Companions (3)

A polished appearance and curly blonde hair.

Height in the mid-160s, with a tall and lanky body.

A rank 8 wizard who was capable of daily life and administration magics, a few curses, and cold magic.

Reol Webb Dwalky.

The more he talked, the more his words stank, practically oozing.

‘Fuck, is he actually a wizard or not?'

I suddenly had such doubts, so I tried to verify, but surprisingly, he was legit.

And looking back, he’d never truly lied.

He’d only said that his aunt’s husband was the third brother of the baron, not that he himself was an aristocrat.

Well, he probably knew where to draw the line.

Impersonating a noble was an unpardonable crime, the sentence being summary execution.

"So how about it? Am I in?"

After much deliberation, it was decided to add him to the team.

"… We will be colleagues from now on."

"Ha ha! That’s good! Because it’s my first time, I wanted to join a team with as many warriors as possible."

His personality was full of bravado and bluff.

And he’d never delved into the labyrinth before.

Although these two were demerits, but…

He was still a wizard.

He didn’t request a higher share, and even said he’d follow orders properly inside the labyrinth, so on balance, he was a decent enough pick.

‘Because nothing comes cheap without reason.'

Moreover, we’d get better applicants if it became known that we had a wizard on the team.

It wasn’t like our recruitment notice would describe our wizard's personality, right?

"Once we recruit the rest of the team, we’ll contact you again."

"I see. Then I'll see you later."

After Dwalky left, the dwarf, who’d been frozen throughout the conversation, let out a long breath.

"Isn’t he great? A wizard, even a nobleman, is so humble… "

I answered with sincerity.

"Hikurod, it’s you who really is the greatest."

I was being a hundred percent sincere.

My life in the city settled into a plain routine after that.

Aside from visiting Raven's lab once a week, I got up every day at 7 am, grabbed a bite to eat, and went straight to the library.


"I’m off then. Have a nice day."


Including last time, I’d been here almost every day for two months, but I’d never had a proper conversation with this lady librarian.


Usually, I simply kept reading till the closing time, going out for a meal break every four hours.

But today, the routine would have to be broken because I had an appointment.

I was about to leave a little earlier than the closing time, when the librarian suddenly started talking to me.

"I have a question."

"… What is it?"

"Why do you always wear armour when you come to the library?"

Oh, that was what she was curious about.

I answered honestly.

"What if I leave it at the inn and someone steals it?"

"… I see, so that’s why."

As soon as she got her answer, the librarian closed her eyes as if she was done.

"I thought you were completely indifferent to others, but you don’t seem to be, huh?"

I felt like I was losing for some reason, so I added a comment, but the librarian showed a slight displeasure on her face.

"I keep getting complaints from the other users. They feel so worried at the sight of you that they can’t read the books calmly."

"… I-, is that so?"

"Yes. If your business here is done, could you please not disturb me anymore and leave?


Yeah, I should just leave so you can get back to your nap, eh?

I wanted to retort, but if she really got annoyed and had me banned, it’d be a headache.

I left the library at a fast, almost running pace, and headed for the meeting place.

It was a little past 9 in the evening when I got there.

"There you are! Bjorn! Why are you so late today!"

"Sorry, it was too small to find."

"Hahaha! More jokes! Come sit down!"

In the evening, I met the dwarf and had a drink together.

Not just today, about three or four times a week.

Of course, it wasn’t to foster our friendship, it was to discuss the team.

"So, how was the guy you met this time?"

"He was a serious and reliable friend."

No, not that.

How were his skills?

"Ah! It wasn't as bad as I’d been worrying it’d be. He’s had a long career as an adventurer, and is an all-rounder with skills for all sorts of situations."


"… So, what do you think?"

After thinking for a while, I nodded, and the dwarf's complexion brightened.

"Haah, that’s good. I was wondering what to do if you didn't like him. There isn’t much time left."

In his sigh, I could hear his pain, as a team leader who was actually only a figurehead[1].

In fact, he was the one who was suffering the most.

Let's praise him more, praise him more.

Praises didn’t cost money, anyway.

"You did a great job, Hikurod. Also, you are a great leader. I'm glad I chose you."

"Ha ha ha! Is that so?"

"Of course. Is there another team leader in this world who respects the team members’ opinions like you do? Don't lose your focus and just keep on doing things the way you are. Then, unlike that idiot who kicked you out, you’ll be a great team leader."

"Ha ha! You’ve been a real help, too, mate! This was my first time in a role like this, so I’d been a bit worried, but I'm glad that I have you with me!"

My heart was overwhelmed at those words.

This dwarf always complained about my frequent interferences. How come he turned into such a great team leader overnight?

"Then, you buy the alcohol today!"

"… Again? Didn't I buy it last time too!"

"Hey, a good team leader shouldn’t be so stingy!"

"Hey, who says I’m stingy…!"

Exactly one week was left before the labyrinth opened.

"Ah, fine, I’ll buy it today! Finally, we’ve got all the team members, is the price of alcohol an issue?"

Finally, the team was complete.

The reality is different from the game.

You can't enter the labyrinth just with a full team, there’re other preparations you need to make separately.

First, everyone in the team has to gather and discuss.

How far to go, where would the main hunting ground be, and – as adventurers who’re all crazy for money – whether the loot distribution ratio is fair.

If no problem arises, you have to go to the guild office to register as an official team, and then work together every day to organize the exploration plan, etc.

‘It passed quickly.'

This has been my busiest week since waking up in Bjorn Yandel's body.

And the long-awaited moment has come.

「You have entered the Crystal Cave on the first floor. 」

The Crystal Cave on the first floor of the labyrinth is covered in brightly coloured spots of light.

"Oh! This is a labyrinth!"

Unlike the days when I’d been solo or at best part of a duo, now there’re five men and women around me.

These are the new team members who’ll be joining us on this journey.

Let's introduce them one by one—


"Ouch! Fuck! My eyes!"

The skinny blond, who cast optical magic before my eyes could adapt, is named Riol Webb Dwalky.

Dwalky the Dunce[2], for short.

"This crazy basta–"

The dwarf cuts my grumbling off.

"Dwalky, save your magic as much as possible."

"Oh, but isn’t it too dark?"

"In the labyrinth, this is already very bright. If it gets really dark, you can light a torch."

"Okay then, I see."

This is a change that’s occurred over time.

The dwarf finally realized that Dwalky isn’t a noble, and began to be more relaxed around him.

And, somehow, they’ve become pretty friendly.

The dwarf pretends to be indifferent, but whenever Dwalky the Dunce does something stupid, he’s there to take care of it.

"Why did you pack so much for the labyrinth? Rookie mistake. Come on, give it to me, I’ll put it in my bag."

"Your meticulous consideration, I will not decline."

While the dwarf is watching over the idiot and taking care of him as usual –

A high-pitched, cheerful voice breaks in.

"Captain, shouldn’t we start moving?"

Misha Karlstein.

As can be seen from the triangular ears growing on her head, she’s a beastkin adventurer.

Twenty-five years old, and on her fifth year as an adventurer.

Her height in his early 170s, and her tall and slender body along with her proud expression creates the impression of an icy beauty, but…

"Stop playing and come on. I want to get to cracking some monster skulls."

She has a strange habit of slightly slurring her words at the end of her speech.

She claims that it’s an unavoidable problem due to the beastkin body structure, but I’ve never seen one with such poor pronunciation before.

Oh, and she has one more trait.

"Ha ha! If Princess says so, we have to march!"

"He! Didn't I tell you not to call me Princess!"

"Still, you’re the daughter of the chieftain of the Red Cat tribe, how could a mere dwarf like me –"

"Shut your trap! You bastard dwarf!"

Misha Karlstein is the princess of one of the five great tribes, the Red Cat tribe.

The thirteenth, or the fifteenth?

I can't remember her actual number in the sequence.

In any case, there’s no need for special treatment or anything like that.

In the first place, she's only a princess by the norm of human society, not a real princess of the beastkin.

Rather, there’s somebody else in the team to be more careful of.

"Murad, stop it. Even if it’s just a joke, you shouldn’t annoy her like that."

Brown Rotmiller.

A human, thirty-four years old.

Although he’s only seventh rank, he has eight years of experience.

No matter how meritocratic the adventurer industry may be, he’s the most experienced among us.

That's why even the dwarf takes a step back every time he says something.

"Hey, was I a little too harsh? I’ll be more careful in the future."

"Serves you right –"

"Same goes for you, Karlstein. I understand you’re angry, but does that justify calling your team leader a bastard?"

"… I was wrong."

Personally, in this team, I like him the best.

In a way, he's the only normal member in this team.

Well, that’s what, unlike the other team members, also makes him difficult to deal with.

"Murad, can we stop delaying any farther and depart?"

"Ah, yes, please."

"From now on, everyone, please follow me."

Dwalky speaks up just as we’re about to start.

"Wait, wouldn’t it be better for Bjorn or Hikurod to take the lead? They’re the warriors… "

"I’ll need help from the third floor onwards, but I’ll be enough by myself till then."

Frankly, I don't know what he's so worried about.

Rotmiller is a professional adventurer.

Who’s survived the labyrinth for eight years.

‘His adventurer rating is low compared to his experience, but… ‘

I rather appreciate that part.

In eight years, he must’ve gone through all sorts of situations, but isn't he still alive and kicking?

Not by virtue of brute force, but by taking advantage of his other diverse talents.

‘That's probably why he’s so serious and inflexible about everything.'

Under Rotmiller’s guidance, we finally reach our destination, occasionally smashing the monsters appear in our way.

To the outermost part of the first floor, often called the Dark Zone.

Despite running all the way via the shortest route without losing our way even once, the portal had already been opened by some other adventurers by the time we reach it.

"I got outpaced this time too."

"Don’t be so hard on yourself. You've done your job without any mistakes."

"Murad, that’s no reason to give up. If you can't resent your own shortcomings, that means your life as an adventurer is over."

"I-, is that so?"

It took us about ten hours to get here, for reference.

After Rotmiller’s passionate speech, I can’t say it out loud, but for a generalist adventurer team like ours, this is already a very good record. We aren’t a speedrunning team specialized in grabbing the portal opening experience, after all.

To be honest, I hadn't expected him to find the portal so easily.

‘He isn’t even a specialist guide, but to think he still found the way so fast…'

I’m anticipating all the other talents he hasn’t had the chance to show off yet.

But in a corner of my heart, a strand of regret blooms.

‘If it were Ainar or Erwen, I would’ve been able to grab the opening experience.'

Dimensional instability.

By using the method that can only be called a ‘bug', it’s possible to grab the portal opening experience without any fuss.

But this is a method that can only be used when the secrecy can be maintained through a ‘promise' or an ‘oath'.

‘Later… Let's save it for later when I have a really reliable team. After all, experience isn’t the limiting factor right now.'

I take a deep breath and shake off the last traces of my regrets.

And the dwarf shouts loudly at the same time.

"C’mon then, let’s go in!"

The dwarf steps into the portal first, and I immediately follow after.

‘Please, I hope nothing big happens this time… ‘

Hm? Isn’t this a bit too windy?

「You have entered the Beasts’ Lair on the second floor. 」

The true journey has just begun.

Editor's Notes:

[1] 바지 팀장 (lit. pants team leader), a nominal leader with no real power. The common usage is 바지사장 (lit. pants boss/CEO). Although it uses similar words as the English phrase ‘wearing the pants (in a relationship)’ the meaning is the opposite. The etymology behind ‘pants’ can found at Namu Wiki.

[2] 드왈키 새키 (Dwalky Saeki), where 새키 (saeki) is short for 새끼 (saekki), bastard.

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