Luna's eager gaze met David's determined expression as he issued his instruction. "Luna, you stay here and focus on advancing."

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm "But Master, I want to witness your assessment today," Luna pleaded, her eyes shining with anticipation. She longed to see the adventures of her beloved master unfold before her eyes, to witness the grandeur of a high-level evaluation.

David's brow furrowed slightly as he considered her request, a hint of concern in his voice. "And what about your own rank advancement?"

Luna paused, her attention momentarily diverted as she began to groom herself, mimicking the behavior of a feline. "I will do it later, Master," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of hesitation.

Observing Luna's cute gesture, David couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, kawaii," he muttered to himself, a fond smile gracing his lips. After a brief moment of contemplation, he relented, giving in to Luna's wish. "Fine, you can come with me."

Gratitude filled Luna's voice as she thanked her master. "Thank you, Nya, Master," she purred, continuing her grooming routine with renewed enthusiasm.

Leaving the comfort of their inn, David and Luna ventured into the lively marketplace. As they made their way towards the adventurers' guild, snippets of conversations reached their ears.

"Did you hear that?" a vendor exclaimed, drawing David's attention.

Intrigued, he paused to listen, his ears attuned to the buzz of the crowd.

"There's talk of a new high-level dungeon that's opened beyond the border," the vendor continued, their voice filled with excitement and curiosity.

A passerby dismissed the news nonchalantly. "Just another dungeon, someone will handle it eventually," they remarked with a hint of indifference.

David exchanged a knowing look with Luna, a spark of interest kindling in their eyes at the mention of a high-level challenge.

"No, it's different this time," the vendor insisted, their tone growing more intense. "Four lifeless bodies were discovered near the entrance, drained of all vitality. It's as if their very essence was consumed."

The nonchalant passerby's skepticism waned as they absorbed the grisly details.

"So, you're saying there's a formidable monster behind it all? Are these monsters stupid to leave bodies at entrance, as if they are asking for their very own demise?" they mused, their voice laced with intrigue.

As David and Luna continued their journey, their minds filled with speculation about the mysterious creature responsible. Luna couldn't contain her curiosity any longer, turning to David with wide eyes.

"Master, what kind of monster could be capable of such horrors?"

David's gaze turned thoughtful, his mind racing with possibilities. "It's hard to say, Luna."

David with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. He didn't have a clear answer to Luna's question. Being new to this world, the realm of fantastical creatures, monsters, and dungeons was still unfamiliar territory for him. He found himself grappling with the limits of his knowledge, unsure of what he could offer as a response.

Determined, David and Luna pressed onward, their footsteps carrying them closer to the bustling adventurers' guild. The sight of seasoned warriors and the hum of activity infused them with a sense of anticipation.

Nearby, two adventurers sat outside the guild, engrossed in a conversation that unwittingly caught David's attention.

"Did you hear about that guy who dared to take the S-Rank assessment? What a fool!" one of them exclaimed, bursting into laughter.

"HAHAHAH Hahahha Hahahha"

His companion joined in, their amusement evident. "Yeah, must be a special kind of stupid to aim that high," they chuckled, their words dripping with mockery.

The words struck a nerve within Luna, her feline instincts flaring up. Without a moment's hesitation, she leaped towards the adventurers, ready to defend her master's honor.

"You bastards! Do not speak ill of my master!"

Luna's voice rang out, filled with fierce protectiveness. In a swift motion, she pounced on the two adventurers, much like a cat hunting its prey.

Realizing their misstep, the two adventurers quickly scrambled to their feet, panic etched on their faces. "She's a Cat-girl! Run!"

Swiftly intervening, David grabbed hold of Luna, his voice calm yet firm. "Easy, Luna. Let's not draw any more attention to ourselves," he cautioned, aware of the growing crowd and the eyes upon them.

Luna's ears drooped slightly as she realized the consequences of her actions, her apology laden with regret. "Sorry, Master," she whispered, her voice filled with contrition.

"It's okay. Let them witness it today. I am not stupid," David spoke confidently, a spark of determination in his eyes.

As they entered the guild, David couldn't help but notice the bustling atmosphere. Yesterday, there were only a few people around, but today, the guild was teeming with activity.

Eyes turned towards him and Luna, some filled with amusement, while others held a hint of envy.

"Look, those are the two," whispered two women sitting in a corner table as they stole glances at David and Luna.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Upon catching his gaze, they quickly averted their eyes, pretending as if nothing happened.

Curious about the sudden influx of people and how they seemed to know about his assessment, David made his way to the counter. The receptionist, Kathryne, stood up and greeted him with a bow.

"Welcome to the Adventurers Guild," she said, following the customary salutation. "How can I assist you?"

"I'm here for the assessment today," David stated, casting another glance at the crowd of onlookers.

"Yes, your assessment will be conducted shortly," Kathryne replied. She then provided instructions for David to proceed to the stadium, where his ranking evaluation would take place.

Just as Kathryne was about to take her seat, David couldn't resist breaking the ice and asked her a question that had been bothering him.

"Why are there so many people here, and how do they know about my high-rank assessment?" he inquired, gesturing towards the curious gazes around him.

"Well, since you're undergoing a high-rank evaluation, we called upon a high-rank adventurer to serve as the evaluator. The news spread like wildfire, and many people showed up to witness it," Kathryne explained, shedding light on the situation.

"In this small town, A-rank evaluations are a rare occurrence. The last one took place about five or six years ago. Typically, it's the C or B rank evaluations that happen more frequently. The fact that you expressed your desire to achieve an S rank also generated some buzz."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "There are rumors floating around that you possess the ability to open a dimensional storage portal, which is quite significant news."

"Ah, now I understand," David replied, a realization dawning on him.

He recalled that he had only revealed the portal's existence to Luna and, inadvertently, to the butcher when he had used it to store loot. It seemed that word had spread quickly. He made a mental note to ask Luna to collect the loot from the butcher later.

"Lead the way, Luna,"

David requested, even though he had received instructions from the receptionist. He trusted Luna's familiarity with the place and wanted her to guide him.

As they walked, they arrived at the training ground where the guild had arranged the assessment. It was a stadium with limited seating capacity. Upon entering, David noticed the gaze of numerous onlookers fixed upon them.

The presence of a high-ranking adventurer in such a small town was a significant event, garnering attention from both skeptics and believers.

Although some regarded it as a possible hoax, people had still gathered, hoping to witness something extraordinary. Within the grounds, David's enhanced vision allowed him to clearly observe a small team of adventurers positioned at the center.

One warrior stood armed and armored, flanked by two women dressed in red robes, presumably mages. Behind them, a woman clad in white attire hinted at her role as a healer or support member.

"You go and find a seat," David instructed Luna before making his way towards the group of adventurers.

As he approached, he glanced at the familiar faces of the individuals who had shown up—those two women from the guild, the two men who had mocked him earlier, and more.

However, his attention was drawn to the noble sitting at the center, adorned in a red gown and a distinguished blue suit. Surrounding the noble were mostly members of the guild's leadership, including the vice guild master.

As David walked towards them, he stopped once he reached them, initiating a conversation. David went to introduce himself.

"I am David," he stated, giving his name. "I came from far away, so I don't have an adventurer's license. I made the decision to obtain my license here."

David concluded, hoping that his sudden appearance and request for a high-rank evaluation wouldn't raise any eyebrows.

As he introduced himself, he waited for them to do the same. The warrior, Gareth Ironheart, was the first to speak up.

He nodded and said, "I am Gareth, a seasoned warrior skilled in various forms of combat."

Next, Seraphina Nightshade, one of the mages, introduced herself with a confident smile.

"I am Seraphina, a mage specializing in arcane spells and elemental manipulation. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Aurora Mistral, the other mage, followed suit.

"I'm Aurora. My magical prowess lies in the realm of illusions and enchantments. I can weave spells to deceive and mesmerize."

Lastly, Elara Dawnsworn, the healer and support member of the team, stepped forward.

"I am Elara, a dedicated healer. I possess the ability to mend wounds and provide support to my comrades in battle."

David took note of their introductions, appreciating the diverse set of skills they brought to the team. It seemed like a well-rounded group to undertake the assessment with.

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