[Adventure 33. (Special) 'Usurper Yaksha'

The East's great, Khan.

New names are being added to the old values of Khan, aiming to embark on a great journey once more.

However, matters far more pressing than the Dragon War are currently unfolding—events so significant that they threaten to tarnish the very greatness of Khan.

Ghosts and monsters are going rampant across Khan. During your investigation, you have heard that a ghost known as Yaksha has broken through the boundaries.

And now, before you stands a ghost wielding a strange sword.

Objective: Subdue the unidentified ghost or escape the crisis.

Caution. This Adventure is very dangerous.

Caution. This Adventure can change at a moment’s notice.

Remaining Time 「Unknown」]


Seol heard a scream as soon as he confronted Yaksha. It was none other than Agony.

[It hurts! It hurts a lot!]



Seol hurriedly stepped back.

Having been inside the carriage, Chi Woo jumped out and kept the opponent in check.

"To think they would suddenly attack the carriage… Huh? A ghost?"

Seol checked Agony's condition.


[Ah… It hurts a lot… My body… isn't moving…]



There was no response from Agony.

It seemed it had lost consciousness.

Agony fainting was a problem, but the most pressing issue was the culprit, standing there spewing flames from its eyes.

- Seol, it's dangerous.

Jamad warned Seol, and even Ur chimed in.

- Seol, step back. Something seems off.

'Something seems off?'

- It’s not just the energy itself; the aura coming from that mask and sword is also unusual. It's ominous beyond measure. Agony probably fell because of that sword.

So it was still the same.

Seol recalled the mask and the uniquely shaped red sword the opponent was holding.

The being in front of him was Yaksha.

Yaksha wasn't a game piece that had been created overnight; it was a name that had been passed down for generations.

That sword and mask.



The ghosts who had their souls stolen by those cursed objects were called Yaksha.

And Seol recognized the ominous power the sword exuded.

He had assumed that Agony, a Demonic Spirit, could withstand it. However, the first clash made it clear that it was a misjudgment.

'I did find Yaksha, but…'

Seol couldn't bring himself to rejoice.

The energy emanating from the monster before him was far greater than he had anticipated.


Preparing for Yaksha's next move, Chi Woo tilted his head in confusion.

"That guy looks strange."

Yaksha stood in a bizarre stance, erratically moving as if it were in pain.

"Ah… Aah…"

At that moment, the space around them distorted.


Two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Their masked appearance and the energy they exuded made it clear they were ghosts.

One was very small and wore a mask that gave off a chilly atmosphere, while the other had ears and a tail and wore a fox mask.

The smaller ghost said.

"Th-the energy's getting twisted. Y-Yaksha… let's go back…"

"You can't stay in this world any longer, Yaksha. Your body…"

Seol and Chi Woo's eyes grew wide in surprise.

'There's no way…'

Although the two ghosts were far weaker than Yaksha, they still possessed a huge amount of energy—an energy that could only be felt from beings that were beyond Immortal-rank.

They were dangerously strong. Strong enough to make one's hair stand on end.

"Are they enemies…? If they are, let's get rid of them quickly."

A sinister energy began gathering in the fox spirit's hand.


[Maegu used Sweet Illusion.]

[Targets hit by this projectile have a high chance of becoming Charmed, preventing them from using defensive skills.]

The energy was directed not at Seol but at Chi Woo.

"Chi Woo! Be careful…"

At that moment, a golden energy burst forth from Chi Woo's body.


The surroundings became chaotic as if a storm had swept through.

"What the…"

Seol looked at Chi Woo with bewildered eyes.

What was going on?

Even if Chi Woo could block that energy, he should have struggled more with it. But despite Chi Woo not showing much reaction, a golden energy suddenly surged and dispelled the ghostly energy.

'Could it be…'

The scent of certain someone lingered in that energy.

Although Chi Woo was just as baffled, he had a good idea why this energy had manifested.

- What… was that?

- Haha! You'll find out later.

- Later?

- Yes. Once your journey to a distant place is over.

- What's that supposed to mean? Tell me more.

The insight left by Hye Myeong when he visited the young Chi Woo slowly started to reveal itself.


"What is that… Yaksha?"

Yaksha growled as the golden energy surged.


"Yaksha! This won't do. A seizure's about to happen. Yagwanggwi…"

"Got it. I'll hold onto it!"

The small ghost called Yagwanggwi clung tightly to Yaksha's body. Without offering much resistance, Yaksha let Yagwangggwi take control.


Yaksha's body started to freeze.

"Hurry! Let's return to the Ghost Realm!"



At that moment, the space around them distorted again, and they disappeared from sight.

The powerful beings who had been pressing down on Seol and Chi Woo vanished in the blink of an eye.

"What were those ghosts…? Yaksha?"


Seol sighed in relief upon looking at Agony.

At that moment, Jin Ryeo came running from behind while carrying Geok Bi on her back.

"Finger! No, I mean… Mr. Seol! Please, help us!"

"You are… Jin Ryeo…?"

"Geok Bi has been seriously injured!"

* * *

Jin Ryeo and Geok Bi were taken to the carriage Seol's group had been traveling in and headed toward the camp.

Geok Bi's face twisted in pain every time the carriage jolted, causing everyone to clench their hands tightly.

Jin Ryeo continuously wiped the sweat streaming down Geok Bi's face throughout the journey.

Fortunately, Seol knew how to provide first aid, so Geok Bi's life wasn't in immediate danger, but she still had lost a lot of blood.


The carriage finally arrived at the camp.

The camp was located on terrain that wasn't easily found in Gi Seom.

"Seol Hong… so you've come."

"Elder Brother."

Tae Yul greeted them with a weary expression.

He couldn't fully rejoice at Seol Hong's arrival, as there was still no news of Jin Ryeo and Geok Bi.

"It seems we need to summon a doctor immediately."

"What…? What do you mean by that?"



"He… Hehe… Lord Tae Yul."

"Jin Ryeo?"

Tae Yul's face brightened for a moment when Jin Ryeo and Geok Bi appeared from the carriage but quickly darkened again upon seeing Geok Bi's blood-soaked clothing.

"Get a doctor! Quickly!"

As soon as Seol Hong's group arrived, the camp became lively again.

The somber atmosphere of the camp lifted just like when Shin Yo and Jang Du had arrived.

While Seol's group looked around the camp, Tae Yul headed to the infirmary with Jin Ryeo and Geok Bi—there he heard the full story from Jin Ryeo.

"What? Is that true? There was a ghost powerful enough that neither you nor Geok Bi could do anything?"

"Yes… if we hadn't encountered the carriage, we would have probably…"

"Carriage… You mean Seol Hong's carriage?"


Jin Ryeo nodded and kept explaining.

"If it weren't for Mr. Seol, we would have surely met a terrible fate. Kunna did say in the morning that we would encounter a great fortune…"

Tae Yul sighed, "Thank goodness. It seems the heavens have helped us."

While the two were talking, Geok Bi regained consciousness.


"Geok Bi! Are you awake?"

"Lord Tae Yul… it seems that I had briefly lost consciousness."

However, Jin Ryeo, who had been watching their emotional reunion, soon found herself in a predicament.

- Jin Ryeo.


Kunna, the djinn she had made a contract with, spoke to her to deliver a message.

'What? All of a sudden? W-wait. I'll be in trouble if that happens!'

- That's a matter for you humans to deal with. Will you refuse the law?

A djinn's contractor had to follow the djinn's laws.

Though they were called laws, in reality, they merely catered to the whims of the djinn. Nonetheless, they had to be fulfilled to uphold the contract.

'But how am I supposed to explain this…'

- That's none of my concern.

'How mean!'

Jin Ryeo cautiously approached Tae Yul, who was now watching over the now-sleeping Geok Bi.

"Um… Lord Tae Yul."

"You've done well, Jin Ryeo. We were able to protect a lot, thanks to you."

"Hehe… There's… something I must tell you…"

"It seems you have something to say. Go ahead."

Jin Ryeo closed her eyes, "Well… Kunna's law has been invoked."

"It seems that your djinn has made a demand to you. What is it?"


Jin Ryeo made a troubled expression and then muttered, "It seems I will have to accompany Lady Seol Hong for the time being."


"I-I understand this might be surprising, but Kunna has unilaterally made the decision… It wasn't influenced by even a tiny bit by my own opinion…"

"Do it."


"I said, do what it said."

"What? You aren't going to try to stop me? Weren't we even that? W-was it just me making a fuss over nothing…?"

Tae Yul softly smiled, "It’s not about that. What can be achieved through forced loyalty? Don't be too concerned."

"Lord Tae Yul…"

"The djinn advises for the world and the contractor. Perhaps time spent with Seol Hong will be more beneficial to you."

"But isn't Lady Seol Hong your competitor?"

"Yes, she was my competitor. However, there are no eternal enemies or friends. Khan faces a crisis so severe that even my power alone isn’t enough to overcome it. We all need to work together."

Jin Ryeo looked moved by Tae Yul's words.

"Don't get too tied, Jin Ryeo."

"I'll keep that in mind! But…"

Despite Tae Yul's touching advice, she couldn't help but mention something that was on her mind.

"It's okay even if I don't make a promise that I'll definitely return, right?"

"Ha… Hahaha… Yes, you don't need to."

"And about my pay…"

"I understand. I'll make sure you're well compensated."

"As expected, Lord Tae Yul, you're the best! If Kunna allows it, I'll return anytime!"

"Those are empty words."

"As expected of Lord Tae Yul, you're quick to catch on!"

* * *

Jin Ryeo quickly ran over to tell Seol about the situation. She thought it was better to talk first to someone she had met before rather than someone she didn't know, like Seol Hong.

Although she was now free to stay by Seol Hong's side, she needed to establish a connection with Seol.

After hearing her explanation, Seol asked back, seemingly bewildered.


"For the time being, Kunna decided that I should follow Mr. Finger… No, Mr. Seol around."

"Who's Kunna?"

"A djinn! Ah, the djinn I made a contract with."


"Lord Tae Yul has already given his permission."

When he told Seol Hong about this matter, she simply said, ‘As you please.’

Thus, Jin Ryeo will be accompanying Seol Hong for the time being.

That evening, Seol Hong, Shin Yo, and Tae Yul gathered together in a tent within the camp.

Naturally, their followers were also present.

"Haha! Jin Ryeo, you really seem out of it. Seeing how you're mistaking where you should be standing."

"Jang Du! I'm standing right where I should be!"


Shin Yo pinched Jang Du's thigh to signal him to behave. But given Jang Du's solid muscles, it barely felt like a poke. Nonetheless, it seemed that Shin Yo's intent had gotten through as Jang Du pouted and looked away.

Shin Yo lightly started the conversation.

"I never expected the three of us to gather here like this."

"Nor did I. I'm grateful and happy that you all came in response to my humble request. Among the Dragon's Flower around here, only the two of you have managed to restore the cities—so I was in need of your help."

Tae Yul nodded at Jin Ryeo.

Jin Ryeo began explaining Gi Seom's situation.

"The area is full of ghosts and monsters, and their numbers are beyond imagination. We will suffer massive casualties if we confront them head-on."

"How does it compare to the size of the camp?"

"Their forces are at least ten times larger, and that's a conservative estimate. It would be impossible to handle them with untrained troops."


Tae Yul closed his eyes for a moment before speaking.

"Gi Seom is, at best, a city built with stone and wood. Ideally, I would have waited for reinforcements before considering its complete destruction. However…"

He bit his lips.

"There are still citizens inside."

"Is that true?"

"Jin Ryeo and Geok Bi have confirmed it. It seems they have taken refuge in the city’s underground tunnels to escape the ghosts and monsters."

"So things are urgent…"

The situation was troubling enough to make Shin Yo frown.

Tae Yul extended his fingers.

"Five days."

"Five days?"

"In five days, part of the Central Army stationed in the reclaimed cities will join us, including troops equipped with siege weapons. Their arrival will even the odds against the enemy and significantly reduce our casualties in the battle to retake the city."

Jin Ryeo shook her head.

"They can't hold out for five days. Their rations ran out long ago, and they've already gone several days without eating."


"The worst part is… we suspect there's an outbreak of a disease. People inside are starting to exhibit strange symptoms, and the number of sick people is rapidly growing."

Tae Yul looked at Gyu Jin, who was standing beside him.

Although Gyu Jin was an exceptional Shaman who was a contender for the position of a Great Shaman, he was now one of Tae Yul's subordinates.

"Disease always follows where ghosts gather. Moreover, those tunnels are vulnerable to illness. That's why Jin Ryeo's report is most likely accurate."

Seol Hong, Shin Yo, and Tae Yul discussed a revised strategy until late into the night.

And finally, they reached a conclusion.

Tae Yul gathered everyone's attention and said.

"We wouldn't have resorted to this method under normal circumstances. Those who take part in this must be prepared to risk their lives. The chances of success are, at best, fifty-fifty—no, they're exactly fifty-fifty."


"Even so, the situation now isn't as bad as we feared," Tae Yul smiled, "Because we have you."

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