The winter passed and the spring finally arrived, forcing the man to come back to the country with Luo Lixi. 

When Sun Xumei and Luo Baiyun saw the baby bump of Luo Lixi, they were overwhelmed as they realized that their daughter was pregnant even before the marriage. Luo Lixi couldn't look eye to eye with them as she felt the urge to tear the ground and hide in it! 

Even though the parents loathed Sheng Ruming for brewing sauce with their innocent daughter before marriage, soon all their attention went to their darling daughter. 

In the midst of her and Sheng Ruming's families' love and care, Luo Lixi passed the day. But the thing she hated the most was… wherever she would stay, be it the Sheng Villa or Luo Mansion, people would be reluctant to eat before they make sure she's well fed!

The unnecessary attention was all caused by the man and Luo Lixi, who was reluctant to eat, had to force down her dissatisfaction! 

Soon the delivery day was approaching and Luo Lixi couldn't help but feel uncertain. She would be anxious and be worried now and then. 

Sheng Ruming saw her staring outside the window as she rubbed her eight-month belly. He recalled another woman in his memory whose belly was bigger than hers during eight-month Pregnancy.

He was on tenterhooks all the time but he walked behind her and hugged her gently. 

"Lixi, what are you thinking?" He whispered beside her ear. Even though during this period, many changes had appeared on Luo Lixi's face and body, in his eyes, she was still the most beautiful lady. 

"Ruming, I am scared…" Luo Lixi whispered as she turned to him and stared at his eyes. She hugged him and closed her eyes tightly. 

The extra weight on her body sometimes scared her and the thought of going into the operation room made her restless. 

Hearing her whisper, the man chuckled and rubbed her head as he said, "Everything will be alright." 

Even though she didn't feel secure for some reason, she didn't want others to worry for her. The man understood her fear and tried everything to cheer her up. 

When the time came, she was admitted to the hospital. Sheng Ruming also pushed his works aside to accompany her day and night. 

Watching such a dedicated man, Luo Baiyun felt his daughter surely had good vision, nurturing a husband from an early age didn't feel odd anymore.

Sometimes, he would even think if he should have chosen a little girl for his son when he was young. But thinking that the young man was already reforming, he was at ease. Luo Qintian's extreme measures were finally showing results...

'Ah? Did I just pee?!' Luo Lixi thought with embarrassment as she looked at the wet blanket. She turned to Sheng Ruming who had a serious face while surfing through some paperwork.

After she was admitted into the hospital's VIP patients' room, the man had never left her. He had made this place their little nest.

Luo Lixi hesitated if she should disturb him or not. But when a terrible pain assaulted her abruptly, a muffled groan escaped her lips. 

Sheng Ruming paused as he turned to Luo Lixi. He blinked and then took off his eyeglasses. When he saw her creased face as well as the wet patch in the bed, his mind blanked out. 

Luo Lixi was aggrieved by his reaction and threw a pillow in anger at him. At that, the man woke up from his trance. 

"It's hurting!" Luo Lixi cried out in pain. 

Sheng Ruming abruptly stood up and went out to call the doctor. The nurse saw that she broke her water and Luo Lixi was immediately taken to the operation room.

Luo Lixi felt the sky just break down. She didn't dare to look down and clutched Sheng Ruming's hand in a death grip. 

As she was pushed into the operation room, she clutched Sheng Ruming's hand tightly and refused to let him go. He also didn't want her to leave after watching the fear in her eyes. 

"Don't worry, I won't leave you." Sheng Ruming reassured her again and again. Even after nurturing her body, she was still labeled as someone weak! Thus, the doctors decided that they would perform a C-section on her. 

"..." Luo Lixi reckoned that all the food she had eaten during her pregnancy was unnecessary at that point. 

She looked at Sheng Ruming with red eyes but the man didn't detect the murderous intent and whispered, "Don't panic. Everything will be over even before you blink!" 

"..." Luo Lixi indeed blinked but nothing happened. 

Throughout the operation, Sheng Ruming didn't move his eyes from her face. He saw as she sweated a lot and then he wiped her face softly. 

All the time, he prayed that she would be okay and that she didn't need to go through that painful experience again, which was only his wishful thinking. 

The woman was scared out of her mind when the cry of the child rang out in the room. She was overwhelmed and cried out in tears and felt like she had already lost half of her life in that period. 

Sheng Ruming also couldn't stop his tears as he patted her cheek. "Everything is fine, Lixi. There won't be a second time..." 

Luo Lixi cried out louder when he said that. She thought he must have jinxed her now.

'I don't believe you!' Luo Lixi thought as she took in a deep breath and dug her barely sharp fingers on his arm. 

Sheng Ruming thought she was in great pain and felt more distressed for her. At that time, he wanted no more than to snatch all of her pain and cry in her instead!

The thought of checking the newborn didn't even cross his mind as he stared at her intensely. 

When the nurse came to show them the baby, she froze upon watching them crying. The man hugged Luo Lixi's head from the side and cried silently while the woman cried loudly.

"..." It was such a wonderful picture that the old nurse didn't want to disturb them and looked down on the child silently. 

Because of Luo Lixi's soul-piercing cry, the people outside were scared that something bad had happened but because they weren't allowed they didn't break into the room. 

"Here. It's a cute girl!" The nurse went beside the couple and said in a low voice. She smiled as she showed them the newborn who still had blood and umbilical cord on it. 

At her voice, both of them stopped crying and turned to the old nurse. Luo Lixi blinked at the familiar nurse and then saw the little thing in her grasp.

Finally, something registered in their heads that their little one was crying.

'Ugly...' This thought crossed Luo Lixi's mind first but she didn't voice out her thoughts in case she hurt the baby's little heart...

She stared at the little red thing whose face was all wrinkly and frowned. 'Didn't I eat enough? Why is it so small?' 

Contrary to her, after one glance Sheng Ruming, sighed in relief in his mind. 

All along, he was worried that they would get a different child but the familiar mole on the newborn's face reassured him that it was the right one!

Luo Lixi wanted to hug the baby but after a brief moment, it was taken away for washing and other purposes. Luo Lixi pitifully looked at Sheng Ruming and whispered, "Is it over?" 

Sheng Ruming gave a gentle smile as she kissed her forehead, "Yes."

Before other people could wake up from their excitement as they surrounded the baby, Sheng Ruming was one step ahead and put the child's name on the birth certificate.

When the matter came to light, people from both families were dissatisfied because everyone had a particular name in their heads for the child. In the end, they went along with the name the father had chosen by himself.

Luo Lixi's eyes narrowed when she saw the name. She threw a suspicious glance at the man who was busy pacing around the room with the child. She put her chin on her knuckles and observed the man. 

The way Sheng Ruming held the newborn skillfully wasn't something a new father could do. Others didn't even need to tell him when he first snatched their child from Luo Qintian, successfully angering the old man. Luo Lixi narrowed her eyes as she went into deep thoughts. 

A smile broke out as she recalled that somehow, she went from Xixi to Lixi to that man. 

At the same time, she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, 'Stinky man!'

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