As David held the gleaming sword he had forged in his hand, his fingers traced the intricate engravings that adorned its blade. The weight of the weapon felt substantial yet balanced, a testament to the skill and craftsmanship he had poured into its creation. The quest that had brought him to this point lingered in his mind, urging him to examine the sword and unlock its secrets.

Amidst the clamor of curious onlookers outside the smithy, their voices a mere backdrop to his focused thoughts, David's attention remained fixed on the majestic sword that radiated an ethereal glow.

With a hushed breath, he murmured to himself, "Activate Gods Eye skill."

In an instant, a mystical status window materialized before his eyes, revealing the hidden potential that lay within the divine weapon.


Name: Unknown

Type: Divine Weapon

Rarity: Legendary


Strength: 2000

Attack Power: 2500

Mana Power: 3000

Durability: 5000

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Special Abilities:

1. Divine Aura: Enhanced physical attributes, Will cast a fear on to the enemies and will cast a buff on allies recognized by sword .

2. Mana Mastery: Manipulation and control of vast amounts of mana, empowering magical abilities.

3. Elemental Empowerment: Doubles wielder's power when channeling elemental forces.


The stats unveiled themselves in a mesmerizing display of numbers and symbols, each one a testament to the sword's power. Strength, attack power, and mana power—each value surpassed David's wildest expectations. The sword stood as a pinnacle of might, a force to be reckoned with in the realms of combat and warfare.

Carefully sheathing the sword, David turned his attention to the dwarf who had been a witness to this awe-inspiring creation. The dwarf approached, offering him a wooden box, its craftsmanship exquisite and unparalleled. David recognized the value of the box, a testament to the importance placed upon the sword it would hold.

Following the dwarf's instructions, David gently placed the divine weapon within the box, the contrast between the dark blade and the intricate carvings of the box creating a visually captivating juxtaposition. The sword nestled within its new home, protected and cherished.

A moment of hesitation swept over the dwarf as he cleared his throat, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Cough Cough

"How did you do it?" he asked, his eyes fixed on David, searching for answers.

David, mindful of the truth he wished to conceal, conjured a story that would suffice, weaving a tale of discovery and mastery.

With measured words, he spoke of his adventures in the dungeons of his hometown, stumbling upon a method that held the key to crafting extraordinary weapons. The light of understanding, he claimed, had descended upon him, guiding his hand and empowering him with the knowledge to create such magnificent swords.

With the guidance of his father, a skilled blacksmith in his own right, he honed his newfound skill to perfection.

David's lie slipped seamlessly from his lips, his words crafted to convince the dwarf of his proficiency and understanding. He masked the truth of divine blessings bestowed upon him by a higher power, keeping his encounter with the gods a secret that would remain known only to him.

The dwarf listened intently, his gaze transitioning from skepticism to a glimmer of acceptance. He nodded, a flicker of admiration evident in his eyes. It was a tale that resonated with the dwarf, an explanation that satisfied his curiosity.

As David observed the interest in the dwarf's eyes, he sensed the unspoken desire to learn the art of creating such extraordinary weapons. Recognizing this opportunity to help the dwarf achieve his dream of crafting a masterpiece before retiring, David summoned a piece of paper from his storage portal. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

With the divine blessings fueling his mind, he quickly jotted down the key points and insights that could elevate the dwarf's skills.

Approaching the dwarf, David extended the paper, offering it as a small token of gratitude.

"Thank you for allowing me to use your forge. Here are some notes that might be helpful in your pursuit," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

The dwarf accepted the paper, his eyes scanning the carefully written words. A mix of surprise and anticipation flickered across his face, grateful for the unexpected guidance.

Curiosity burning within him, the dwarf finally mustered the courage to ask, "So, what do you plan to do with that sword?"

David's response was straightforward yet unexpected. "I intend to auction this divine sword. It holds no practical use for me personally," he explained.

The dwarf's jaw dropped in astonishment, struggling to comprehend the notion of parting with such a remarkable creation.

Dwarf asked David, his curiosity piqued, "What name shall you bestow upon this remarkable sword?"

The dwarf believed that every creation deserved a name, and considering it was a divine weapon, it would be an insult to leave it unnamed. David pondered deeply, fully aware of the importance of choosing a name that would honor the sword's extraordinary power and significance.

After much contemplation, David's face lit up with a newfound inspiration. With unwavering confidence, he declared, "I shall name it 'Festering Desire'."

As the words left his lips, a subtle shift occurred. The sword, as if acknowledging its new name, emitted a radiant glow, resonating with the recognition of a befitting appellation. It was a testament to the sword's unfathomable potential and the significance it held within the world.

With a farewell and a nod, David bid the dwarf adieu, his mind already focused on the next steps of his journey. Leaving the blacksmith forge behind, he and Luna made their way towards the inn, their departure imminent as they aimed to reach the City of Eldoria.

Word of David's intention to auction the divine sword spread like wildfire among the townsfolk. Sensing the gathering crowd and the attention it brought, David swiftly employed his magical prowess using the blessings bestowed by the God of Darkness as he merged with shadow and escaping from the sight, utilizing his skills to evade the growing crowd and ensure a hasty departure.

With Luna by his side, David vanished from sight, determined not to waste any precious time. The path to the City of Eldoria awaited, along with new adventures and the unfolding chapters of his remarkable journey.

As David arrived at the inn, his excitement surged through his veins. With his affairs settled, he knew it was time to embark on the journey to the grand City of Eldoria. The anticipation of leaving the familiar surroundings of the first city in this enchanting fantasy realm filled him with a sense of exhilaration.

Setting foot on the road, David and Luna climbed into a horse-drawn cart that would carry them to their destination. As the cart rumbled forward, David's keen senses detected the presence of a few assassins stealthily tailing their path.

Luna, with her cat-like instincts, leaned in closer to whisper, "Master, we have followers."

David acknowledged Luna's observation, his mind already aware of the looming danger. These assassins had likely been drawn by rumors of the divine weapon he had crafted.

Traveling through desolate terrain, away from prying eyes, David knew it was time to confront their pursuers. Instructing the cart puller to halt, David stepped outside, leaving Luna inside to guard the cart puller.

Standing amidst the open expanse, David's presence alone beckoned the assassins, who sprinted forward to surround him. To his amusement, a group of bandits emerged from their hidden positions, joining forces with the assassins.

The bandit leader, brandishing a massive sword, bellowed with laughter. "Hand over the sword, kid, and maybe we'll spare your limbs. Maybe."

David couldn't help but find their arrogance amusing. His eyes locked with the bandit leader, he retorted, "Are you truly that ignorant? Don't you know I am an S-rank adventurer?"

The bandit leader's expression twisted with scorn, dismissing David's claim. "Hahaha! We're all high-ranking adventurers who have left the guild, kid. Your title means nothing to us."

With a sigh, David decided it was time to demonstrate the true extent of his powers. "If you insist on fighting, so be it. But I warn you, it will be your end."

With those words, David unleashed the blessings bestowed upon him by the God of Darkness. Merging seamlessly with the shadows, he became one with darkness itself.

In a swift and fluid motion, David engaged his assailants. Each assassin and bandit that dared to challenge him met their demise. His movements were a dance of lethal precision as he effortlessly dispatched his adversaries.

The divine powers granted by the God of Darkness empowered his every strike, ensuring that none could stand against him.

David had learned from his earlier mistakes of underutilizing his divine blessings. Now, he fully embraced the gifts bestowed upon him, utilizing every ounce of power at his disposal. The clash of steel and the cries of defeated foes filled the air as David emerged victorious.

With a calm demeanor, he surveyed the scene, his gaze piercing through the dissipating tension. His message was clear - those who dared to challenge him would face swift and ruthless retribution. Gathering his resolve, David prepared to continue his journey, wary of the dangers that lay ahead in the City of Eldoria.

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