Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 89 - Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Strength Beyond Levels (Five more chapters, please subscribe)

Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Strength Beyond Levels (Five more chapters, please subscribe)

The saying goes, “the shorter the weapon, the greater the danger,” and ancient assassins most commonly used stabbing techniques, even naming them after such moves.

In close combat, the effect of stabbing or thrusting is far greater than that of slashing or chopping, which might look fierce.

And indeed, “the longer, the stronger.” Among ancient military units, Spearmen were the most famous and practical.

With just a little training and learning a stabbing technique, Spearmen could go to battle. By using their length and the advantage of group fighting, enemies with swords and other weapons couldn’t even get close, and a chaotic barrage of spears would turn them into a hornet’s nest.

Therefore, aside from specialized troops like archers, shield-sword soldiers, and Cavalry, the stab of a Spearman was the main melody of melee combat on the Cold Weapons battlefield.

Even in the early stages of firearms, there was the bayonet, a weapon combining the advantages of both daggers and guns.

Hence, stabbing techniques are the most practical and the most ruthless skills.

This skill is not difficult to pick up, but very difficult to master.

Lin Shen tried over and over again, but his success rate was not high.

Fortunately, the targets provided by Wei Wufu were marked with scoring lines like a dartboard, and Lin Shen treated the practice like a game, never finding it boring.

As he kept practicing, Lin Shen began to feel something strange.

Previously, the more he practiced, the heavier it felt, and soon his arms would become so sore that he couldn’t lift them.

But today was different, he felt as if it was getting lighter with more practice. The formerly heavy Death Powder now felt like it was decreasing in weight in his hands, becoming lighter and making his training easier.

“Is the Death Powder causing this?” At first, Lin Shen thought it was an issue with the Death Powder, but he soon realized that wasn’t the case.

Lin Shen suddenly remembered that the Boundless Strength Contract he signed was with the Death Powder; as long as he had the Death Powder with him, his strength would increase as the weight of the Death Powder increased.

“That explains it,” Lin Shen realized the Boundless Strength Contract was taking effect. The weight of the Death Powder had increased, so his own strength had also improved. That’s why the Death Powder felt lighter in his hands, and it wasn’t behaving oddly.

To test his theory, Lin Shen reached for Wei Wufu’s trident. The weight of the trident was similar to that of the Death Powder, maybe a bit heavier, but not much.

Now holding the trident, Lin Shen felt much more at ease than before. It didn’t feel so heavy; he easily lifted it with one hand gripping the end of the Death Powder.

“This Boundless Strength Contract is great. Exactly how much strength did it add? Definitely more than 11 points, right?” Lin Shen was thrilled.

If the Death Powder could keep increasing in weight, then his strength could also keep increasing indefinitely. Maybe by the time he reached Steel Level, he could possess strength comparable to a Crystal-based Creature.

Just thinking about being at Steel Level and crushing the skulls of Crystal-based Creatures with a punch filled Lin Shen with exhilaration.

Of course, that was just Lin Shen’s imagination, and he had no idea if the Death Powder could continue to grow and increase its weight.

With such formidable strength, Lin Shen found his training much easier.

However, he didn’t dare to show it. For one, he didn’t want others to know about this BUG-like ability and become a target of interest.

Secondly, he was afraid that Wei Wufu would increase his training intensity. His current strength already far exceeded his level, and there was no need to train strength further; practicing his technique was enough.

Seeing Wei Wufu concentrating on practicing Base Mutation on the other side, and not looking his way, Lin Shen put down the trident and continued to practice stabbing with the Death Powder.

He didn’t use his strength to forcibly control accuracy, still purely practicing technique, using explosive strength and inertia to repeatedly aim for the center of the target.

Lu Family.

“Uncle Li, how is the investigation I asked you to do?” Lu Qing was somewhat anxious, wanting to know where Lin Shen had gone.

“I have found out…” Uncle Li hesitated a bit.

“Did something happen to Lin Shen?” Seeing Uncle Li’s expression, Lu Qing’s first thought was that something had happened to Lin Shen, and she felt uneasy.

“No, Lin Shen is fine. He’s right here in our base,” Uncle Li said.

“Where is he staying now?” Lu Qing asked impatiently.

“He’s currently living at the Ye Family,” Li sighed.

“The Ye Family? Which Ye Family?” Lu Qing didn’t immediately grasp what he was saying because it had never crossed her mind that Lin Shen would be staying at Ye Yuzhen’s home.

“It’s Miss Ye’s house.”

“Miss Ye? You mean Ye Yuzhen?” Lu Qing found it hard to believe and couldn’t help but widen her eyes.


“How is that possible? How could Lin Shen possibly be staying at Ye Yuzhen’s house? Why would he be there?” Lu Qing still found it unbelievable.

Li sighed, “I’ve already had someone check, and it’s confirmed that Lin Shen is indeed living at the Ye Family’s place, and it’s not just recently. Before you went to that planet, he had already been living at the Ye Family’s house. Some people even saw him and Miss Ye getting quite close, their relationship seems to be rather unusual.”

“Lin Shen… Ye Yuzhen…” Lu Qing could only feel her mind exploding with the force of a thunderclap, leaving her dazed for a long while.

Scenes from the past flashed through Lu Qing’s mind like scenes in a movie.

“What’s so good about Lin Shen? He’s over twenty and hasn’t even completed his Base Mutation. You won’t have to protect him in the future, will you?”

“Look at him, idling his life away with eating, drinking, and merrymaking, neglecting proper endeavors. Do you really want to spend your lifetime with someone like that? Even if you’re willing, would your family agree?”

“He hasn’t come to see you since you’ve been back for so long, has he? Don’t be foolish. If he cared about you, how could he not have come to find you after such a long time?”

Thinking of the things Ye Yuzhen used to say, Lu Qing felt her blood rushing to her head, causing a dizzy spell.

“The nerve of you, Ye Yuzhen, I treated you as my best friend, and you did this to me. Are you even human?” Lu Qing felt like she was about to explode with rage.

She couldn’t stand Ye Yuzhen’s betrayal and was even more unable to accept that she had been deceived so thoroughly.

“Miss, are you alright?” Li, seeing that Lu Qing had turned extremely pale and appeared somewhat out of it, asked worriedly.

“I’m fine, Uncle Li, please go back. I need to go out for a bit.” Grinding her teeth, Lu Qing dashed out. She had to find Ye Yuzhen and ask why she had done this to her, where she had gone wrong.

In the small martial arts training yard, after having finished her boxing practice, Ye Yuzhen was drinking water and resting on the side, yet her eyes frequently glanced towards Lin Shen.

She had met Lin Shen at the same time as Lu Qing when they went to Dark Bird Base together, and her impression of him was now very different from what it was back then.

Back then, Lin Shen never took anything seriously. When chasing Lu Qing, he took them both to enjoy all sorts of pleasures, but he just didn’t like to practice martial arts and had never been seen taking his cultivation this seriously.

Suddenly, Lin Shen, who was practicing his spear techniques, stopped and walked straight towards her.

Ye Yuzhen’s heart fluttered in a panic, feeling like a little girl caught peeking at something forbidden, unable to meet Lin Shen’s eyes, she averted her gaze to the side and pretended to drink water.

But Lin Shen kept walking until he was right in front of Ye Yuzhen, almost face to face, and yet showed no sign of stopping.

“What are you doing?” Ye Yuzhen used her hand to press against Lin Shen’s chest to stop him from getting closer, her voice a mixture of panic and confusion.

However, Lin Shen brought his lips close to her ear and said with a teasing smile, “If you keep looking at me like that, you’ll make me think you’re already so infatuated with me that you can’t extricate yourself and you can’t fit anyone else in your eyes but me.”

“Pfft, infatuated with you? Don’t flatter yourself,” Ye Yuzhen, flustered and annoyed, tried to push Lin Shen away.

But she felt a tightening around her waist as strong arms wrapped around it, forcing her body to lean forward and bringing their bodies intimately close.

Face to face, they could clearly feel each other’s breath, their gazes intimately communicating, the atmosphere becoming charged with an unusual sense of intimacy.

Ye Yuzhen’s heart raced, her cheeks flushed with color, and her breathing became rapid and uneasy.

“Bang!” The doors to the training yard suddenly swung open with a loud crash. Lu Qing stormed in, glaring angrily at the two, her beautiful eyes nearly shooting flames.

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