Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 217 - Facing A Strange Dangerous Array!

Arthur was right about his doubts, as when he killed everyone he spotted outside, taking a couple more hours in doing so, he went to find Lily.

She was looming around the town in this mine ore place. Arthur just cancelled his transformation, feeling how much he was blessed to upgrade his energy and body, to avoid the weakness that usually haunted him from before.

"Is there anything wrong about here?" he asked, as he noticed Lily was circling the area without the guts to enter it.

"It's not me, it's Birdy, he doesn't want to enter that place, like something is scaring him."

Arthur looked at the town and the area around him. for him, everything seemed fine, and he didn't fly over it directly, but he went so close to it a couple of times, and he didn't feel anything suspicious about it.

"Wait a minute," he said, as he recalled his two pets back to his tattoos, then summoned the scorpion queen again.

The moment he did so, the queen's attitude suddenly got weird, as she hurriedly turned to face the front with extreme vigilance, issuing a sound like roaring, but it had some warning meaning, like she was warning a predator in front to stay away.

"Go back now!" Arthur didn't delay and issued the order of retreat. Even the queen heeded by his command and retreated. As they retreated a couple of miles, and the attitude of the queen returned to normal, Arthur didn't delay in turning into a dragon at once, so he could have a nice chat with the queen, understanding what was going on here.

As he turned into a dragon, the scorpion sensed that, and she instantly bellowed on ranting on what happened just now.

"You fool! How can you summon me in such a huge trap? Huh? Can't you see all these vicious dark monsters eyeing us? They were about to attack, only a couple of tens of meters away! How can you stand so freely there, doing nothing at all!!!"

Her tone was aggressive and her voice was angry and her attitude was rude, but Arthur didn't care about any of that currently. What he cared about was her meaning, the presence of threat just a few meters away and he couldn't see it! or even sense it!

"Are you saying there were monsters so close to us right there?" he asked.

"What? Don't tell me you didn't see them? there is a huge army of monsters there, how can you be so blind not to see?"

"Calm down, I'm not trying to tease you here, there was nothing really there in front of me, or at least I couldn't see it," he paused here, as he started to understand what was going on here, "tell me, were there any humans around these monsters?" he asked.

"There are, but very few, scattered in the distance, but no one of them was at the front."


Arthur just muttered, as his mind was already deciphering this issue. He knew what was going on, partly, as there was something that didn't add to the mix here.

'So they are using an illusion grand formation, making the whole area covering tens of miles around the ore mine be covered in this illusion, however what is the story about this monster army then? Why can't I sense their presence, even when I'm in a dragon form?'

The dilemma he had currently was annoying him. He had many theories in his mind, all were applicable here, but each had different ways to deal with it!

So, he stopped speaking for a long time, while his mind was trying to find the right answer to all these questions, however after half an hour of staying silent, he couldn't reach a conclusion.

He knew his enemy was using some arrays at this moment, one was an illusion based array, and the other was related to hide any aura of the great army of monsters inside.

However he wasn't sure if these monsters were also part of the illusion formation, or real monsters, or warriors transformed into monsters!

"Sigh, it seems I only have this way to exclude at least one option here," he sighed, as he glanced at the queen as he added:

"Can you win one on one with these monsters? Are they weaker than you?"

He needed a rough estimation to these monsters' strength, and the queen understood his meaning, as she said:

"They are like five horned monsters back in our worlds, but there is a strange intimidating dark aura around each of them, so their strength might be slightly higher, six horned strength perhaps."

"That will be no problem then," he muttered, as the next moment he cancelled his dragon form, returned to the human form, as he glanced at Lily and said:

"I will need your help in the next fight."

"Aerial attacks like before?" she wasn't that stupid, as she realized what he wanted her to do.

"Sure, I will trust you with this task," he then took out one ring, started to organize stuff in it, as he only put fire ores, the highest grade explosive oil, many long ropes, and fire pits inside. "Take this, and use the ores and oils to make explosive ores, and you know what to do next. Also fly fast and catch up with the retreating army of warriors. ask ten thousand of them to come here at once, as I will need their help"

Arthur then didn't hurry to execute his plan, as he needed time for Lily to be well prepared, plus he also needed a place suited for such a brutal fight.

He then returned to his dragon form, while starting to circle the sky, looking for his target. Strange enough, his most suited place here was the cave, the one he once locked the space in.

Despite killing every single warrior around the cave, he didn't really enter it. he didn't want to risk entering the home of a well prepared enemy, but currently he had to.

The next moment, he summoned his rhinoceros. His double horned monster was not much stronger and more violent than before, as he already tasted the human blood and flesh endlessly.

"Go inside and kill anyone you see."

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