David held the Key he had earned through completing different quests. As he inserted the Key into the small portal, it began to open, revealing a pathway to the City of Eldoria's Silver Haven Town.

Without hesitation, David stepped through the portal, vanishing from his room as he reached the jungle where he had been hiding his actions.

After arriving at Silver Haven Town, David's first priority was to reunite with Luna. It had been nearly ten months since he had last seen her, and he felt it was only right to meet her first.

Luna was a feline-like cat girl whom David had rescued from dangerous creatures called Wargs when he first arrived in this world. Since then, Luna had acknowledged David as her master, making it even more important for him to visit her.

David made his way to the town, his mind fixed on reuniting with Luna. He entered the inn where he had reserved a room for his extended absence. As he stepped inside, the innkeeper immediately recognized him as an esteemed S-rank adventurer and hurried over to greet him with admiration. David's disappearance for the past ten months had left the innkeeper curious and impressed by his return.


Luna suddenly appeared, sensing David's presence in the inn. She rushed down the staircase and embraced him tightly, tears streaming down her face.

"You left me and went away," Luna said, her voice filled with sorrow.

"I'm sorry, Luna. I had to leave for training,"

David lied, hoping to change the subject and ease Luna's sadness.

Despite the lie, Luna was overjoyed to see her master again. She happily accompanied David as they made their way to the adventures guild, where he needed to meet the vice guild leader and inquire about an upcoming auction.

"You've become stronger,"

David exclaimed, his gaze fixed on Luna as they walked together. He had used his God's Eyes skill to check her status. When they first met, Luna was only at level 35. However, after giving her the magic attribute stone and training for the past few months, she had made significant progress. Now, she had surpassed level 50 and reached level 53. She had grown a lot in these few months.

"Yes, master. The magic stone helped me a lot,"

Luna acknowledged, keeping pace with David as they made their way towards the adventures guild.

"Last month, I even joined a raid in a C-rank dungeon. I killed many monsters there and got even stronger," Luna continued, sharing her experiences of the past ten months without David.

As they walked through the streets, many people showed respect to David. His reputation as an S-rank adventurer had spread throughout the town and even to neighboring cities. Achieving S-rank was no small feat. David acknowledged everyone's well wishes as they finally arrived at the adventures guild.

To David's surprise, he didn't even have to enter the guild to meet Kathryne, as the vice guild leader, Franklin, had already come down from his office to personally greet David. News of David's arrival had reached him, and he wanted to meet this esteemed guest.

Franklin guided David to his office, where they settled in. Breaking the silence, Franklin spoke, "So, when did you arrive?"

"I just got here this morning,"

David replied, taking a seat on the sofa while Franklin sat at his desk. Shortly after, a caretaker brought them freshly brewed tea. As David took a sip, he looked at Franklin, who was seated at his desk.

"Do you have any updates about the auction you mentioned?"

David inquired, curious. In response to his question, Franklin reached into his desk and handed David an envelope.

Franklin's voice filled the room as he announced, "Here on the 10th of this month, the auction will take place in the main city, the City of Eldoria. And this," he said, extending his hand, "is the invitation for you."

David reached out, his fingers gripping the envelope firmly. Carefully, he tore it open, revealing its contents. Within, he discovered an invitational card, bearing his name. But there was more.

Nestled in the envelope, a magazine lay waiting, showcasing the items that would be up for auction. Eager to explore further, David opened the magazine, its pages filled with anticipation.

The first few pages were dedicated to the items David himself had submitted. He gazed upon the dead body of a succubus monster, the mineral and mana stones he had discovered within the treacherous depths of an S-rank dungeon. Excitement coursed through his veins as he turned the pages, each one revealing a new treasure, a new possibility that awaited the highest bidder.

Closing the magazine, David noticed something else in the envelope. It was a card, sleek and rectangular in shape, reminiscent of the credit cards he had known back on Earth. Yet, this one was different. Made of charcoal-colored metal, it bore his name, shimmering in golden letters.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Curiosity piqued, David lifted the card, examining it closely. "What is this?" he inquired, his voice filled with wonder.

Franklin's eyes sparkled with pride as he answered, "That, my friend, is your auction card. Without it, you cannot gain entry into the illustrious auction house."

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm He began to explain the different ranks of the cards, their significance and privileges.

"The basic cards," he continued, "are bronze in color, granting the bearer a seat among the front rows. However, they come with a price tag of 10,000 gold coins. Then there are the silver, gold, and diamond cards, each escalating in value and cost, ensuring a more prestigious position within the auction house."

Perplexed, David raised an eyebrow.

"But what about this card?" he asked, indicating the unique metal card in his hand. It stood apart from the others mentioned by Franklin.

A smile graced Franklin's lips as he replied, "Ah, that is a special card, my friend. It cannot be purchased; it is bestowed only upon the most esteemed guests and clients."

He spoke with a touch of reverence, his voice filled with respect. "Not even most royalties possess such a card. This," he said, emphasizing its true worth, "is the platinum card. Reserved for the select few, it bestows numerous benefits. You have the privilege to visit any auction house across the nations where the adventures guild is present. Special discounts and pricing await you, along with access to VVIP guest rooms to witness the auctions firsthand."

David's eyes widened with amazement and gratitude. The true value of this metal card, its charcoal hue and golden engravings, unfolded before him. It represented not only access to rare treasures but also an invitation to embark on a journey across the realms. With this card in hand, he would uncover untold wonders, forging his path through the realm of fantasy.

David held the card in his hand, carefully examining its details. His gaze shifted to the storage portal where he had kept the envelope. Curiosity sparked within him as he turned his attention back to Franklin.

"So, when do you plan to head to the City for the auction?" David inquired, eager to know more.

Franklin took a sip of his tea, allowing the flavor to linger on his tongue before responding.

"I'll depart two days before the auction. There's still ten days left until then," he replied, his voice filled with anticipation.

Satisfied with the answer, David nodded. "I'll leave for the city tomorrow. I've spent enough time here and now it's time for me to continue my journey, exploring every place I can," he declared. The desire to discover more of this fantastical world burned brightly within him.

With a wave goodbye, David and Franklin made their way towards the inn. David had accomplished what he came to this town for, and now he yearned to venture further, to experience the wonders this world had to offer. His gift and blessings urged him to explore, to embrace the boundless possibilities of this fantasy realm.

And as he would travel to more nations, he couldn't help but imagine the potential of expanding his harem collection. The thought of encountering more potential companions and adding them to his list of cherished companions ignited a spark of excitement within him.

As David and Luna made their way back to the inn, a radiant light caught his attention. His eyes widened as a quest materialized before him, its text beckoning his curiosity. Eagerly, he focused on the quest details, absorbing its content.


Quest: Create an Item for Auction


God of Weapons is displeased with your underutilization of the blessings bestowed upon you. In order to appease the divine being, your task is to create a remarkable weapon that can be auctioned off to the highest bidder.


  1. +100 Reputation Points in City of Eldoria

  2. +1 Key to Earth

Penalty: Failure to fulfill this quest will result in the revocation of the blessings granted to you by the god.


David's mind raced, contemplating the quest's implications, realizing the potential penalty at stake. The God of Weapons had taken notice of him, urging him to showcase his skill and creativity through the crafting of a weapon worthy of auction.

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