Chapter 143: Practice (1)

We are a five-minute standby team, waiting here and immediately deploying upon receiving a report. Our top priority is to quickly assess the situation and rescue citizens from threats.

Ryu Min was conducting a theoretical training session, drawing on a whiteboard set up at the temporary gathering spot.

Despite it being evening, the eyes of the members attending the training shone brightly with enthusiasm.

It was hard to believe that these were the same individuals who, just a moment ago, had looked at him with eyes full of resentment, now so engrossed in the training.

Criminal players mostly feel that they are special beings while simultaneously harboring the fear of whether they can survive the next round. Therefore, they are in a mentally unstable and dangerous state, especially when cornered.

The members nodded in agreement, as they too had experienced fear of the next round.

When mentally exhausted, they are easily tempted to do whatever they desire before dying in the next round. Thats why they are unrestrained, acting on all the impulses theyve suppressed before their downfall.

This explains the frequent occurrence of crimes among players.

Therefore, they commit crimes like theft, looting, rape, and murder without hesitation. Having practiced murder in the fourth round, their rehearsal for killing is complete. These individuals are fearless. They look down on civilians and even mock the police. But now, its different.

Ryu Mins eyes gleamed from behind his mask.

We must instill fear in them. We also need to change the perception of citizens who distrust police and players. Well start practical training now to learn about these aspects. Essentially, its a real-world application.

The members swallowed nervously.

The prospect of real-world application from the first day was nerve-wracking.

Real-world operations will take place in Seoul. According to statistics, most players residences are concentrated in Seoul. Shall we check if there have been any reports received?

Ryu Min turned on the radio he had previously turned off.

Chichik- Chichik-

He turned the frequency to be ready to receive reports and checked the computer for any previously received reports.

Lucky us. No reports have come in during the hours weve been training. Some might be disappointed about not getting a chance to practice, but its best if no incidents occur.


Lets resume the training

Just then, the previously quiet radio crackled to life.

-Incident report, incident report, code zero one, code zero one, emergency bell report from a convenience store in Seongnae-dong, please verify the exact location. Over.


An alarm sounded from the notification system installed inside the temporary gathering spot.

Ryu Min muttered softly.


Indeed, it was unlucky.

For the criminal player.



Riding in a van marked with a police badge, the members listened to the squad leaders explanation.

Three minutes ago, we received a report from a convenience store in Seongnae-dong. Since the player-specific emergency bell was pressed, its highly likely that they are under threat from a player. In other words, its an emergency situation.

The word emergency tensed the members up.

It was natural, considering this was their first time heading to a scene after only having conducted DUI checks.

Criminal players are like ticking time bombs. Thats why quick judgment is crucial. Since its our first day, Ill demonstrate. Just watch how its done.


Soon after, two more minutes passed, and the reported convenience store came into view.

The members arrived exactly five minutes later and followed Ryu Min as they hurried inside.

Or, that was the plan, until Ryu Min came back out.

Huh? Why are you coming back out?

Ive already assessed the situation. Go in and see for yourself.

Entering for a mere five seconds and claiming the situation was assessed?

The members entered the convenience store with puzzled faces.



Sighs of dismay escaped the members upon seeing the scene.

The store owner, presumed to be the reporter and in his 40s, was already dead.

The clear knife marks on his neck and the blood-drenched counter presented a gruesome scene.

Damn it. To harm an ordinary person who has no power

Where did this bastard go?

The infuriated members looked around, but no sign of anyone was evident in the convenience store.

Judging by the opened cash register, it seemed the culprit had extorted money from the owner before killing him and fleeing.

Grumbling, the members who stepped outside looked around and approached Ryu Min.

Commander, weve checked the crime scene.

Alright, have you assessed the situation?

Yes. The person presumed to be the owner is dead, and the culprit seems to have disappeared. But how did you assess the situation so quickly?

Upon entering, I saw a 40s civilian presumed to be the owner dead at the counter, and there were no signs of life detectable by presence detection. That alone was enough to conclude the culprit had killed and fled.

Ah. Shouldnt we look for evidence about the criminal? Like checking the CCTV for their appearance

The culprit isnt just any criminal; theyre a player. A walking time bomb that fled in a critical situation. We dont have the luxury to leisurely collect evidence. Another victim could emerge at any moment.


There was no denying his words.

Then what do we do now? We dont have any information on the criminal.

We do have information. The situation indicates the culprit fled in haste. Probably their first time killing a civilian. Not a very clever individual either.

How can you tell?

Firstly, theres no cash in the cash register. It indicates money was the motive. Even after achieving their goal, the culprit killed the owner. Probably out of fear of being reported. But, even after killing to prevent a report, the culprit stupidly forgot to clear traces. Why do that?

Well, I guess?

Probably panicked after killing someone. Meaning, theyre not used to such actsa rookie. It was likely their first time killing a civilian.

The members were astonished by the rapid judgment based on a brief observation.

The more they learned about their squad leader, the more impressive he seemed.

Where would a rookie criminal who killed a civilian run to?

Well, I guess?

My guess is

Ryu Min walked towards the alleyway next to the convenience store.

Rather than the open main road, its likely they fled into such alleyways. They would have wanted to escape into the dark to avoid being seen.

Ah, so if we follow the alleyways, we might find them?

Exactly. This is where area search skills come in handy. Shall we start with that?

Ryu Min used one of the common skills, [Area Search].

It displayed the surroundings within a 500m radius like a mini-map.

A map window appeared in front of Ryu Mins eyes, visible to others as well.

Many red dots, seemingly representing life forms, were visible on the map.

And among them, one was uniquely moving.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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