The Abused Luna's Comeback

Chapter 221 - 221 Escape from the Cage

221 Escape from the Cage

[Mona’s P.O.V.]

After Nicholas’ men took us, they threw us in what I felt was a dungeon or some kind of cage. All I knew was that we had come quite a long way from the pack’s territory.

I didn’t make any noise, none of us did. We were conserving our strength. Moreover, our hands and feet had been shackled with silver, the burning pain keeping us wide awake.

When we were finally parked in one place a little while later, I heard the voice of the demon.

“Welcome to your new home, ladies.”

The other ‘hostages’ grunted in anger, doing their best to hold in the pain from the shackles burning against their skin. They were ordinary wolves so I knew their tolerance to pain wasn’t as high as mine. Then, I heard Emily’s scream. I could even hear the sound of her waving and kicking in the air. They were most likely taking her away from us.

“Lord Nicholas, what should we do with the remaining she-wolves?” asked one of the vampires.

“Don’t waste your energy on them. Leave them here. If Emily tries to resist, these weak she-wolves will die.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

I could sense some vampires flash away, but I still remained silent and still, focusing on all remaining senses to determine my surroundings.

Once I could tell that there were no more vampires around, I easily took off my hood with my ability.

I looked around and found that we were indeed in a large cage in a dungeon. Thankfully, there were no vampires around for the time being.

I looked at my wrists and ankles as they were starting to smell of blood and fire. I gritted my teeth and used my ability to break the shackles that were almost glued to my hands and feet. Then, I took off the hoods of each hostage.

When Jane saw me for the first time, she was shocked.


I made a gesture for her to keep quiet and continued to use my ability to remove the shackles on the hostages’ hands and feet.

They hissed from the pain but not a single one of them shouted out loud. Sadly, their hands and feet were looking quite horrible and there was the smell of burnt flesh in the air. But none of these could stop the flames of vengeance in their eyes.

“Oh my God, Mona, why are you here?” asked Jane in a low voice.

“Jane, I will explain it to you later,” said I as I gave her a look.

Jane quickly glanced at her team. She was a competent female warrior leader, so she immediately noticed that there was one less person on her team.

“Where did Marcia go?” asked she and all of them looked at each other.

“Marcia is safe. Now, I need your cooperation.”

Everyone looked at me and when they saw that my burned flesh had recovered to its original state, they were very surprised, except for Jane.

“Miss Mona, did you help us get rid of these silver shackles? But why are you the only one who has recovered so quickly?” asked one of the female werewolves.

“It’s a little complicated, but I need you to focus now because I need to find Nicholas and Emily. Relax your wrists and ankles, we need to leave this place immediately.”

“What do we need to do?” asked another she-wolf warrior.

“I need you to distract and kill as many ordinary vampires as possible. I’ll go after Nicholas.”

“I can’t let you do this alone! I’ll go with you,” said urgently.

“And I can’t allow that to happen either, Jane. You need to lead your team,” said I commandingly.

“Alright, I will, Luna,” said she with a lowered head.

When the other she-wolves heard her call me that, they were shocked. However, they immediately followed and lowered their heads.

“Alright, ladies, you heard Luna’s orders.” Jane quickly slipped on her leader hat. “Lydia, Jill, you two form a team. Karen and April, you form a team. Kelly and Cameron will form a team. Elisa, Elizabeth, you will follow me.”

Once she had split them up, I said, “Everyone, you are the best female warriors of Sunset Pack.” They looked at me with solemn determination.

“The Council of Elders’ troops are on their way. Once you are at a disadvantage or encounter an enemy of a higher level, you need to hide or escape as soon as possible. Honor and ego are not a priority right now. You must remember all those who are awaiting your return back at Sunset Pack.”

They nodded. And with that, I used my ability to unlock the cage holding us. We crawled out and gathered in front of a huge iron door.

I took a deep breath – I knew that once we opened this door, there was no turning back, especially me.

This was going to be a race against time. I believed that these well-trained she-wolf warriors could kill as many ordinary vampires as possible. I, on the other hand, needed to find the demon from my nightmare as soon as possible and finish him off before we had any more casualties.

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