The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 75: The Shareholders’ Meeting (1)

Chapter 75: The Shareholders' Meeting (1)

Ive got a business idea

As Ryu Min spoke, the two leaned in, their curiosity piqued.

Im planning to create a unique social open e-market, exclusively for players.

A social open e-market?

Are you referring to platforms like Auction, qmazon, and Coopung?

In response to their question, Ryu Min nodded affirmatively.

Thats right. However, theres a significant twist only players can access it, and instead of regular articles, theyll be trading in-game items.

You think these items would be traded for real cash?

Thats an option determined by the sellers when they list their items. They can choose to trade for real cash or swap items with others.

I get the barter idea, but why would players need cash?

Well, some players might need cash, dont you think? Especially since there arent many viable options available at the moment.

At the moment? Does that imply there will be other options in the future?

In response to Ma Kyung-roks query, Ryu Mins eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Hes sharp, as expected.

Clearly, he wasnt taking this lightly.

Yes, exactly. Ive caught a glimpse of the future. People whove crossed level 40 will soon be trading in gold rather than cash.


The two who hadnt yet reached level 40 had no idea that a trading function even existed, let alone the possibility of gold trading.

Naturally, the concept of trading in gold had never crossed their minds.

When you reach level 40, the trading function becomes available. With this feature, players can exchange gold amongst themselves. All we need to do is build a secure system to facilitate this, and, of course, charge a commission in cash or gold.


Ma Kyung-rok furrowed his brow in thought, his fist clenched in contemplation.

A social e-market for players Its not a bad idea at all.

For now, the fact that no one had ventured into this territory gave them a significant first-mover advantage.

If they played their cards right, they could establish a monopoly in this niche.

While his inclination was optimistic, Ma Kyung-rok didnt show it. Caution was still in order.

Do you believe people will actually use a social market like this?

Were currently in Round 5, and players already have a considerable stash of items. As you know, items dropped by monsters cant be sold in regular shops, so players must be grappling with how to manage them.

So youre saying, if we create a platform where they can trade these items, players would welcome it with open arms?

Exactly. Moreover, now that most players are over level 20, a crafting feature has been introduced, and theyll be eager to experiment with various items for recipes. When theres an easily accessible marketplace for these items

People will flock to it.

Yes. Now is the perfect timing.

Ma Kyung-rok nodded, echoing the positive sentiment.

There was little more to discuss.

What do you think of creating an auction system? Allowing users to list items and participate, thereby increasing the value of select items.

Thats a fantastic idea. It would certainly pique players interest.

And what about this? Allowing items to be listed without fees initially to attract users. We could also implement a tiered system that rewards more active traders.

Thats a great concept too.

A satisfied grin spread across Ryu Mins face as he observed Ma Kyung-roks enthusiastic response.

It seems like youre quite taken with the business proposal Im presenting.

Indeed, it was a promising venture.

Especially in an era where players would dominate.

Most importantly, it appealed to him because it was an entirely new concept.

And since the Prophet is vouching it, he has no right to say no.

Creating this player-centric marketplace will benefit me as well. He will be able to easily procure the items he needs.

Especially those crafting materials that currently have an uncertain purpose. We must secure them.

By acquiring these materials, they could effortlessly craft items of legendary and god-tier quality, surpassing even unique items.

Regarding our chosen industry, weve settled on a social market. Now, what about the companys name?

Do you have any ideas?

Ryu Min inquired, but Ma Kyung-rok simply shook his head.

Lets not dwell on my suggestions. Especially in times like these, we should follow the path foreseen by the Prophet. After all, arent you the major shareholder of our company?


Ryu Min didnt disagree because what he said was true.

Well then, how about this? We could name it Player Place to signify that its a space tailored for players.

Player Place, huh It has a nice ring to it. I like the name.

In reality, Ma Kyung-rok wasnt entirely sure, but he placed unwavering trust in the Prophets judgment.

By the way, I have another idea. Would you like to hear it?

Yes, please share.

Ma Kyung-rok eagerly delved into more business ideas.

Ryu Min listened attentively and, as the final decision-maker, evaluated and made choices.

As the seconds ticked away on the office wall clock, the two of them engaged in a lively conversation, seemingly oblivious to the advancing evening.

Before they knew it, it was already evening.

Oh its gotten late. Would you like to have dinner together?

No, Ill have dinner at home. My younger sibling is waiting for me. Oh, I see.

Ma Kyung-rok looked disappointed.

It seemed that discussing business with Ryu Min was quite enjoyable for him.

Approximately how long do you think it will take to build the system and bring it to market?

It should take around a month if everything goes smoothly.

It will be launched after Round 6, then.

Ryu Min nodded.

A month wasnt too much.

Speaking of which, I have some information about Round 6.

Oh, thats something Ive been eager to hear.

Ma Kyung-rok leaned in eagerly, genuinely excited.

An Sang-cheol, who was sitting beside him, pretended to be disinterested but was secretly focused on Ryu Mins words.

Finally, Ryu Min explained the details of Round 6, including the key points and strategies to consider.

Having absorbed all the information, Ma Kyung-rok sent a meaningful glance filled with interest.

Hmm, it seems cooperation will be crucial in Round 6. Thank you for sharing, Prophet.

Youre welcome.

Ma Kyung-rok exchanged polite words but couldnt help but smile inwardly.

It was a wise decision to keep the Prophet close. It feels like things are going smoothly because of it, both in the real world and in the other realm.

Thats what he thought, but Ryu Min heard every word, as if it were coming out of his mouth.

He had no way of knowing that his every thought was being meticulously read by the Prophet right in front of him.

Well then, lets proceed with the business plan we discussed today. Ill arrange for an interim shareholders meeting as soon as possible to pass the resolutions. At that time, would it be okay for you, Mr Ryu Min, to come and explain the business idea? Are you comfortable with that?

It was a subtle way of asking if he was okay with presenting in front of people.

Yes, Im fine with that.

Alright. Ill contact you as soon as we have a date for the shareholders meeting. Manager An.

Yes, CEO.

Please accompany the Prophet all the way home. While youre at it, visit Seo Arins house and share the information we just received from the Prophet.

Understood. Mr Prophet, lets go.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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