Alex looked at grumpy or angry Xiao Bai with a look of confusion, Up until now she had not shown or cared about any woman around him other than Helen.

That too when Helen wanted to monopolise him, Other than that she always stood by his side without any problem.

But now she looks at Liza with hatred. There was a threat for Liza in her eyes, Which was might be as much as Alia or might even be more than her, When looking at the woman around him.

This realisation threw Alex off guard, He was not sure how he was able to handle it if a powerful S-Rank like her turned Yandere, After all single Alia, Who is the peak B-Rank created enough trouble for him and there is also Belladonna, His so-called after his body.

So he really did not want to have one more S-Rank on his ass to deal with, As his hands were quite full.

"I-I loli, No you."

Xiao Bai separated Liza from Alex with a light push, Then hugged him with her arms looking at Liza, She said in broken English.

'Ohh!! Thank god it was this silly thing.'

Alex seeing her action was quite relieved, As it turns out Xiao Bai had no problem with her brain turning Yandere, She was just jealous that he called someone else Loli.

She might get insecure thinking Alex will not love her anymore if he has a second Loli around him, Which once again shows how childlike her brain works.

This is the same thing many children feel When they see their thing in another child's hand, And she being a territorial beast has this sense of belonging very high making her act like this right now.

Liza did not get angry at Xiao Bai for pushing her aside. Why? Because Xiao Bai is beautiful, So things like this might get someone else to be killed, As she is the head of a super big powerful family, and this might be considered as an attack.

But Xiao Bai got a pass, As Liza treats beautiful people and ugly people too much differently, She can't help it though as like Isabella, She had to pay a price for her superpower. Which is face control.

"Hey!! Who said I am a loli? This guy is an idiot. How can beauty like me be called a childish thing like a Loli? Alex, why did you not call me sexy or hot? Look at these things, They are double D you know, Not many people have it, You know size indeed matters, Stop believing those internet women trying to cope for lack of size."

So she said not to blame Xiao Bai but asked Alex why he did not call anything other than Loli. She held her two deadly weapons in her hands showing them to him, Which couldn't she couldn't even lift properly.

After all, as Loli in the wishfuliment novel, She had received the nutrition of millions of papaya by default granting her this enormous physics-defying twin mountains in exchange for height.

She also has a petite figure making her though look comical with this much of assets but also kinda hot.

Also what she said had kinda truth in it, Sometimes size does, Which is a bitter truth.

But Alex did not want her to win, He knew that once he let someone like her win even once then she will try to get control in her own hand.

This is an annoying part of a Loli, As they try to move towards the tsundere route, If not monitored properly.

Alex did not want to deal with a brain-dead trope like Tsundere, So he quickly decided to shoot her down as soon as possible.

"Yeah but bigger now always means better. Look at Xiao Bai, A proper C-cup, Not too big but not too small, Ideal to hold it in a palm comfortably, Not like those too big ones, Also look at her body, A proper work of art. Small things are small, and Big things are big, Proper curves and -"

"Uhm, Alex, How old is she?"

So Alex decided to talk, Talk a lot to contain the arrogance of this loli but while talking he did not notice the change of expressions around him.

Xiao Bai was happy to hear her praises and had a very happy smile wanting to hear more, By the way she still stuck to him like Koala preventing Liza from getting close to him.

After all, even if Liza said she was not Loli, Xiao Bai did not care about her opinion, She only heard and listened to Alex's words.

Grace on the side was also quite surprised but thinking about the weird world of Alex, She let off of her thoughts, Thinking age might work differently for his world, As now she knows time manipulation is a thing.

But she did not know how rare the time element is. She thought seeing someone casually using it misunderstood that it was an everyday thing.

Liza had the most extreme reaction. After all, among them she is a mature one though does not look like she is a proper adult, And her mind also not be as crazed as other heroines, At least she can think about hypocritical things like morals.

And right now Xiao Bai in her eyes looks like a 14 or 15 years old girl making her think Alex was doing something unthinkable.

"She should be around 12 hours old right now, But keep in mind that it is a safe guess, Rough estimate should be around 6 to 7 hours old."

Alex looked straight into her eyes and answered it. He knew she misunderstood him...well not misunderstood but he did not do anything to Xiao Bai yet.

He can do it and it was not even seen as bad as in the beast case they are considered as mature once they learn to turn into human form, But even if it was bad Liza had no right to judge him.

After all, According to her past actions, she was technically grooming him, It will be like a pot calling kettle black.

"....6 hours old? How stupid do you think I am to believe that?"

Liza was taken aback, Here she thought he would give a proper reasonable age even if it was made up but this guy was just straight-up questioning her IQ. How can one be this big and only be 6 hours old?

She is not that stupid to believe this ridiculous lie.

"Ohh, You don't wanna go there your fragile heart can't handle my estimation of your intelligence, Like right now, I said it in the beginning she is by pet but you still questing me, What do you think what people call this being slow or stupid, I think it is formal."

Alex did not back down and used his sharp tongue to counter her. He really did not want her to turn into Tsundere.

So he directly crushed her with his argument. He already said Xiao Bai is his pet which she might have forgotten about it.

"....She is your contracted beast? Which was born a few hours ago and able to turn into human form? Now you are really not respecting my IQ. There is no way she is as you said, Unless she is one of those in myth- Are you serious!!???"

Liza was not able to process what Alex just revealed to her, As said before legendary rank beasts are just myths, legends in folktales, People did not take them seriously after lots of empresses failed to find one.

So Liza thought Alex once again lied to her but then she saw a look in Alex's eyes, That smug look overfilling with confidence.

This means Alex did not lie to her, This Xiao Bai really is a Legendary rank beast, Well she also quite easily believes the other party is handsome, So she did not need much proof to convince her.

It had to be a mystery how the White family had not collapsed under her command, As this is too easy to exploit weakness.

But to think of another point, She is acting like this because of Alex's charm breaking through the limit of this world. No other person can take advantage of her face-control trait.

"Are you an Idiot??! Why are you telling this to me? This is a secret that should be well kept."

Now that she believes that Xiao Bai is that in myth legendary rank beast, She was annoyed that he told her, Even if there is no enmity between their families, One should not reveal this core secret this casually to anyone.

"Because I trust you, My cute loli."

Alex quickly changed his before-ready-to-argue aura to a soft one and gently said to her in his enchanting voice.

[Ding! +20 Liza's favorability increased for the host (current : 160)]

As his words fell, the system voice also rang in his mind.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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