Chapter 826: Consequences
(The VIP sector, Arc Ship, the real world)
The conversation that Leo had to be placed under house arrest and could not log-into Terra Nova Online anymore was an extremely uncomfortable one for Captain Kid, however, it was a conversation that he had to make nonetheless.
“You have to understand my position here too, Skyshard, they’re asking me to hand you over as a criminal upon landing and there’s nothing I can do about it.
If I don’t put you under house arrest today and don’t revoke your gaming access, they will know that I don’t intend to hand you over later and will not let you escape.
By putting you under house arrest I’m doing you a favor and you will have to trust me for the rest” Kid explained, as Leo’s frown deepened on his face.
“You hear this shit? Amanda? Acting like a saint has got me fucked. I told you warning the other players was a bad idea….” Leo jibed, as Amanda buried her head in her hands in shame.
“I’m sorry….” She said in a meek voice, as Leo chuckled at her cuteness.
“Don’t be sorry, haha, it’s not like I would do anything I don’t want to do if I did not agree with it. I’m not a man who doesn’t own up to his actions and blames others for it.
I’m just messing with you” Leo said, as Amanda instantly felt better hearing those words.Leo had indeed messed up big time by antagonizing the Unity Government beyond the point of no return, however, it was an action already done and hence he could only take it as a lesson and move on.
“Captain, I understand what you’re saying and it’s not that bad being house arrested in this huge mansion, as long as I can train in my own yard.
Except that, I trust that you will somehow help me escape the fate of my impending prison sentence upon landing, because if you do not, I assure you that I’ll find a way to leak all the shady dealings we have had on this ship and place you in the cell right next to me—” Leo threatened, as Kid broke a cold sweat.
If Leo really leaked what all shady dealings the two had on this ship, it wouldn’t be the Unity Government hounding his ass, it would be The Universal Government.
And that was an enemy, Kid did not want to make.
“Yes, don’t worry, I understand that my neck is now practically attached to yours, so trust me when I say this….. I will find a way to get you to safety upon landing.
But that will most likely mean that you will be separated from the rest of your family for a while.
We will have to collaborate with the Mu Clan, and there may be unexpected challenges,” Kid explained, as Leo brushed him off.
“What will happen, will happen. Now if you don’t mind, please let me enjoy my evening with my beautiful girlfriend, you’re excused now” Leo said, as he accepted his fate easily and without kicking up a fuss.
Exhaling sharply, Kid stood up, as he extended his hand for Leo to shake.
The two shook hands, as Kid nodded in appreciation.
“Thanks for your understanding, and congratulations on your last fight against the Demon King. I did not think it was possible for a player to defeat the Black Dragon, but you did it.
While your time as ‘TheBoss’ might have come to an abrupt end, your legend will most likely never be forgotten” Kid said, as he finally took his leave.
Once alone, Leo tried to behave normally and cuddle with Amanda in a chirpy mood, however, Amanda was having none of it.
She kept muttering, “I’m sorry…” “I’m sorry” and even shed a couple of tears.
More than his gaming ban, Amanda seemed horrified about all the legal trouble that Leo had to face upon landing, as somehow she felt like this was all her fault.
“Why are you not mortified? The aliens literally want you cuffed and answerable for all your crimes! They’re gonna hunt you like a criminal!
How can you remain so calm?” She asked, her voice breaking, as Leo simply chuckled to her words.
“Why am I so calm?” Leo asked, running his fingers through his hair.
“I am so calm, because what’s the point of freaking out about the inevitable?
Yes, I’m afraid about what will happen to me upon landing, but what good will whining and crying like a bitch about it do?
What’s done is done, and continuing to dwell on it is a waste of time.
I live in the present, and the way I see it, I might not get to see you for a while after landing, so let’s ensure that these last 5 months that we have together are a period to remember” Leo said, as he forcefully pulled in Amanda for a kiss and began kissing her before she could argue back.
Truth be told, even Leo wasn’t entirely sure how things would unfold once they reached Terra Nova, but worrying about it now was pointless.
The way he saw it, he had already set the events into motion—there was no going back. The only choice left was to ride the storm and make the best of what remained.
Amanda, however, wasn’t as easily reassured. Her fingers clutched at his shirt, her forehead pressed against his chest as she whispered, “I just… I don’t want anything to happen to you. If you get taken away, I won’t be able to do anything to help.”
Leo sighed, brushing his lips against the top of her head. “You’re underestimating me, sweetheart. I’ve come too far to let some bureaucrats with a grudge be the end of me. If they think they can just lock me up like some fool, they’re in for a rude awakening.”
His words were confident, but Amanda could feel the tension in his body—the slight stiffness in his muscles, the controlled breath in his lungs. He was putting on a front for her sake, and though she appreciated it, she wished he wouldn’t always act like he had to carry everything alone.
She pulled back slightly, meeting his eyes with a quiet intensity. “Promise me that no matter what happens, you’ll find a way back to me.”
Leo grinned, his cocky, lopsided smirk returning as he wiped away the stray tear from her cheek. “I promise.” His voice was steady, his grip firm. “You think something as small as intergalactic law is gonna stop me? Come on, Amanda, I thought you knew me better than that.”
She let out a watery chuckle despite herself. “You’re impossible.”
“And you love it.” He winked, pulling her flush against him again.
And just like that, the somber conversation faded, replaced by warmth, by something they could hold onto, something that was real in the moment. Leo knew that the next five months would be a countdown, a slow march toward an uncertain fate, but for now, with Amanda in his arms, he refused to dwell on it.
The future could wait for all he cared.
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