Chapter 513

Not understanding what it meant to throw stones at each other, Yi-Han looked at the skull principal.

Of course, the skull principal also looked at him as if he didn't understand any less than Yi-Han.

"Which part of the explanation I just gave was difficult for you? You're not a stupid guy, are you?"

"Uh, why do they throw stones at each other?"

"Then why do people play chess, card games, and ball games? Because it's fun, of course."

The skull principal made a clicking sound while looking at Yi-Han pathetically.

"Think about it. Don't you have a single person you want to throw a stone at?"

At that question, Yi-Han unconsciously looked at the skull principal. The skull principal said coldly.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"I looked at you to answer the question. Principal."

"Anyway, it's not that strange to throw stones and relieve the resentment that has built up over time. Of course, it can't be said to be a dignified and intelligent thing to do... But there are many more stupid things happening in the Empire."

The Festival of St. Eaktus proceeded in roughly the following way.

Participants gather together, divide into teams, and then throw stones at each other, and the side that remains standing until the end wins.

'It's a crazy festival.'

Yi-Han regretted scolding Gainando when he said he would hold a detective festival.

Compared to this, the detective festival was an excellent festival.

"Wait. Principal. Even if people outside can't help it, this is a hall of learning and an ivory tower of the Empire's greatest intellects, so surely such a festival won't be held here, right?"

"It's the most popular one."

The most popular.


Yi-Han felt a strong sense of contempt for his seniors.

'Although the Einroguard curriculum is said to be rigorous, it is clearly full of gaps. Doing such useless things.'

"Principal. The seniors still seem to have some free time, so how about increasing the curriculum like me?"

"Do you know that sometimes you give me the creeps when you're sincere?"

Even in front of an evil magic dragon or an imperial inspector, the skull principal didn't particularly get goosebumps, but the madness of this disciple sometimes made the skull principal shudder.

"Junior. I understand the joke, but..."

'It's not a joke.'

"Only a genius like you can endure such a process. Ordinary people would die."

"Even if they die, it's goo..."

"More importantly, it's about the students who will come injured because of the festival."

"Don't quit. Cheer up! You guys can do it!"

The skull principal hypocritically comforted the healing magic students.

This week's festival could be called a nightmare for the healing magic students.

Students injured from throwing stones at each other would flock in...

"Cheer up, seniors. You can do it!"

Yi-Han also cheered on with tact.

Then Phil and Chil smiled weakly and thanked him.

"Thank you."

"But it's fortunate to have a reliable junior like you with us."


Yi-Han felt a strange sense of discomfort from the senior's words.

With us?

"Am I also doing it?"

"Huh? Of course."

"Can I do it?"

"You're already good at . That's enough. You'll have to learn a few more things, but once you've learned that, you'll be able to learn other magics too."

Unlike other 1st-year students learning healing magic, Yi-Han, who could already heal minor lacerations or fractures, could be immediately deployed at full capacity.

The healing magic school, which was already suffering from a shortage of manpower, could not leave Yi-Han alone.

Even though he sensed a tragic fate, Yi-Han tried to resist slightly.

"But seniors, there's magic cast on you by Einroguard that I can't see, right?"

"Here, put on these glasses."

The skull principal kindly put emerald glasses on Yi-Han's face.

It was an artifact that allowed one to see through the powerful perception-inhibiting magic cast on the seniors.

"...Thank you."

Yi-Han seriously considered participating in the Festival of St. Eaktus for a while and throwing some stones.

The demon of the healing room, the talking book, fluttered and shouted at the healing magic school students.

"Make more anesthetic potions! We'll need two more chests!"

The students diligently stacked up the powerful anesthetic potions called .

Originally, the method of making such secret potions was not easily shared, but Professor Alkasis had no particular hesitation in teaching such things to his disciples.

Thanks to that, the students had to work harder to make more difficult potions.

"Stack the regeneration potions over here! Let's do it quickly! We need time to watch the Festival of St. Eaktus too!"

The talking book glanced at the window of the healing room.

Some students were already sporadically throwing stones at each other below.

-Die, you blue worms!-

-The white weasels didn't get hit, so their livers swelled up. Hit them!-

For the talking book, who was a demon, such a festival could only be enjoyable.

Of course, the aftermath was a bit troublesome, but considering the fun, it could be endured.

The Blue Dragon Tower students summoned magic shields in the air to block, and then sent the stones flying with magic.

As if trying to prove that the years they spent learning at Einroguard were not in vain, the stones lying on the ground instantly floated into the air and flew like buckshot.

The White Tiger Tower students reacted a little differently. Instead of defending by casting a force field in the air, they chose to directly avoid by strengthening their own bodies.

As they instantly moved away from the range and avoided the attack, the talking book fluttered its pages and rejoiced.

"Yes, yes! Drive them back!"

Originally, the festival was a festival of throwing stones, but if excellent mages participated, 'throwing stones' would have a more diverse concept.

As the White Tiger Tower students kicked rocks and launched them at the enemy formation like a catapult, one of the Blue Dragon Tower students quickly chanted a spell.

Then the flying rock turned into sand and scattered in the wind and disappeared.

"That spell already! The mana consumption will be heavy... What will they do when the real battle starts?"

As if answering those words, the Black Tortoise Tower students appeared behind the White Tiger Tower students.

The Tortoise Tower students, who had brought magic cannons, began to fire stones at the backs of the White Tiger Tower students.

-Were you bribed by the worms?! You trash bastards!-

-Did you think we would let it slide after you attacked our warehouse last time?-

-You also attacked the worms!-

-They paid compensation. Die!-

"Excellent, excellent!"


"I told you to make potions?"

When called from behind, the talking book turned around as if annoyed.

However, it was not the healing magic school students behind him.

"You? Did you come to talk about Gonadaltes?"

The talking book recognized Yi-Han and was delighted.

Wasn't he the student who had a pleasant conversation last time when he came to the healing room, cursing the skull principal together?

Seeing him come unharmed this time, it was clear that he had come to curse the skull principal again.

"That wouldn't be bad either... But today, I came to work."

"To work?"

The talking book was puzzled.

Although it was a bit awkward for a demon to say such a thing, healing magic was a more dangerous magic if an unskilled mage did it arbitrarily.

In other words, even if they brought a 1st-year student because they lacked manpower, the work could become more troublesome.

"No matter how desperate you are..."

When the talking book looked at Phil and Chil, the two hurriedly shouted.

"That's not it!"

"He can really do his part!"

"I don't think so?"

The talking book asked in a rather stubborn attitude.

"Really, to make a concession, can you heal lacerations?"

Stabbed and cut wounds were one of the common injuries in such festivals.


"Really? What about fracture healing?"

Injuries from broken or sprained bones were also one of the common injuries in such festivals.

It was more difficult than lacerations, but to this extent...

"I can do that too."


The talking book was truly surprised.

If it was to this extent, he might really become a force to be reckoned with.

"What about or magic?"

Phil and Chil hesitated.

They were not confident whether the junior knew how to do that much.

"I don't know how to do that."

When Yi-Han answered instead, the two felt sorry.

"Oh no...!"

"If only we had a little more time...!"

'Huh? Could it be that I'm getting out of it?'

Yi-Han was puzzled by the strangely flowing atmosphere.

If he was sent out like this due to lack of qualifications, he should show as much regret as possible...

"Well, if you already know how to heal lacerations and fractures, you'll quickly learn vitality bestowal or pain anesthesia magic. I'll teach you."


Yi-Han followed behind the talking book, hiding his gloomy expression.

And he succeeded in and at once.

"Ugh, those bastards cowardly put illusions on the stones and hit us...!"

"That's why I told you not to do this damn festival!"

"Still, we can't not do it somehow."

Phil, Chil, and the healing magic students helping them scolded the students who came to the healing room while treating them.

If they were close, sharper criticism was exchanged.

"Aaaah! Anesthesia! Where's the anesthesia?!"

"There's no potion, so endure it."

"What about that over there?!"

"That's a different potion."

"You're doing it on purpose... Aaah!"


Yi-Han's eyes sparkled as he helped on the side.

He thought the healing magic school was a school that only suffered losses, but it had an unexpected strength.

If there was a guy who didn't listen...

"Junior. Bone!"


Yi-Han swung his staff and chanted a spell.

Thanks to the other seniors finishing all the surrounding work, he just had to use mana and attach the bones.

As the bones were attached and the pain disappeared, the injured senior who was lying still stared at Yi-Han.



And suddenly he started having a fit.

"No!! No!!!"


"I can't go to the punishment room now! The magic is undone! Hey! Phil! What are you doing! Help me!"

"...We're doing this with the principal's permission."


The senior who was having a fit suddenly stopped and lay down again with an awkward expression.

"Is... Is that so?"


"Don't keep interrupting. You're going to the punishment room."

Phil warned his friend.

No matter how much permission they had, it was not good for the senior to keep talking to him.

"It will be fine."


Actually, Yi-Han didn't know whether it would be fine or not, but he intended to pick up as much as possible while treating the seniors.

Of course, the situation was not favorable.

"Ouch! These crazy dark mage bastards...! Ambushing with undead??"


"Those guys who use transformation magic should all be locked up in the punishment room! These cowardly bastards disguised themselves as our tower and snuck in...!"


The injured cursed other towers and other schools in various ways.

And whenever they saw Yi-Han, they were startled and had a fit.

"No! Magic! Cast magic on me!"

"If I go to the punishment room, you're coming with me, Chil!"


Yi-Han silently anesthetized pain, healed wounds, and bestowed vitality. If he had spare time, he made potions together with the seniors.

The healing magic seniors who were working next to him looked at Yi-Han with bloodshot eyes.


"You... You're too good for us."

"No, senior."

Instead, Yi-Han cursed the skull principal in his mind.


From a while ago, he kept feeling the flow of mana from his bosom.

He looked at the basilisk, but the basilisk was snoring while tied to his body.

The culprit soon appeared. It was the bundle of paper artifact they had shared at the Tower of Trials.

When he unfolded the paper, someone had already written quite a bit.

-Who's participating in the Festival of St. Eaktus this time?-

-Wardanaz, you're participating too, right?-

-Hey Wardanaz, you're not ignoring me, are you? Did I do something wrong?-

-Ah, you were always busy-

-But Wardanaz, you'll participate, right? You think you'll participate? Wanna bet on something?-

-You're not scared, are you?-

The handwriting was the same, so it seemed to be written by one person. Yi-Han picked up the quill next to him and wrote a reply.

-Anglago. If there's anyone around you participating in the Festival of St. Eaktus, tell them I'll break their legs.-

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