party members, excluding Vixus’s beasts, they were more prepared than ever.

Once everyone was gathered at the circle, Tralon activated it and sent the team onto the next floor.

As the purple energy dispersed and the party arrived at their destination, they were all dumbstruck by the new world around them.

Beneath their feet were clouds, yet they were firm enough to walk and run on. Surrounding them was a crystal clear sky, proving to everyone that they were above the cloud line and high in the air. In the distance, different species of birds and flying creatures roamed freely.

"What is this..." Kims was in awe.

Vixus was focused on a nearby beast passing them by. "A griffon?! Why are there griffons on the sixth floor of the dungeon?!"

"Actually, this is the eighth floor," Jack explained, catching Vixus and Kims even more off guard. "You didn’t realize it before, but the first four floors will always appear in a random order which changes every nine days. The same goes for the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth floors. Currently, we’re on the eighth floor, a place we called the sky floor."

"The sky floor... And the griffon?!"

"Vixus, you’ll have to keep calm in these next few floors. These four floors are all different environments, suitable for different kinds of beasts. And when this place was being built, we stuffed it full of every kind of beast we could get our hands on at the time, that was an idea of your ancestor’s. So, now that I think about it, we’ll probably find some beasts in here that might have gone extinct in the outside world, or at least are extremely difficult to find."

"Jack, are you saying we have access to beasts that no one else in the world might have?" asked Vixus with an obvious intent behind his words.

"How about this, each of you can take a single beast with you today so long as there are at least two more of that species left behind. We don’t want to accidentally force a species to go extinct," laughed Jack, scratching his head.

"What different environments are these floors, Jack? Do you remember? I want to know which would be best to choose from."

"Vixus, chill for a bit. Remember, only one for now. Maybe you can come and pick another one later." Jack put his hands up innocently. "Anyway, the four environments are a lush valley, a frozen tundra, an endless sky, and an active volcano. Keep that in mind as we travel through the floors, cause we can’t turn around after we pass a floor.

"Personally, I also need another flying beast. And though a griffon is a great choice with a sixth level bloodline, I may want something different," Jack added with a wry smile.

Vixus squinted at Jack. "You remember the exact types of beasts there are, don’t you?"

"Mostly, but not all off the top of my head," answered Jack. "But I remember enough to know exactly which flying beast I want. Anyone else want a beast from the sky floor?"

"I do!" Vixus’s hand shot up.

Since no one else raised their hands, Jack looked to Kims first. "Which floor do you want to choose from?"

"Which would you recommend?" questioned Kims. "I don’t care what magic type they are, I just want something that can pair well with my fighting style, fast and merciless."

"Hmm... Then I would choose from the sky floor if you’re after speed. But if you want power, the magma floor will work too."

"Then if I don’t see one I like here, I’ll get one from the magma floor."

With that decided, Jack then turned to Tralon. "I never asked earlier, but do you even have a beast companion?"

"Not since my first companion perished during the Godly War." Tralon shook his head, a sad look in his eye.

"Would you like another one?"

"If I see one that catches my attention, I’ll let you know."

"That just leaves us with Argyle. What do you want?"

A thieving smile spread across Argyle’s face. "I want one from each floor."

"Argyle, that’s--"

"Consider it as part of my payment since I’m only taking a single item from the vault," reasoned Argyle. "Plus, just four beasts alone would make for the greatest auction I’ve ever held. And who knows, maybe I’ll keep one for myself."

’By the way,’ Jack replied mentally to Argyle, ’you have access to my companion bloodline skill as one of my inheritors. Which means whatever beast you form a mutual pact with can share their abilities with you, like me and Bowzer."

’Really?! Then I must have one from each floor! Screw the auctions!’’

Jack chuckled and sighed. "Fine, since you’re my father-in-law and you’ve been such an amazing help for such a low price, you can have one from each floor."

"Then, can I give up on the two extra items you promised me from the vault in exchange for two more beasts?" questioned Vixus, surprising Jack. "I believe that’s fair, right? And you would have no reason to question my loyalty since I’ll only be able to access this place through the guild."

"Alright, you can take three beasts total but only a single item from the vault. Happy now?"


"If there are no more questions or complaints, then let’s get moving," Jack refocused the group. "The next circle should be southeast, but I want to check northeast first."

"Jack, what would you--"

"If you see one, two, or three you like, then say so. I’ll let you know if they were one-of-a-kind or whether we should be able to find more of them. Got it?"

"Got it," Vixus nervously chuckled, trying to keep his excitement in check.

While they traveled toward the northeast, everyone was blown away by the dozens of beasts they had never personally seen before. Each of the beasts were well known in bestiaries or stories but were difficult to find in real life.

Vixus remained patient despite his nerves. How could he choose a beast from the sky floor without learning what beast Jack was after first? Wouldn’t that beast be the rarest or most powerful of all?

It took them about an hour to reach the northeastern region of the sky floor, mostly due to them taking their time and admiring the beasts around them.

"That one."

Jack and the others turned to Kims, surprised to see him a ways behind them.

"I want that one. Can I take him with me, Jack?" Kims lifted his finger, showing which of the marvelous beasts he was after.

"Oh, I forgot those were in here. Nice choice. If you can catch it, then Bowzer can help you keep it calm during the sealing process."

The moment Jack gave Kims permission, the swordsman darted into action. Leaping with all his might, Kims grabbed hold of one of the beast’s wings and forced it into a nosedive toward the ground.

However, the beast didn’t give up the fight. It entered a death roll as it plummeted toward the ground made up of clouds at full speed. The beast was eager to throw Kims and prove its own might against the swordsman.

Kims held on for dear life with his one arm clutching the base of the wing and his legs wrapped around the beast’s belly, struggling much more than he would’ve liked. But the man’s determination proved impossible to shake as he managed to cling on just as the beast altered its course and narrowly avoid a crash landing.

"That’s a..." stammering, Vixus recognized the beast but was too shocked by Kims riding one to speak clearly.

"A Winged Serpent... not bad at all," Jack chuckled, enjoying the show.

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