"I am ready!" With a shy face, Luo Lixi replied and then stepped out of the bedroom. 

When Sheng Ruming saw her wearing little clothes, he frowned. 

"It's snowing outside. You will freeze to death if you go out like this!" Sheng Ruming explained in a deadpan manner. Then, he went inside and walked out with a heavy winter jacket. 

"..." Luo Lixi felt she had put on some weight after wearing that thing. The man didn't look at her stiff expression and nodded in satisfaction. 

"It's perfect now." He announced. 

"Heh!" Luo Lixi clenched the jacket and pouted. 'It's quite warm…'

They walked down the stairs and wanted to leave the villa in silence but met Wei Airan on the way. 

"Where are you going so early in the morning?!" She asked while yawning with drowsy eyes. Noticing that both of them were well dressed, her sleepiness left immediately.


"She has work… "

Sheng Ruming abruptly interrupted her words and answered back to his mother in her stead. Being stopped midair, Luo Lixi was displeased and peeked at him with a scowl. 

Wei Airan nodded as if she understood and swivelled to Luo Lixi. 

"Stay here for a few days…" 

"She can't." The man again interfered. 

"Why?" Wei Airan raised a question as she stared at Sheng Ruming sharply. 

"Because… she's busy…" Sheng Ruming countered without breaking eye contact with his mother. 

Wei Airan turned a blind eye to him and asked Luo Lixi again, "You're busy?" 

"Not at all!" Luo Lixi shook her head and denied straight away. Then she stepped ahead and took Wei Airan's hand affectionately, "If Aunty wishes, I can stay here longer." 

"..." Both women smiled at each other so affectionately that Sheng Ruming nearly went blind. Without a second word, he took Luo Lixi's hand and dragged her away. 

'This child, why is he so restless?!' Wei Airan grumbled because she was separated from her dear future daughter in law and could only sigh exasperatedly!

"Hey, that was so rude. If it was my mother and I did that, she would have spanked me!" Luo Lixi spoke while cracking up. 

"You got spanked?" Sheng Ruming inquired as he stopped in front of his car and turned around to face her. 

"Who doesn't?" Luo Lixi replied as a matter of fact. 

"I didn't get spanked in my whole life." Sheng Ruming answered back with a smug smile. 

"..." Luo Lixi regretted telling this to this man. Regardless, they entered the car and Luo Lixi saw Xiao Huang in the driver seat. Instantly, she was reminded of something. 

"Xiao Huang, how is Ruming's treatment going?" As soon as she asked, Sheng Ruming wanted to prevent him from telling her. 

However this time, Luo Lixi was prepared and blocked his mouth by squeezing his lips tightly with her thumb and forefinger. 

"...He's doing fine. I think by next y… " Before Xiao Huang could finish, his eyes unknowingly fell on the rear view mirror and instantly words got stuck in his throat.

"Why did you stop? Carry on!" Luo Lixi warned Xiao Huang to say with her eyes but the man could no longer continue. 

Luo Lixi scoffed and turned to Sheng Ruming. The man gave his signature cynical smile which pissed off Luo Lixi further. 

Luo Lixi smacked his lips loudly and then took back her hand. Sheng Ruming violently fluttered his eyelashes as he glared at her. 

Xiao Huang, as usual, turned on a button and the divider separated the front and back seats. 

He shook his head and then focused on driving. The man was so done with them!

"Look, you woman is so scary, my bodyguard is scared as well. He can't stand you…" Sheng Ruming adjusted his wrinkled cuffs and put a considerable amount of distance between them. 

Luo Lixi humphed and then drifted away from him. Her mood got awful as she thought of how to punish him later for confining her in that villa without her permission!

'If he had asked, I would have gladly… cough!' Luo Lixi thought with a blush, unnoticed by all.

While Luo Lixi was going to the hospital, someone was following them as well. Pan Er Jiu, who was on the verge of losing her job, cried inside as she followed the car closely. 

Xiao Huang noticed her waiting outside of the Sheng Villa for some days because she wanted to know about Luo Lixi. 

The poor girl didn't know where her boss was hidden by the beast of Sheng industry and Corporation!

'Did they think they could bully my boss like that?! She's also a big shot in our Long city!' Pan Er Jiu thought violently!

She had to deal with the Luo family and several phone calls from Luo Baiyun, Luo Qintian as well as other people. Her tiny hacker soul failed to detect her boss' whereabouts as well! 

How miserable! 

'She better be okay!' Pan Er Jiu thought as she eyed the car ahead with hungry eyes.

Xiao Huang knew how difficult it is for them to work under unreasonable people, that's why he did not stop her. Such a considerate man, hard to find...

Right after entering the Ailin Hospital, Sheng Ruming brought themselves to Feng Shaoling's chamber. 

Luo Lixi was put in the adjacent room to sit comfortably on the sofa while Sheng Ruming waited for Feng Shaoling to come from his other duty in his chamber. 

Being so bored, Luo Lixi decided to walk around the room while waiting for them to call for her. 

'It's only a mild fever. What is there to wait for so long?' Luo Lixi speculated as she rubbed her neck. At that moment, she heard movements in the opposite room and reckoned it's time to go. 

But the moment she cheerfully began to walk there, her feet stopped. Luo Lixi had to raise her eyes in surprise at their words.

"She agreed?!" Feng Shaoling asked weirdly as he sat down on his seat.

"What?" Sheng Ruming asked as he didn't understand his words at first. 

"Abortion. Didn't you say you'll bring her here after she gets well for…" Feng Shaoling continued to talk without any worry but those words no longer entered her mind. 

Luo Lixi shakily touched her abdomen and looked ahead in shock. As if all the puzzles got in place, something finally clicked in her mind. 

'Abortion… Why would he?!' Luo Lixi thought incredulously as she stared ahead. When she heard several movements, she woke up from her thoughts and then went back to her seat. 

In a while, Feng Shaoling came and then met Luo Lixi with a bright smile. 

"Miss Luo, please come with me." Feng Shaoling said while maintaining his smile but to Luo Lixi it was the face of a culprit. The face she used to think was attractive looked nasty now. 

She wanted to see what he would do and thus followed him obediently. In her mind, she still couldn't believe that Sheng Ruming would do such a thing to her and her mind was reluctant to believe the words she had listened earlier as well.

That's why she went with Feng Shaoling and did a bunch of normal body tests until…

Gynaecology Department.

"..." Luo Lixi stopped before the entrance as she stared at the door sign and didn't enter with Feng Shaoling. The man also stopped because he didn't hear the sound behind him. 

"Miss, why aren't you coming?" He asked, still smiling. 

"Why are we here?" Luo Lixi asked, on the surface she was relaxed but inside she wasn't. 

She felt suffocated as she turned aside and saw Sheng Ruming talking with Xiao Huang. 

Both of them started to walk ahead and soon left the corridor. Shortly, her mind went frigid. 

'It can't be?!' Luo Lixi thought in disbelief. 

Feng Shaoling thought she was reluctant to follow him without Sheng Ruming and thus, he consoled her, "He will come back in a while. Trust me."

Luo Lixi hid her emotions and turned to him and nodded. She didn't wait any longer for Sheng Ruming and entered. While walking through, she asked, "How close are you with Ruming?" 

"Umm… we grew up together. So very close…" Feng Shaoling responded while walking. 

"Oh? Close, huh? Will you do any illegal thing for him?" Luo Lixi asked with a chuckle, trying to sound as normal as possible. 

But Feng Shaoling had to stop in his tracks and turn around. With his angelic smile, he asked, "Why are you asking, sister in law?" 

'Sister in law?'... Luo Lixi repeated it in her mind and replied with a fake smile, "Just curious. He talked a lot about you

… Feng brothers and Yan Luhan too." 

"Really?! That's very unlike him though…" Feng Shaoling said in a daze.

If it was another time, Luo Lixi would have loved to hear 'sister in law' from him but that thing sounded hypocritical when she knew the man was well aware of Sheng Ruming's condition and his reluctance to marry her.... 

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