Path of Cultivation

The reaction to Mu Yu’s sarcastic question was divided. A number didn’t react kindly to Mu Yu’s sarcastic question. Others weren’t happy Bai Lang interfered. Mu Yu felt reason was smiling on him. He, therefore, showed no fear. If everyone else copied Bai Lang, they might as well have thrown the rule book out the window.

Bai Lang held his palm and fist together in front of him. “I do admit and apologise for my rash actions. In saying that, had I not intervened, your attack might have taken Xiaohu’s life. We are not supposed to harm each other. Once a clear victor has emerged, we should stop. After all, we should be united against the elemental demons. Hurting each other is only going to swing the advantage in their favour.”

“I see. So what you are saying is Green Pine Sect’s disc-”

“Mu Yu, that’s enough. Bai Lang conceded before he intervened. Human beings designed the rules, so he didn’t break the rules. All we can say is the rules cannot account for context,” interjected Feng Haochen.

For a second, Mu Yu was going to argue. Upon deeper deliberation, he realised his shifu was implying Golden Core Realm cultivators wouldn’t be breaking the rules if Bai Lang didn’t break the rules, and people could intervene as long as it was appropriate. Green Pine Sect designed the rules, implying they could bend the rules to protect their disciples without anyone being able to criticise.

Daoist Qing Song approached Bai Lang with his brows contracted. “Bai Lang, what was that about? Who gave you the authority to break the rules on your own accord?”

Eyes on the ground, Bai Lang stammered, “Shifu, I…”

“Go and reflect on yourself. Brother Feng, I apologise for not teaching my disciple to know better. A loss is a loss. We should all celebrate you having such a talented disciple,” apologised Daoist Qing Song, with a palm-fist salute.

Sitting in his seat, Feng Haochen accepted the apology with a nod. Meanwhile, Mu Yu silently scoffed at the apology. If Daoist Qing Song didn’t tacitly approve of Bai Lang’s intervention, he could’ve stopped his disciple before it was too late. Had he genuinely cared about adherence to the rules, he wouldn’t have waited to put on the act and spout pleasantries. More interestingly, the punishment for breaking rules was just reflecting on himself? It would take an idiot to not realise Daoist Qing Song and his head disciple were acting out a pre-arranged script.

Mu Yu didn’t expose the phonies as he was cognisant of the fact nobody would take his side when the opposition was venerated Daoist Qing Song. Furthermore, Xiaohu’s life was more valued than himself.

The crowd made way for Mu Yu to leave the perimeter of the ring. It didn’t matter if he won thanks to unorthodox tricks or actual skill. The indisputable reality was that he won. It didn’t stop speculation, of course. That being said, there was no sign of any unorthodox tricks behind his unique swordplay and upright aura. Some sharp-eyed individuals had picked up he was the only competitor from Dustfallen Sect. It took time for them to register he won five matches straight. It dawned on them that it was time they re-evaluated their perception of him and Dustfallen Sect.

Mu Yu sat next to Feng Haochen. Feng Haochen tapped Mu Yu on the shoulder. “Why don’t you look happy when you won?”

Mu Yu gritted his teeth. “Shifu, General Manager Xun is dead. Xiaohu plotted his death just because he protected me. Are grey-rank disciples just bodies of flesh for everyone to kick around?”

Taken aback, Feng Haochen heaved a pent-up breath. “I didn’t know about that. I do remember him. He was a competent man. It’s not easy for him to keep such a complicated place so organised. I remember him standing up for you and getting on Xiaohu’s bad side. You’re right about grey-rank disciples. All we can say is, General Manager Xun made the wrong choice.”

The ironic part about General Manager Xun’s death was that an immortal master, an existence he strived to become his entire life, was the one who triggered his death.

“Humans constantly babble about forming a united front against the elemental demons, yet they treat other humans as tools, raising their arms at anyone who crosses them, stabbing their brethren in the back for treasures. If I killed Xiaohu back there, everyone would have despised me even if they found out he killed General Manager Xun for something so petty, and it would solely be because they considered General Manager Xun’s life to be insignificant, would they not?”

Knowing Mu Yu loathed himself for not saving General Manager Xun in time and aware it could impact him negatively in the future, Feng Haochen responded in earnest. “There’s a dark side to the world of cultivation. That’s irrefutable. Still, humility exists. Humans created this world, designed their own rules and maintained order. It wasn’t those scheming humans who achieved those accomplishments, though. It was the cultivators who truly took humanity’s interests to heart who created all of this. Humanity was able to drive the elemental demons away despite the latter overpowering humanity during their peak. We have the cultivators who understand humility to thank for that. We can’t conclude the entire world of cultivation is shrouded in darkness because one or two people have no shame.

“I’ve always told you to consult your conscience when you act. If you don’t feel guilty about it, you’re in the right. If you killed Xiaohu, I would’ve stood by your side even if every cultivator pointed their blades at you as long as you believec you were right. Dustfallen Sect members are to adopt an upright mindset and do what is right. We don’t need the others to acknowledge us.”

Mu Yu gently nodded. It wasn’t always about being unable to take something or do something but not desiring it. He regathered himself after hearing Feng Haochen’s speech. He hadn’t given up on ensuring there was justice to pay for General Manager Xun’s death.

“It takes a lot of courage to commit murder. Think before you act. I can sense your disturbed mind and qi. I can see the grey qi provoking the darkness in you. If I’m correct, it isn’t the first time you’ve experienced it, is it?” noted Feng Haochen.

“Shifu, I…”

Indeed, it was the third time Mu Yu experienced the sensation. He never mentioned it, afraid those around him would keep him at arm’s length and judge him to be a freak. As a result, he avoided his shifu’s gaze.

Feng Haochen expected it to happen. “You don’t need to explain anything. Since I took you in, I don’t want to see the darkness consume you. You have an aptitude for cultivation; use it. Dustfallen Sect requires you to calm your mind. Maintain control over your emotions, and you won’t feel perturbed.”

Mu Yu didn’t know his shifu was aware until then. His shifu seemed to be all-knowing somehow. The rationale behind his aptitude for cultivation wasn’t his potential but his inability to control himself. He wasn’t the only one with an aptitude for cultivation.

As Mu Yu’s mind drifted off to thoughts of Sword Shadow Dust Gale’s significance, Cheng Yan reminded, “Mu Yu, be careful if you’re going to continue. Xiaohu was sent out to sweep the weakest sects. Don’t use him as a representation of Green Pine Sect’s power. They have a number of disciples at Foundation Establishment Realm’s Eighth Layer, and they won’t underestimate you again.”

Mu Yu turned to Cheng Yan. “Senior Brother, you’ve already analysed them all for me, haven’t you?”

Mu Yu knew Cheng Yan’s meticulous personality; he knew his senior wasn’t going to let him haphazardly jump into matches. Cheng Yan preferred to analyse his opponents and strategize around collected information.

Cheng Yan answered, “You’re not the only dark horse. Don’t take the youth carrying the sword on his back from Universe Sect lightly. He’s won all four of his matches.”

Thus, there was another reason to not write off Gu Yitian.

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