༺ Monologue – Interlude (2) ༻

When highlighting the ballads that wandering bards abundantly sang in recent times, the subject would unquestionably be about the ‘Nameless Hero’ who subjugated the Floating Island.

After all, the ‘Black Monster’, who had suddenly appeared at Märchen Academy while defeating demons, was praised throughout the world with such an alias.

Moreover, there were reports that the Devil Pillar that appeared in the Astrea Duchy was also defeated by this same Nameless Hero.

The cold silver wind that had blown during the battle between the Black Monster and the Floating Island was witnessed even at the location where the had Devil Pillar emerged.

Despite the many hostages captured by the demon, there were 0 deaths. It was an unbelievable feat that closely followed the battle with the Floating Island, which similarly had no casualties.

As such, it was only a matter of course that this news reached the ears of Gerald Astrea, the Sword Saint, and Historia, the genius wizard.

“Is that so.”

In the middle of the night…

Inside a carriage that was hastily returning to the Astrea Duchy, a middle-aged man, with verdant green hair swept back, spoke in a low voice.

His reaction was quite subdued, considering the report he heard from the escort knight; the one who defeated the black tower demon was confirmed to be none other than the Nameless Hero.

It was extremely polarizing compared to the chilling wrath he first showed when notified about the emergence of the Devil Pillar.

Gerald gazed out the window with eyes that could be considered as fiery as the sun or as sharp as an eagle. A waning moon hung in one corner of the night sky.

An Archwizard who had vanquished the Floating Island alone without any sacrifices or losses of life.

Although there was no way to know how such an existence had hid their identity and popped up out of nowhere…

Regardless, it was an undeniable fact that such a figure had protected the Astrea Duchy.

“I seem to have incurred a debt to that wizard…”

Gerald wore a meaningful expression.

* * *

Adventurers’ accommodations. The glowing lamp on the desk was the only source of light, faintly illuminating the darkness of the night.

Amy Holloway, a girl with short white hair wearing pajamas, sat at the desk with her chin resting on her hand, lost in thought. The black rabbit ear ribbon she usually wore was nowhere to be found.

On the desk, elemental magic textbooks she had brought to review lay sprawling open, but Amy could not find it in herself to concentrate on the contents.


The black tower demon. And someone unidentifiable wearing a wizard robe.

The robe that the individual was wearing seemed to have a function that hindered identity recognition. After all, when she caught a glimpse, their figure was blurry and hard to distinguish.

However, she was the daughter of the Holloway County. Her bloodline ability [Heart Color Discernment] was always activated.

[Heart Color Discernment] was a magic that reflected the color of one’s heart and emotions. Moreover, it was one of the greatest contributors to the Holloway County’s continued survival in a noble society full of schemes and deceptions.

From what she heard from the knights under Astrea’s command, the one who defeated the black tower demon was the Nameless Hero; in other words, the Black Monster.

And the color of their heart was clearly…

“Blue and… Orange.’

A beautiful blue tinged with orange. It was a color that proved they had a kind-hearted nature, as well as a sweet hue that only appeared when one cherished Amy.

Since she only caught a very brief glimpse, it might not be accurate. Perhaps she even saw it wrong.

After all, not only did they hide themselves with an ice wall and a chilly aura…

But Amy herself was also incredibly distracted because she was blown away by Kaya’s wind magic.

However, if the color of their heart was real…

─‘I’m sorry, but I’m trying to kidnap you. Will you cooperate?’

Assuming they were an ice elemental user, there was only one person in Märchen Academy who displayed those very colors.

A silver-blue-haired boy whose prowess grew explosively after once being called the Academy’s Weakest.

As Amy recalled his face, her eyes widened in astonishment.


Although she reflexively shook her head at the absurd idea…

Certain questionable moments began to pile up one at a time when assuming that Isaac was actually the Nameless Hero.

As the night deepened, Amy’s suspicions only continued to accumulate, layer by layer.

* * *

[Status] Name: Isaac

Lv: 105

Gender: Male

Year: (2nd)

Title: Prospective Second Year

Mana: 25500/25500

– Mana Recovery Speed (A-)

Inside the continuously rattling carriage, I gripped the magic tool, training my Mana Mastery, as I checked the status window. I was currently on my way back to Märchen Academy.

The demon incident in the Astrea Duchy had been cleanly wrapped up.

After casting [Frostwind], I quickly escaped the area swallowed by Babel the Corrupted and entered a nearby forest.

Fortunately, it was a forest where the snow-covered winter trees still had some thawed areas. Moreover, a small cave was visible, suitable for hiding.

Shortly after, I surveyed the surroundings with [Clairvoyance]. It seemed the Knight Order under Astrea’s command was gradually heading towards the location where Babel had first appeared.

I waited for things to simmer down in the small cave, then cautiously approached the direction of the carriage station, resting in another cave in the middle of my escapade.

This 2nd Round had distinctly different outcomes compared to the 1st Round.

I had saved Dorothy…

And had explosively leveled up after defeating the Floating Island.

This irreversible fact ignited the flames of determination within me.

On the gravel road leading to the bridge. Under the somber ash-gray clouds releasing white snowflakes, the scene of the Arkins Sea, waves gently swelling, reflected upon my eyes.

As I felt the peaceful atmosphere, quite different from the apocalyptic landscape in my memories…

I couldn’t help but stare blankly at such scenery for a long while.


When I arrived at Märchen Academy, the sky was already painted with an inky black hue.

Before anything, I wanted to talk with Dorothy, who had intervened in the Trial of Sandstone.

‘Where is Dorothy?’

I wondered, ‘Could she be in the Josena Forest hideout?’, so I probed the dark forest path in search of her.

The fire of the hideout’s lamps was ignited. My guess seemed right on the money.

[You came.]

As I opened the door and entered, Dorothy’s white cat familiar, Ella, greeted me.

Her voice was coy yet haughty per usual.

“Why are you here?”

[We all have our reasons. But more importantly, over there.]

Ella gestured towards the bed with her chin.

A goddess with light purple hair was peacefully sleeping in casual attire, as if this was her own home.

“Doro- Senior Dorothy?”

Since Ella was beside me, I hurriedly added her title as a Senior.

[She’s been like that for two days. Sleeping, I mean.]

“Two days?”

Next to the bed, the faint light of the partially-opened lamp flickered in the darkness.

I sat down on a chair next to the bed Dorothy was sleeping in. Ella, as if waiting for this moment, began to narrate her story with the tone of a haughty lady.

Her story went in one ear and out the other; 80% of her story were complaints, saying how bored and aggrieved she was because she had to be by Dorothy’s side 24/7 for the past two days.

To put it simply…

Due to the strain of intervening in another worldline, Dorothy had been sleeping continuously for two days.

And it was the first time Ella had ever seen Dorothy this exhausted.

‘That sounds about right.’

Even though I had only briefly heard about it, it seemed to be an ability that transcended human comprehension.

It was so impressive that it raised doubts whether this was really within the realm of mere talent, as she had not even reached the level of an Archwizard yet.

Either way, just as expected of Dorothy.

Thanks to her, I had resolved the most bothersome issue, so I was only filled with gratitude for her.

The memory of the monument erected in her honor suddenly flashed through my mind, making my heart throb in pain, as if it was poked by thorns.

It was a memory of the 1st Round.

However, Dorothy was here before me, alive and well.

She was innocently snoring in a deep and peaceful slumber.

As I ruminated over such a fact, a faint smile suddenly formed on my lips. She looked so incredibly lovely.

Feeling Ella’s subtle look, I tried desperately to suppress my laughter by covering my mouth, but my joy was inevitable.

“Is Senior’s condition okay?”

[As far as I can tell. She might wake up tomorrow, I expect?]

After jumping on top of the bed, Ella answered while gently shaking Dorothy’s cheeks with her paws.

Her head swayed without resistance.

[She is sleeping quite deeply, you know? I tried playing a prank out of boredom, but she didn’t wake up at all. Basically, this is a perfect chance to mess with Dorothy to your heart’s content.]

“Is that so.”

[And since I’m a cat who does a lot of other things, I often have to take my eyes off of Dorothy. Whenever that happens, no matter what you do, I wouldn’t notice.]

“Ah, okay…”

[Uhuh, I would absolutely never know. Definitely. Oops, it’s time for me to go do other things. From now on, no matter what you do to Dorothy, I will have no idea.]


Suddenly, Ella stepped down from the bed and moved away with a coy expression.

‘What is she going on and on about? Why is she like this right now?’

I used [Psychological Insight].

[Ella] Psychology: [Hopes that the love between you and Dorothy Heartnova bears fruit.]


Ella, this girl, was as scandalous as Galia.

Are all familiars usually like this…?

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