Supreme Magus

Chapter 2876 Black Tide (Part 4)

2876 Black Tide (Part 4)

Lith split the silver energy inside him into two identical halves, each forming a stable lightning ring. Solus took one and the silver ring moved inside her body without any discomfort since her energy signature was identical to Lith's.

She combined her Domination with the Hands of Menadion to both keep the Life Maelstrom in check and amplify it as Lith had done, but with no success.

'Fuck! What do you think is the difference between us?' She asked.

'Off the top of my head, a mana organ. My lungs and heart can naturally collect the world energy and ignite it with life force. For me, the hard part is suppressing the fire element and replacing it with a spark of the Life Maelstrom Valeron gave me.

'For you, everything is hard.' Lith took deep breaths, each one collecting great amounts of world energy yet only a small part turned into new Life Maelstrom.

If the energy signature of Valeron the Second became too dilute, the silver lightning would fade so Lith couldn't just inject world energy at will. He also had to provide a spark of his own life force after purging it of his energy signature so that it would be assimilated by Valeron's.

It added one layer of difficulty too many for someone who was attempting such a difficult procedure for the second time and once again during a battle.

Solus tried to replicate his technique with the emerald gem of the Hands but only one of the two gauntlets had it. The spark of life force flowed from one hand just to crash into the other which was incapable of channelling it.

'I guess you are right.' She inwardly sighed. 'Still, it was worth a shot. Be careful out there. My safe word is the same as Bodya's.'

'It's not funny!' Lith grumbled and fire burst from under his scales. 'Be careful as well and remember that our role here is to stall the Black Tide.'

Many times Inxialot had discovered that he had no use for the nameless items he had stored inside his dimensional amulet simply because he was supposed to sell them.

He had lost clients and wasted priceless ingredients before caring enough about the issue to find a solution. Keeping a ledger was pointless since Inxialot would forget about its purpose and use it as a notebook for his experiments.

The first cube opened its dimensional subspace, releasing a mountain of skeletons whose flesh had been replaced with Orichalcum. Their right hand had been fused with an Adamant blade while the left with a shield.

The second cube, instead, released Inxialot's Necromancy spell, Spare Parts. The magic imbued in the cube contained everything that the Lich had learned about swordsmanship from his victims.

Whenever a Lich fed upon an enemy, they would inherit their abilities until the stolen life force was spent or the Lich forgot about them. In Inxialot's case, he had excised the extra life force whenever he fed upon a warrior and sealed it inside the cube while it was still fresh.

The Orichalcum stored and channeled the muscle memory stored inside Spare Parts while the darkness element flooded the skeletons, turning them into Dread Knights. The newborn undead retained most of the skills and magic mastery of their originals, making them a force to be reckoned with.

Also, Spare Parts made the undead see everyone but the other Dread Knights as Inxialot while the Lich King himself was invisible to their eyes. The undead fought against the monsters surrounding them with fury and an unquenchable thirst for revenge, reliving their final moments over and over.

For each Lich King they felled, ten more rose to take his place but the Dread Knights didn't falter. Their rage was unending and they would keep fighting until the final iota of the power animating them was spent.

"What am I supposed to do, exactly?" Inxialot stood calmly between the Dread Knights, waiting for instructions before starting to prepare his spells.

"To host a party." Raagu snarled, her voice coated with sarcasm.

"Really?" He gasped in shock as the ground below his feet turned into mud from the monster blood spilled by the unwitting allies.

"No, you idiot! You are inside a monster tide. Keep them busy until I tell you to fall back." The human representative hung up the call and kept flying back.

She had one magic circle in front of each of her fingers plus one behind her back. Raagu unleashed a magical formation just to wave another immediately after. Each array had the power of multiple tier five spells combined together and it affected the entire area it covered.

Yet not only would the magical formations last solely a couple of seconds, but also if not for her flight spell, Raagu would have been killed one hundred times already.

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