Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 172 - Making A Deal With Other Clans And Guilds

However currently this would put their mages at danger. The leader didn't really care much about it, as all his mages posted here were already cured first, before giving the extra potions to others.

He was aware of these facts, but shared none with Arthur. He also knew these clans and guilds might act aggressive towards him, but he warned him no more.

Arthur felt the slight change in the leader's mood for a moment here, making his mind work fast trying to find the reason for this. The only explanation was the number of mages infected wasn't only ten thousand, and if that was true, then these clans and guilds might not accept his refusal.

"If there is any need for me in the future, you can always give these birds' wing to others, and they can easily contact me through it," he took out few bird's wings, put drops of blood over them to activate the link, then gave them to the leader, who looked in doubt towards Arthur.

"Sure, I will keep them for safe keeping," the leader replied, and his answer didn't satisfy Arthur, who was sure the leader would keep them away, and never share them with anyone.

He also smelled the leader's intention for betraying him, not telling him anymore to make any potions. That might be the leader's way of retaliation against him, for not selling the formula even to his clan, so he could make use of the big rewards waiting for those who could cure the diseased mages.

"I will need to move right away, as the competition will be held tomorrow, and I need to move out now."

"Good luck to you in the upcoming competition, do you want any escort to the academy?" the leader asked.

"No, thanks, I already know the way there," he replied, as he glanced at Rayan as he added, "when he wakes up, tell him to meet me at the academy in one month."

"Sure, I will deliver your message to him."

Arthur then went outside the tent, where his team was waiting for him. "Let's go, we need to reach the academy at dawn," Arthur instructed, and immediately all the mages summoned their flying pets and jumped over their backs before soaring to the dark, pitched black sky, vanishing from everyone's sight.

The moment they reached enough altitude, taking cover in the dark night, Arthur turned to Ron, who was flying just next to him, as he said:

"Take this ring, you will find over two thousand potions there, and fifty bird's wings connected to me. distribute them over the clans and guilds here, and tell them if they need any more healing potions, they just need to contact me directly, and I will sell them the potions anytime half priced."

The words of Arthur were strange not only for Ron, but for everyone else, however Ron didn't ask anything back, as he dispatched himself away from the group, while Arthur adding:

"We will stay here waiting for your return."

Ron vanished from their sight, as Arthur's last words meant they wouldn't move away from this place. they stayed there for roughly an hour, flying in circles, waiting for Ron.

When Ron returned, he had a smile over his face, as he said to Arthur the moment he reached next to him:

"All the clans were ecstatic with the offer, and they promised to gather the materials needed to make the potions, and they asked already for another batch of ten thousand potions," he then tossed five rings containing the materials these clans and guilds provided, then Ron added:

"Inside these rings you will find special items that can be used to send stuff for the clans and guilds directly, this way you can keep your exchange with them. they also left a few thousands bird's wings as a gift, as they heard about you asking for them."

Arthur received the rings and hurriedly scanned their content to feel shocked, there were five folds of the initial price provided by the leader, and he just gave these clans and guilds a discount!

'That jerk! He thought he could trick me like this?!!' Arthur inwardly cursed, but when he thought about the future need of the leader to his assistant, he calmed down a little.

"Let's cross the lake and go somewhere near the academy gate, I will need to work on these potions during night."

He already had another two thousand potions in his reserve, but he needed to make as many as possible, so he wouldn't be forced to stop in the middle of the challenge for long times making potions.

Through the items left for the exchange with these clans and guilds, he was surprised to see the number of twenty clans and five guilds. "Are there twenty clans and five guilds back there?" he asked Ron, feeling somehow surprised by this number.

"Yes, I found this to be quite surprising as well," Ron shared his own thought as well.

"Good, the more the merrier," Arthur nodded, before he shifted his attention to the upcoming competition. Twenty five big clans and guilds was a bigger number than he initially thought, and so he expected fiercer competition coming from teams belonging to these super powers already.

"No problem for me if these teams just crossed the lake late, and contracted this illness," he thought to himself, while trying to find a bright side of the matter.

They flew for one hour before they could make it out of the distant huge walls of the academy. They then went down towards the thick trees, and Arthur took out his items, and started making out his faked potion in masses.

Each time he made the cauldron full of fluid, it was enough to make five hundred potion bottles. These clans and guilds were generous enough to provide him with many bottles, enough to make tens of thousands of potions.

Arthur then spent the next seven hours making potions, and when he finished, the sun was already seen clearly in the sky. He sent all the potions he had a deal for to their respective recipients, and then he stored the rest into one of his rings.

He now had in stock over forty thousand potions, ready to be delivered once asked for. Arthur then wrapped everything, and glanced rapidly over his new wealth, marveling at his great gain, before they all went straight towards the academy walls on top of their flying pets.

In less than one hour, they managed to spot a huge crowd gathering in front of a huge gate that spanned for over five hundred meters, with five huge doors, with only one slightly opened, making it apparent no one was allowed to pass inside yet.

"Let's head into there," Arthur pointed out towards a direction where not many mages were there. it was on the distant edge of this place, and thus not many mages were stationed there. they descended, and the moment they did, one of the mages standing there said:

"Hi my friends, you are still new here, right?"

"Yes, we are, tell me what we can do to join the competition?" Arthur was somehow exhausted from making potions for a whole day and night, and so Madly took the initiative to reply to this early twenties mage.

"You need to go to the main gate, and register your name and the number of the mages in your team. Also you will need to select a name for your team, plus paying the corresponding fees of monsters' cores to them. do you have enough cores to use?"

Arthur suddenly understood the meaning and importance of these cores, and he also understood why this mage was kindly taking the initiative to welcome them.

He was a merchant, dealing with newcomers to gain some wealth. Madly didn't know what to say, as she turned to glance at him, while he said:

"Thanks for the offer my friend, but we already have enough cores. However, I might need other things than cores."

Arthur's look was received with a wide smile over that mage's face, as he stroke his chest in a pride move as he declared:

"Don't worry, sir, as long as you ask Mandy, Mandy will always give you a satisfying answer."

"Good, now I will go and register our name, and when I return you and I will have a little chat."

Mandy nodded, as he then turned to go and find another client for him. Arthur then turned to face everyone as he instructed:

"Stay here, and keep a low profile."

"I will come with you," Iman suddenly said, as she added, "this competition is for juniors like you, so I need to find my own."

"Follow me then," Arthur replied, as he went into the mass crowd, with Iman on his tail.

Along the way to the gate, they pumped into an endless stream of mages, with many words said here and there regarding the competition. Arthur realized the next competition was going to be held inside one of the pocket worlds of the academy.

He also learnt that the duration of this competition would be long, as it was rumored that time inside this pocket world ran differently than time here.. Arthur just found this acceptable, as this was one of the many advantages of the pocket worlds.

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