Even Christine, who had been watching, was taken aback by his unexpected statement.

“Weren’t you going to save me?”

As if he wasn’t joking, the man nonchalantly turned his back.

Desperate, Christine shouted after him.

“Please, help me! That man is trying to kill me!”

“Shut up, you b$tch!”

Before the man could change his mind, John ordered his remaining undead to kill the Saintess.



The undead’s attack failed.

Ryu Min once again released electricity, destroying the undead.

“What are you doing? Didn’t you say you wouldn’t interfere?”

“No matter what, I don’t want to see someone die right in front of me. Could you do it after I leave?”


He was asking to kill her after he left?

‘The arrogant bastard!’

It was a humiliating statement, but John endured it.

He had confirmed one thing from the display of power just now.

‘This guy is a magic-based class with high magical damage. I can tell from how he killed my minions in one blow.’

Whether he was Black Scythe or not, it was clear he was a strong opponent.

Moreover, the speed of his electrical attacks was too fast to react to with the naked eye.

If it had been directed at him, he wouldn’t have survived.

“I’m leaving now.”

Although Ryu Min pretended to be indifferent, he was actually monitoring the entire situation with his clairvoyance.

He needed to protect Christine.

“But I can’t openly help her.”

Ryu Min didn’t step in because he lacked justification.

There was no justification for saving Christine.

“It might seem like a coincidence that I appeared at a dangerous moment. But why would I save a stranger? Without knowing the circumstances or having any connection?”

He could claim to be a person who couldn’t overlook injustice.

He had already established an image of being righteous by eradicating KF in Nigeria.

“But how can I know if this situation is unjust or not?”

As a third party, Ryu Min had no way of knowing if Christine had committed a grave sin.

Saving her without knowing the context was meddlesome and intrusive.

“That’s why I need justification. A reason to save her.”

Without justification, helping her could lead to suspicion.

Since it was his first encounter with Christine, an awkward rescue might actually ruin their relationship.

“Please save me! That man is trying to kill me for no reason!”

Christine pleaded desperately, but Ryu Min remained unmoved.

‘That’s not enough. If you want me to help, that won’t do.’

She needed to offer something tangible, like an item, to give him a reason to help her.

However, Christine seemed too flustered to think of keep going. Don’t mind the words of that crazy woman.”

The necromancer urged Ryu Min to leave.


“Please, wait. Just a moment… Just…”

“I told you to shut up, you damn b$tch! I’ll kill you—”

The necromancer glanced at Ryu Min, unable to finish his sentence.

He couldn’t say he would kill her while Ryu Min was still there.

‘He wants me to leave quickly.’

So he could kill Christine as soon as he left.

‘Hmm, without justification, it’s tricky…’

As Ryu Min pondered, a good idea suddenly struck him.

He stopped walking and looked back at the necromancer.

The necromancer widened his eyes in surprise.

“What is it now?”

Ryu Min furrowed his brows and spoke.

“Hey, you.”


“Your tone is pretty rude, don’t you think?”

In English, there’s no formal or informal speech distinction, but there are respectful and disrespectful ways of speaking.

Judging by their conversation, it was clear the necromancer’s tone fell into the latter category.

“Who do you think you are to tell me to go, stay, or give orders? Are you my boss or something?”


Picking a fight like a neighborhood thug, Ryu Min’s approach was petty but effective.

The necromancer visibly flinched.

“Well? Why aren’t you answering? Do you want to die?”

“…If I sounded rude, I apologize.”

Did he understand Ryu Min’s intentions?

The necromancer swallowed his pride and lowered his head.

He was eager to get rid of Ryu Min so he could kill Christine.

“I can’t let this one pass.”

Ryu Min brazenly held out his hand.

“What is this…?”

“If you’re sorry, show some sincerity.”

He blatantly demanded an item.

Though it was essentially extortion, the necromancer handed over an item without complaint.

“Is this enough?”

“Are you kidding me? A random material item? What do you expect me to do with this? Are you trying to give me trash and get rid of me? My mood just soured.”


“What? What did you say?”

Unable to endure Ryu Min’s provocations, the necromancer finally snapped.


Thirty undead appeared and attacked Ryu Min simultaneously.

A perfect ambush from all directions.

But how could Ryu Min, with his mind-reading and future vision rune, not foresee the ambush?

“Area discharge.”


Electricity spread out in a hemispherical shape, instantly destroying everything within a 30-meter radius.


John Delgado stared blankly at Ryu Min after losing all thirty of his summoned undead in an instant.

“Who are you?”


“You just attacked me, didn’t you?”

As Ryu Min approached, John Delgado was too stunned to speak.

The overwhelming killing intent made it impossible for him to think straight.

“I was going to let this slide, but I can’t now. You’re trying to kill an innocent passerby now?”

With a twisted smile, Ryu Min looked down at him.

“Do you want to die?”

Finally, a perfect justification for killing him had appeared.

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