Chapter 128 is highly anticipated!

At this moment, Lin Xuan turned his attention to Liang Haigang, who had been having a hard time dealing with him before.

Regarding this, Liang Haigang nodded slightly and said:

"The chips are produced, so we should pay for them at Zhongxin International. It is unreasonable for you to pay for them."

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth. It seems that he saved millions of expenses.

In this way, as Lin Xuan and Zhongxin International reached an agreement, the two parties soon began to sign a contract for gambling!

In less than an hour, the news that Lin Xuan helped Zhongxin International to improve the chip yield rate was published on the official website of Zhongxin International.

Among them, the gambling contract between Lin Xuan and Zhongxin International was also written in that announcement!

As an important company, Zhongxin International's news on their official website was quickly taken seriously by major newspapers and media.

Moreover, Lin Xuan of Hantang Technology was also involved in this announcement. This boss, who has been very popular recently, naturally aroused heated discussions.

Soon, as major reporters reprinted this announcement, the news that Lin Xuan wanted to improve the yield rate of 90nm chips for Zhongxin International was quickly reprinted by major newspapers and Internet media.

That night, that is, the night of October 11, 2004.

The news that Lin Xuan wants to help Zhongxin International improve the yield rate of 90nm chips officially spread to the whole country through these newspapers and Internet media.

At this time, at least tens of millions of people across the country learned about Lin Xuan's plan to help Zhongxin International improve the yield rate of 90nm chips through newspapers or Internet news.

There were naturally heated discussions about this in the streets and alleys, as well as in Internet forums or penguin colonies.

Some of them belittled Lin Xuan's behavior, while others agreed with Lin Xuan's behavior, thinking that it was a good thing that Lin Xuan contributed to the country.

Judging from the results of discussions on the Internet, those who agree seem to be in the majority.

Because they don't know how difficult it is to improve the yield rate of chips, they still believe that Lin Xuan can solve various problems because of Lin Xuan's past achievements

Among them, with the passage of time, the knowledge emperors in the major forums finally spent most of their time writing popular science knowledge.

Tell people how difficult it is to improve the yield rate of chips.

Following the actions of the knowledge emperors, people also learned how difficult it is for chips to improve the yield rate through the explanations of the knowledge emperors.

I also learned how much Zhongxin International has burned so far in order to improve the yield rate.

I learned that since Zhongxin International officially produced the first 90nm chip in June, it took several months to increase the yield rate to 7%!

The difficult process of improving the yield rate of 90 nanometers, the yield rate of several months of hard work is only 7%, plus it burns hundreds of millions of money...

All these situations silenced those who eat melons after seeing the analysis of the Emperor of Knowledge. It turns out that it is so difficult to improve the yield rate of chips? !

Under such circumstances, those netizens who blindly believed that Lin Xuan could solve the chip yield problem because of Lin Xuan's past performance have changed their attitudes.

They all felt that Lin Xuan was a little too arrogant, pretending to understand!

Lin Xuan, this is simply not seeing how difficult it is to improve the yield rate of 90nm chips, so he dares to brag and directly force it? !

They all felt that Lin Xuan was not so clear-headed.

People have been working on the yield rate of 90nm chips for several months, but the yield rate of 90nm chips is only 7%.

In such a difficult situation, Lin Xuan still wants to help others improve the 90nm yield rate, so how difficult it is to reach the level of not losing money.

The number of those who agreed with Lin Xuan before and felt that Lin Xuan could improve the yield rate of 90nm chips dropped sharply.

At this time, the number of people who think that Lin Xuan can improve the yield rate of 90nm chips is less than 1%, which means that Lin Xuan's behavior is not favored by everyone!

As for the remaining one percent, they are those who haven't read the analysis articles of the Emperor of Knowledge.

I believe that after reading the articles analyzed by the emperor of knowledge, they will be silent and feel that Lin Xuan can't do it, and finally join the party that is not optimistic!

At the same time, the reporters of the print media and Internet news did not let go of this incident that has aroused heated discussions across the country.

I saw that they found professors from various universities one after another, and asked them to talk about how difficult it is to improve the yield rate of chips, etc.

Soon on the second day, many newspapers across the country published the article "Analysis of the Difficulty of Increasing the Yield Rate of Chips".

Through the science popularization of newspaper articles, those who do not have access to the Internet have also learned through newspapers how difficult it is to increase the yield rate of chips.

So they, like people on the Internet, joined the army who were not optimistic about Lin Xuan's ability to solve the problem of yield rate!

At this time, in the streets and alleys, everyone who discussed this matter felt that Lin Xuan had gone crazy. He could no longer tell what was reality and what was illusion.

In such a situation, the first day passed!

People anxiously waited for the latest information from the reporters ahead, but the result was that they were disappointed. There was no latest information from the front.

Although there were nearly a hundred reporters blocking the gate of Zhongxin International at this time, none of them could obtain any useful information.

Under such circumstances, they naturally cannot write any brilliant and useful news, so the result is doomed to disappoint those who are waiting for the news.

On the second day, dozens of reporters surrounded the gate of Zhongxin International and waited for the latest news, but there was still no major news released today.

Of course, although there is no major news to report, it is worth reporting that Zhongxin International will conduct a chip tape-out production as usual today.

After a day later, I finally heard some news from Zhongxin International, and many people who had been waiting for a long time were looking forward to it.

Zhongxin International is conducting a trial production today. I don’t know if there will be any good news tomorrow.

At five o'clock in the afternoon on the third day, that is, October 14, 2004.

At this time, there are more reporters surrounding Zhongxin International, and the total number of reporters at this time has reached nearly 200!

"Professor Chen, come out and tell us the result!"

At this time, because there are more than 200 reporters in front of the gate of Zhongxin International, it seems densely packed.

Their voices at this time all called the leader of Zhongxin International to ask Professor Chen to come out and tell everyone what happened to the trial production results yesterday?

Did Lin Xuan successfully improve the yield rate of 90nm chips yesterday?

It seems that because there are more and more reporters, Professor Yang, the leader of Zhongxin International, finally couldn't bear the pressure, and finally had to walk out surrounded by security guards.

"Professor Yang, may I ask if you carried out a chip tapeout yesterday, how much has the chip yield increased?"

Under the pressure of countless reporters and the shooting of the camera, Professor Chen can only speak the truth:

"It takes a long time to increase the yield rate of chips. It is not realistic or scientific to increase the yield rate after one or two trial productions!

Although we conducted a trial production yesterday, Mr. Lin Xuan did not put forward any suggestions for improvement during this trial production.

From the first day, he just watched and learned the whole process of our 90nm process technology.

It is estimated that it will take several trial productions before putting forward suggestions for improvement to improve the yield rate, and it may be one or two months later. "

After getting an exact reply from Professor Chen, everyone at the scene showed disappointed expressions.

It turned out that from the first day to now, Lin Xuan was just learning from the sidelines, and was not improving the yield rate of 90nm.

Everyone was disappointed when they got the news.

After getting the exact news and finding that there was no hot news, these reporters left disappointed.

I learned from Professor Chen that Lin Xuanda wanted to put forward suggestions for improvement. The improvement of the yield rate would not be completed within a few days, but it would take about a month or two.

The reporters feel that this matter may have come to an end in this way, and the next time they report on this matter, it may be a month or two later.

Under such circumstances, many reporters have given up their plans to obtain news from Zhongxin International.

So tomorrow Zhongxin International will definitely be crowded here, and no journalists will come to Zhongxin International to find news.

Under such circumstances, some reporters naturally aimed at other people, wanting to see other people's views on this matter, and stir up the last wave of news enthusiasm.

So other journalists from all over the country who got the news went to their respective goals one after another!

Some went to Xiake Academy, some went to Bay Island to interview the boss of Lianfa Technology or TSMC, and some were going to interview Lin Xuan's old rival Xu Hua.

At noon that day, following the news from Zhongxin International, reporters from all over the country found their targets. At this time, several reporters found Xu Hua, the president of Bodao Mobile.

"Mr. Xu, do you think Lin Xuan of Hantang Technology can really improve the yield rate of 90nm chips?"

Hearing this, Xu Hua shook his head disdainfully and said:

"Impossible, I have learned a lot about the yield rate of chips during this period of time, and I also know how difficult it is to improve the yield rate of chips.

I feel that Lin Xuan has gone crazy, he has forgotten what it means to be humble because of the honor Ni Guangnan gave him.

Even if it is not my own achievement, even if I get the honor through some means, I still blindly think that it is my own achievement. I feel that Lin Xuan is crazy! "

Obviously after thinking for so long, Xu Hua believed that the first-generation Hanfeng chip was definitely not developed by Lin Xuan.

Even when Ni Guangnan said that Lin Xuan had the ability of photographic memory, he no longer believed it at this time, but thought it was a false alarm.

He thought that Lin Xuan should have bribed Ni Guangnan to tell Ni Guangnan at the chip review meeting that day that the mobile phone chip was developed by Lin Xuan.

Moreover, for the sake of logical consistency, Ni Guangnan also added a setting for Lin Xuan's memory.

It can only be said that since you are an enemy, the enemy will have the most malicious speculations about all your achievements!

(end of this chapter)

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