David turned to face the mages, anticipation evident in his eyes. He had just displayed a mere glimpse of his power with the Inferno Blast, a controlled and restrained attack to prevent any unnecessary destruction. He wanted to know their evaluation of his abilities.

The mages stood in stunned silence, their jaws slightly agape. The spectacle they had witnessed was beyond anything they had ever imagined. No one had ever seen an adventurer excel in magic, combat, and healing magic simultaneously.

"We... we are sorry," one of the mages stammered, mustering up the courage to approach David.

"We misjudged you and acted rudely before. Please accept our apologies."

David smiled warmly, understanding their initial skepticism. He had come across as an outsider, an unexpected challenger seeking validation. But now, their perception had shifted.

"It's alright," David replied graciously.

His voice resonated with a sense of humility and understanding. As he spoke, the spectators who had gathered to witness the test remained silent, their eyes filled with a mix of astonishment and admiration.

They exchanged glances, acknowledging the undeniable talent and skill David had demonstrated.

As the test came to an end, the vice guild master of the adventures guild hurriedly approached David and the party of adventurers. Dressed in elegant black robes befitting his high rank, Franklin, the vice guild leader, exuded an aura of authority and wisdom.

"I am Franklin, the vice guild leader,"

He introduced himself, his voice carrying a sense of authority and respect. His tall stature and composed demeanor commanded attention. "

"Congratulations on passing the A-rank test."

David extended his hand, a gesture of respect and gratitude. "Nice to meet you, Franklin. I'm David."

Franklin shook David's hand firmly, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet someone with such exceptional talents. Your skills and determination have earned you the adventurer's license."

"Wait," David interjected, his voice filled with determination. "I also want to take the S-rank test."

David's request to take the S-rank test caught the attention of both the vice guild master and the noble who had been observing the assessment. Their eyes turned towards David, curious to see what he would say next.

Interrupting their conversation, the noble approached with an air of importance. He introduced himself with a name that resonated with power and authority.

His physical appearance matched his status, with a short stature, a bald head with only side hairs, and a prominent, well-groomed mustache. His attire exuded opulence, adorned in a finely tailored noble's clothing, befitting his high social standing.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the noble began, his voice carrying a hint of authority. "I am Lord Harrington, a prominent figure in these lands."

David nodded respectfully, acknowledging the noble's presence. It was not uncommon for nobles to take an interest in exceptional adventurers, seeking to establish connections with those who possessed great strength and potential. He listened attentively as Lord Harrington extended an invitation.

"I would be honored if you would grace my mansion with your presence," Lord Harrington continued, offering a formal invitation.

"Next week, we have arranged a grand party, and I would be delighted if you would attend."

A mixture of excitement and apprehension flickered across David's face. He had never experienced the grandeur and luxury associated with high-ranking noble gatherings.

The invitation presented an opportunity to immerse himself in a world of opulence and revelry, a stark contrast to his humble origins.

"Thank you for the invitation. I would be delighted to join the festivities,"

David replied, his smile betraying a touch of nervousness. He was eager to embrace this newfound attention and seize the chance to immerse himself in a world unknown to him.

After extending the invitation, Lord Harrington gracefully departed, accompanied by his loyal servant who shielded him from the sun with an umbrella. They vanished into the crowd, leaving a sense of prestige lingering in their wake.

"Please come to the guild office," Franklin requested, his tone carrying a hint of formality.

The once casual atmosphere had shifted, acknowledging David's newfound respect and recognition. Franklin's invitation extended not only to David but also to the other members of his party, signifying their importance and contribution.

Franklin, the vice guild master, directed David and the rest of the party to follow him to the guild office. As they entered the office, Franklin took his seat behind the imposing guild leader's desk.

Two small sofas were arranged facing the opposite walls, with Franklin positioned in the center. He gestured for all six of them to take a seat, providing an atmosphere of respect and camaraderie.

Luna, ever the faithful companion, had managed to find her way into the office and sat by David's side. The group settled into the comfortable sofas, preparing to engage in a discussion that held the promise of new opportunities and challenges on the horizon.

The atmosphere in the guild master's office turned somber, the weight of the impending task casting a shadow over the room. Luna, for the first time, found herself standing in the presence of the vice guild master, a position she had never imagined herself in. It was a testament to her growth and the trust placed in her by her master.

Gareth's voice broke the silence, his curiosity tinged with a hint of skepticism. I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"So why did you call us here, guild master?" he inquired, taking a sip of the warm tea graciously offered to them.

Franklin's expression grew serious as he began to address the purpose of their meeting. The news he had to deliver carried a sense of urgency and concern.

"I have some bad news to share," he stated, his voice steady yet laden with gravity.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm "There is a high-ranking dungeon that has recently opened near our borders, and it falls under our jurisdiction. We have received reports of bizarre deaths among adventurers who have attempted to clear it."

Gareth, unfazed by the notion of death in dungeons, interjected with a hint of nonchalance.

"Isn't it common for adventurers to perish in dungeons? What makes this one so special that you've called us here?"

Franklin's gaze shifted to Gareth, his eyes conveying a mixture of seriousness and concern.

"This particular dungeon is unlike any we have encountered before. There are strange occurrences happening within its depths. Those who have ventured inside were found dead at entrance of the dungeon, their life force inexplicably drained."

David's and Luna's eyes met, a shared understanding passing between them. The tales they had heard during their journey to the guild office now held a heightened significance. 

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Franklin continued to explain the gravity of the situation.

"The guild master, being aware of these unusual deaths, has urged us to clear this dungeon as swiftly as possible. The bizarre circumstances surrounding it demand our attention and swift action."

Gareth's expression shifted, a newfound seriousness replacing his initial nonchalance. He realized the magnitude of the task that lay before them, and the potential dangers they would face. It was no longer a mere dungeon crawl—it was a mission to uncover the truth behind these strange occurrences.

"That is why I have called you all here. I need you all to undertake this mission and clear the dungeon. And David, your presence will be invaluable in this endeavor."

"I understand, we will do it"

Gareth's readiness to take on the commission was evident, driven by the potential rewards it could offer. However, before they could delve deeper into their plans, David interjected, halting their discussion.

"Wait," David spoke, his tone calm yet resolute. "I will clear this dungeon by myself, and this will serve as my S rank assessment." His words hung in the air, charged with confidence and determination.

The vice guild master couldn't hide his worry, his voice laced with concern.

"No, this can't be done," he objected, his anxiety evident. But David, undeterred, promptly cut him off mid-sentence.

"No need to worry," David reassured them, his voice brimming with self-assurance.

"I have complete confidence in my skills. Just prepare the license for me upon my return."

His words carried an air of certainty and conviction, leaving little room for doubt.

Gareth, having witnessed David's exceptional abilities firsthand, spoke up in support.

"Since he insists so strongly, let him undertake this challenge," he asserted, a hint of admiration in his voice. "We have all seen the prowess he possesses."

Relenting to their conviction, the vice guild master conceded. "Very well, I will grant this approval," he acquiesced, his voice a mix of caution and hope.

With a sense of purpose, he began the process of preparing the necessary documentation for David's S rank assessment.

"So, we are leaving,"

Gareth stated, his voice filled with a mix of determination and excitement. They exchanged a brief smile, a silent understanding passing between them, before turning to depart.

David's gaze shifted to Franklin, the vice guild master, who remained seated behind his desk.

"I will depart tomorrow," David informed him, his tone confident and composed. "I have a few preparations to make before setting off."

Franklin nodded, acknowledging David's need for readiness.

"Very well," he agreed, his voice carrying a note of understanding. "You can leave in the morning. Take the time you need."

With their plans in motion, Luna and David bid farewell to the guild office, their steps echoing with purpose as they exited the room. The weight of their upcoming quest hung in the air, but they remained resolute in their determination to face the challenges ahead.

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